Rough Rhythm: A Made in Jersey Novella (1001 Dark Nights)(33)

But today…today his urges were dealing in specifics.

He stopped in the doorway of Lita’s second bedroom, his gaze tracing the line of her neck, the toned muscles of her back as she played the drums. Christ, how had he managed to keep her? Her beauty couldn’t be described and it only increased with every passing day. He knew that for a fact because he never stopped looking at her. Couldn’t force himself to look away.

The amazing part being…Lita was usually looking right back at him. They’d started a tradition of sorts, when James’s old worries crept up after a particularly hard session in bed. When he looked at her disheveled state and wondered if he’d been right before. That he was bad for her. Not that she allowed his thoughts to get far, usually climbing on him and making him talk. Express his worries out loud. Their tradition had started with him, during that empty month in the Modesto motel room when he thought living without Lita was his only option. When his memories of her were the only thing keeping him sane. Now, he shared them with Lita. He recounted things she’d done and forgotten about, but of which he remembered every detail. That time she’d bought parachute pants and given the entire band, including him, the silent treatment for laughing. That time she’d skinned her knee stage diving so badly it needed stiches and he’d carried her a mile to the hospital because the fans were blocking the road and thus, the ambulance. The way she’d cried into his chest the whole way, breaking his heart in half. That time she’d bought him a bow tie for Christmas that squirted water, and he’d actually worn it with a straight face. The way she’d looked so pleased he’d almost broken down and kissed the life out of her.

Now, James narrowed his eyes on Lita. Had she shivered? Or was that his imagination? Secure in the music disguising any noises he would make, James lowered the zipper of his jeans and gave his growing cock room to extend. Knowing what would come next, a tremor moved through his hands before they went steady. Still and ready.

When he reached over to flip off the overhead light, a cut-off scream from Lita found his ears. “Who’s ther—”

His hand clamped over her mouth. He dragged her off the stool, knocking it onto its side in the process. She kicked and twisted, struggling to get free, but James held fast, grunting when her heel connected with a shin. “Who’s there?” He spun her around, pushing her body back against the closest wall. “The man who fits, little girl. That’s who.”

James settled his open mouth against her neck’s pulse, licking the unruly flutter. Both of her wrists were manacled in one hand and pinned over her head, freeing the other to reach beneath her skirt and divest her of underwear with a tearing sound. Having her * bare always made her kick up a fuss and this time was no different, her body bucking and writhing, an unwilling prisoner. The force of her struggle sent her hips bouncing off the wall, right back into his, where his cock waited for the contact. “Stop.” she whimpered. “Please.”

His mouth raked over her cleavage as he fisted his dick. “Save some of that begging for when you really need it.” He dragged the head of his erection through her slick folds before surging up in one savage move to fill Lita, her piercing scream ringing in his ears. “Now. Now would be a good time to beg.”

“Please. No.”

Releasing her bound limbs, James jerked Lita’s knees up around his hips and took her screaming against the wall, gritting his teeth against the smarting pain of her slapping hands…the dark satisfaction that followed in short order when she stopped resisting and her body began undulating in time with his merciless drives. Her moaning and wetness and sweat and f*ck. All of her. Everything.

“You fight me, but your body needs punishing, doesn’t it? You love it.” He cupped her bottom, parting her cheeks in an attempt to get even deeper. “You love me?”

Her nod was uneven, green eyes glassy, but fierce. “Yes. Yes.” She clung to his shoulders as her body started to shudder. “I love you.”

James followed her over the edge. “I love you, too. God, I love you so much.”

Minutes later, the perspiration cooling on their bodies, James gathered Lita close as possible on the bed and whispered another memory into her ear. About the time he watched her eat chocolate donuts. How she’d looked so brave.


Tessa Bailey's Books