Resisting Mr. Kane (London Mister #2)(90)

I let out a weak snort. “They ran out of horse tartare so I ended up going for the beef hotpot.”

When he leans over to kiss my forehead I stiffen but don’t pull away.

He leans so close to my ear, for a moment I think he’s going to kiss it. “I love you, Elly. I fall a little more in love with you every day. Don’t give up on us.”

Rustling on the other side of the curtain snaps me out of my daze.

“I think they are wrapping up,” I hear Megan’s whisper on the other side of the curtain.

Good,” Frank mutters. “Because it’s nearly into penalties.”



Elly was released from hospital this afternoon. Now she has the rest of the week off on sick leave. She’s still requesting I give her space. I should be handed a medal for my restraint in not pounding down her door. It’s killing me not being able to see her.

Instead, I spend my free time researching ways to control IBD. The responses range from prescribed drugs to healers, fortune tellers, and magic potions. She was right, there is no magic cure, no quick fix. This will take time. But it’s time I’m willing to invest. Especially since this is all my fault.

At least she let me move her into one of Jack's apartments. It’s near the hospital in Waterloo where she has been referred to as an outpatient. I know she must be bad if she’s so fearful of being on public transport she swallowed her pride and let me relocate her. I fibbed and said Madison healthcare would cover it.

Megan needed no convincing to move into the penthouse apartment and I think Elly didn’t have the strength to fight her.

Considering my thoughts are preoccupied with Elly, I’m mildly regretting agreeing to take Mum out for dinner this evening but it’s already too late. George has picked her up from St. Albans and he’s on his way to my apartment.

“Daniel,” I call down the hallway. “Are you ready for dinner with Granny?”

“Almost,” he shouts back from his bedroom. I walk down the hall and knock once on the door then push it open. He’s naked except for a superman cape around his shoulders. Bloody hell.

“That’s not what I would call almost.” I shake my head, stifling a laugh. I would let him away with blue murder right now so long as I can see him. I had to beg Gemina. “Can you get dressed please into something sensible? She'll be here any minute now.”

He pulls the cape off with a flourish and sets it over a pile of something colourful on the ground.

I frown, bending down to find a bag of sweets under it.

“Where did you get those?” I ask sharply. That's way too much sugar for him.

“I got them at the supermarket,” he says in a small voice.

“I didn’t buy them for you,” I say, assessing the volume. He’s allowed one maximum on a treat day. Gemina wouldn’t buy him this much either. “Where did you get them?”

He bites his lip nervously and drops his head.

“Daniel,” I say calmly. “Did you take these without asking me?”

He shrugs. “Got them in the supermarket.”

I take a deep breath. “Did you walk out without paying for these?”

He looks back at me sullenly.

“Bloody hell,” I mutter under my breath. I’m raising a criminal. This is how it all starts. One minute he’s stealing sugary snacks, the next thing he’s leading military coups. What am I doing wrong here? Is this normal for a seven-year-old?

“Didn’t I teach you not to steal?” I run my hand over the back of my neck. “Do we need to have some more conversations about right and wrong? Tomorrow we’re going to the supermarket, and you will explain what you’ve done. Then you’ll pay this back from your pocket money. Granny will not be pleased.”

His eyes widen. “Don’t tell Granny Kane!” he cries, thrashing his arms about. I knew that would do the trick. Granny Kane is as scary as Mrs. Maguire.

“This is the second time you’ve stolen something.” I come down to his level. Maybe we need to change counsellors. “You stole the pills from Elly’s bag. I’m very disappointed in you.”

“No, I didn’t!” He stamps his foot in a ridiculous show of defence.

“And now you lie to me?” Now I’m really disappointed. “That’s it, you’re not going to Matt’s birthday party on Saturday. You leave me with no choice if you can’t tell the truth.”

“That’s not fair!” he wails, his face going red. His tiny hands ball into fists. “I didn’t steal Elly’s pills! They were at Mum’s house, so it wasn’t stealing.”

I stare at him, confused. “What do you mean you found them at Mum’s house? They came from Elly’s bag.”

“No, they didn’t.” His bottom lip quivers at the injustice of being questioned over his actions. If I don’t handle this carefully this will be a full blown tantrum. “Mum said you would be upset if you knew and told me to say yes when anyone asked me if I got them from Elly’s bag. I wanted to see why Mum liked them. Am I in trouble?”

The blood drains from my face.

“For stealing, yes,” I say in a measured voice, putting my arm around his shoulders. “We shouldn’t keep secrets from each other, do you understand? I’ll explain that to your mother.”

Rosa Lucas's Books