Return to Virgin River (Virgin River #19)(29)

“Think about it? For a week? Give me a chance?”

“Are you listening? The last time you decided acting was more important than marriage, you walked away and it hurt. You said you’d be back in a few days and it was months. When you ask me to think about us, what do you think comes to mind? Maybe the guy in the towel who you passed off as a roommate you weren’t romantically involved with? I never bought that...”

“It was true! There were men and women sharing that house. There were lots of different houses and roommates; there were lots of starving artists who doubled up because that was the only way I could afford to stay in LA. It can’t hurt anything to think about putting it back together.”

“I’m exhausted. I can’t talk about it anymore tonight. I need some sleep and so do you.”

“All I want is for you to give it fair consideration.”

“Don’t you have a job to get to? A play?”

“It’s not even a good play,” she said. “I’d give it up in a heartbeat.”

“I’ll be honest with you, Laura. There’s about a one in a million chance I’m going to try to resurrect a dead marriage.”

“I never thought of it as dead,” she said.

You have a funny way of showing it, he wanted to say. Instead he said, “Time to sleep. I’ll take the couch. I have to leave early tomorrow for Grace Valley. I have to set up my booth.”

“Kiss me good-night?” she asked.

“Oh, come on,” he said. “Love and a desire to be partners isn’t a switch you turn on and off! You don’t sashay in here and declare you’ve changed your mind after about ten years and expect me to fall in line! Everything isn’t all about you, Laura. All about what you want. I have feelings, too.”

“I hurt you,” she said. “I’m so sorry. I’d like a chance to make it up to you.”

“Not tonight,” he said. “I had a very long day. And I’m going to have another one tomorrow. Let’s get some sleep.”

She left the kitchen reluctantly, but she kept the door to the bedroom open.

Of course, he couldn’t sleep. That couch never felt like it had so many lumps before. 5:00 a.m. had never come so early. He used the powder room to wash up and dress. He brewed coffee. He turned the bright overhead light on in his bedroom and she stirred. She sat up, rubbing her eyes.

“I’m leaving for the fair. You should go back to San Francisco. I’ll give you a call later this week.”


KAYLEE HAD NO idea what had gone on at Landry’s house. The sound of Landry’s truck pulling into his drive late the night before was unmistakable and she peeked out the window just in time to see the lights go out; she heard the truck door slam. She was up late, as usual, and didn’t hear him leave in the morning but when she took her coffee cup out to the porch, the truck was gone. Laura’s car was still there, however.

Time to be honest with yourself, Kaylee, she thought. She had developed a bit of a crush on Landry. She thought about him more often than she liked to admit. She looked forward to the evenings, always a little prepared to share dinner. She was thrilled when he suggested she come to the street fair; she thought that meant he liked her in a slightly more than casual way, even if there hadn’t been any obvious signs of affection.

She decided it was more important than ever to keep her routine, so she got ready for a nice long walk. When she was past his house by quite a distance, she heard the pitter-patter of feet. She turned around to see Otis sitting at attention behind her. She walked on, then stopped and turned again. He sat at attention, waiting. She walked on once more and looked back again. She chuckled. “Okay,” she said. His ears perked. “Come,” she said. And the dog smiled and trotted toward her. “What? Were you a little lonely? Well, me, too. Come. Heel.” He walked at her side, the perfect gentleman. She was amazed to think that a month ago this simple action would have caused her to shiver and shake.

Every day her walks became more enjoyable because of the changing colors, the aspen, maple, oak and other trees she couldn’t identify. The yellow and orange rose up the mountainside, growing more intense as the elevation was greater while the valleys remained green and lush. While she loved Newport Beach and appreciated its beauty, there was something about these powerful trees and mountains that filled her with hope. The air was so fresh up here, it almost shocked the lungs to take a deep breath.

When they got back to the front of Landry’s house she told Otis to go to his place. He cocked his head and looked up at her as if hoping for a second chance. “Place,” she said again, and she watched as Otis went around to the side of the house, easily jumped the fence to the backyard and presumably used his doggy door to go inside and find his mat. She just shook her head. She was beginning to understand how a person could find good companionship with a well-behaved dog.

She went to town and tried writing at Jack’s for a while. It was Sunday and quiet, but it was hunting season so the rest of the week would see plenty of hunters in the bar, just not on Sunday afternoon. She’d come to understand that they did most of their hunting early in the morning, celebrating afterward, the majority of them leaving on Sunday evening. She’d already gotten used to seeing them at the dinner hour, after the hunting was done. Jack wasn’t even there now. Preacher’s wife, Paige, was working behind the bar, and their son, Christopher, was helping out, wiping off tables and bringing plates and glasses to the back. She ordered a sandwich and just hung out with her laptop open as if she was working, which she was not. Unfortunately, no one interrupted her.

Robyn Carr's Books