Rough, Raw, and Ready (Rough Riders #5)(28)
“Yes, honey, that’s the baby.”
“Mine baby.”
Her smile softened and she lovingly brushed the curls from his face. “Yep, he’s your baby.”
“You already know the sex of that one?”
“Even if the ultrasound hadn’t confirmed it, I’d be pretty safe in planning for another boy. Kade’s the only one who’s produced a girl so far.”
“Mama, Mama!”
“What, sweetie?”
Gib looked over at Chassie, challenging, “Mine mama,” and threw himself at his mother.
Channing laughed with delight and hugged him close, kissing his rosy cheeks until that sweet, innocent, boyish giggle burst free again.
“He’s a little territorial, isn’t he?”
“Comes by it naturally. He gets it from his father.” She stood and planted Gib on her hip. “Let’s have a snack, hmm?”
For the remainder of the afternoon and early evening, Chassie was glad for the distraction of the rambunctious boy.
Chassie could tell Channing was tired and she felt guilty the pregnant mother elected to stay up with her after Gib finally conked out.
“Colby should be home any minute.”
“Then you should go to bed. I’ll be fine waiting up alone. Really.”
“I know you will. But I’d like to see my husband while I’m still conscious.”
Channing closed her eyes and leaned her head back. “Did you call Trevor?”
“Does he know where you are?”
“He thinks I’m in Wheatland at a bridal shower.” Chassie braced herself for Channing to gently suggest she call him, but Channing didn’t say a word.
Chassie stared at the fire, trying not to think about how much her life had changed in one short day.
Tick. Tick. Tick. The minute hand on the clock clicked and the bell dinged. Yippee.
She’d managed to kill thirty minutes.
She was sure Channing had fallen asleep, so she was surprised when Channing murmured, “You really should watch them together. When they’re naked in body and soul. It’s as heartbreaking as it is beautiful. Then you’ll understand. Then you’ll do the right thing.”
Watch who? Understand what?
The front door opened. Boots hit the tile and Colby strolled into the living room.
Channing’s eyes blinked open. She appeared sleep-dazed for a second until she saw Colby. Then she smiled widely and pushed to her feet.
“Hey, shug, no need to get up. But since you are…” Colby leaned down and kissed her. Thoroughly. “Mmm. Missed you today, darlin’. How you feelin’?” He placed his big hands on her belly.
“Tired. This baby’s been twisting like he’s on a bull.”
“Poor Mama, cookin’ up another wild cowboy.” Colby rubbed circles on the baby bump. “Gib in bed?”
“He wasn’t happy you weren’t here to tuck him in and play horsy. But he settled for Chassie reading to him.”
Colby finally looked at her. “Hey, Chass.”
“I’m off to bed so you two can talk.” Channing gave Chassie a wan smile. “Try to get some sleep tonight, okay?”
“I’ll try. Thanks for lettin’ me just barge in and cry on your shoulder.”
“No problem. That’s what family is for.”
Family. Maybe for the first time she really thought of Channing as her family too.
Colby said to Chassie, “Hang tight. I could use a beer, you?”
“Why don’t you get them while I tuck my wife in. I’ll be back in a bit.”
Ten minutes later Colby returned. He tossed another log on the fire before he flopped across from her. He knocked back a drink of beer and sighed.
“Long day?” Chassie noticed Colby looked unusually exhausted.
“I hate bein’ away from Channing because I know she’s doin’ stuff she ain’t supposed to when I ain’t keepin’ an eye on her.”
“Is everything okay with the pregnancy?”
Colby swigged his beer. “She’s already had some contractions. Some spotting. She’s not even supposed to be liftin’ Gib, and that’s the hardest thing for her not to do. She says it’s normal, but I worry.”
Shame swamped Chassie for busting in on Channing without warning and monopolizing her time. “I didn’t know. I wouldn’t have—”
“I’m glad you were here. Havin’ company is a treat for her. Chan’s been housebound with this pregnancy and Gib can be a real pistol.”
“He definitely has energy to spare.”
“That’s my boy.” Colby’s grin was there and gone.
The logs in the fireplace crackled.
“I’m whupped, so let’s get to it. When did Edgard show up?”
“Two weeks ago.” Chassie purposely droned on so this retelling had less tears, figuring Colby wouldn’t appreciate them. Truth be told, she hated to cry. It was so damn pointless, it changed nothing.
Lorelei James's Books
- Where Shadows Meet
- Destiny Mine (Tormentor Mine #3)
- A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)
- Save the Date
- Part-Time Lover (Part-Time Lover #1)
- My Plain Jane (The Lady Janies #2)
- Getting Schooled (Getting Some #1)
- Midnight Wolf (Shifters Unbound #11)
- Speakeasy (True North #5)
- The Good Luck Sister (Wildstone #1.5)