Ruby Shadows (Born to Darkness #3)(101)

“No,” he said calmly. “I can find you a sentient creature to kill if you wish. Maybe one of the lesser imps that Belial keeps around the Citadel to run errands? If you do it correctly, the killing can be quick and painless.”

I thought of Bobbin with his tiny cloven hooves…his sharp little horns and shy smile. Though I had been filled with murderous intent towards Keisha’s pimp just a few minutes ago, the idea of killing anyone, especially the cute little imp, left me cold.

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “No, I can’t do that. I won’t.”

Laish shrugged. “Well, I am uncertain what else you could do. If we were in a lesser circle of Hell you might be able to steal something you coveted to pay the tax. But this close to the center of the Infernal Realm I am afraid a larger sin is required—a more concrete transgression. Besides, if you steal from the wrong merchant here, you could wind up losing a hand. That would not be pleasant.”

“No, it wouldn’t,” I agreed fervently.

“What is it, Gwendolyn?” He lifted my chin and looked at me intently. “Is it that you still fear me? Or that you dislike me now?”

“I wasn’t too happy with you for a while there. But…no, it’s not that anymore.” Not after what I’d seen in the mirror. I knew that he felt for me now and I was beginning to think I felt something for him, too. How or why was a mystery to us both but I couldn’t be mad at him for not understanding what was between us when I didn’t understand it myself.

“Do you fear that I cannot help you pay the tax without taking your virginity?” Laish asked softly.

“Well…yes, I guess so.” I imagined him between my legs, entering me and I could feel my heart pounding in every part of my body—even my fingertips. It seemed to shake me with its beating and I couldn’t get a deep enough breath.

“It may yet come to that, Gwendolyn,” he murmured, keeping his eyes locked with mine. “But it need not yet—not here. I do not know what we may have to do in order to breach the barrier that stands between the Sunless Sea and the Abyss, but here and now, I am quite certain that I can help you pay the tax while keeping your innocence—at least a little longer.”

“You…you can?” I whispered, licking my lips nervously. “I mean…how?”

“Easily.” A slow smile spread across his sensuous lips. “You need only let me taste you.”

I knew what he meant at once and the very thought of it made my cheeks hot and my hands shake.

“I…you…” I looked down at my fingers which were twisted in my lap. “You really want to do that, don’t you?”

Laish lifted my chin and looked into my eyes.

“To spread your soft little cunt lips with my tongue and explore your hidden pleasures with my mouth? To taste your sweet honey right from the source? I want that more than anything, mon ange.”

“I…” I found I was tongue-tied again. I knew he liked my scent and my taste—he’d said it to me more than once. Yet, I’d never had a man down there, between my legs, and the very idea seemed so forbidden and wrong and sensual and hot all at the same time I felt like I was twisted in knots inside.

“We can take things slowly,” Laish murmured, stroking my hot cheek with his long fingers. “We can start with a simple kiss if you like.”

“Just…just a kiss?” I asked, looking up at him.

He nodded. “Just a kiss. I will not even need to remove your panties—to begin with, anyway.”

I thought about it for a moment. The idea of having him kiss me down there with my panties still on, not even touching bare skin, seemed a lot less scary than the idea of taking everything off and letting him dive right in, as it were.

“Well…” I hesitated and Laish was silent, not pressuring me, letting me make up my mind. “Just a kiss, then,” I said at last, nodding. “Just to let me know…know what it’s like.”

“Of course.” I had expected him to carry me off to the bedroom and go for it right away. Instead he surprised me by pulling me close and taking my mouth with his. Softly and gently he parted my lips with his tongue, stroking my cheek with his fingertips as he tasted my mouth.

I felt myself melting against him because I knew what he was doing—he was showing me exactly how gentle he could be. He was letting me know what I could expect from him and it was all tenderness and patience.

“Goddess,” I whispered at last, panting, when he drew back and looked me in the eyes. “You really know how to make a girl crazy.”

A little grin touched the corner of his mouth.

“I’ve barely begun, mon ange. Will you allow me to kiss you elsewhere now?”

I nibbled my lower lip where I could still feel the soft press of his mouth.

“I…I guess so.”

“Thank you—you honor me with your trust.”

Slowly, he slid off the couch and settled on the floor in front of me.

“What—right here?” I asked, feeling uncertain all over again. “You don’t want to take me to the bedroom? Where it’s, uh, nice and dark?”

“No.” Laish shook his head firmly. “I wish to see you, mon ange—want to watch your face as I taste your sweet *. And I want you to watch while I do it—that will make your pleasure even more intense. It should also allay some of your fear because you will be able to see exactly what I am doing.”

Evangeline Anderson's Books