Resisting Mr. Kane (London Mister #2)(82)

I blow my nose loudly. “I’ve never seen him this angry. At anyone, never mind me.”

She sits down quickly beside me and wraps her arm around me. “Give him time. I’ve never seen him so unhinged. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tristan cry. He’ll realise his anger is misplaced.”

My jaw quivers. “It doesn’t matter, though. He’ll never forgive me if Gemina refuses visitation rights.”

I can tell by her face she’s worried about that too.

“How can she though?” I stare at her through tears. “Surely he has some rights? He brought up Daniel and his name is on the birth certificate, right?”

She frowns and doesn’t speak for a long moment.

“It sounds like he hasn’t told you the whole story yet. Elly, I can’t…”

“It’s fine,” I sniffle. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Have you seen Daniel?”

“Yes.” She nods. “I was just in. He’s fine.”

I blow my nose hard into the tissue and feel marginally better. “Thanks for checking on me. Why is it you always see me in compromising situations? Getting kicked out of hotel linen closets, and if I keep making a ruckus the way I am, I’m gonna get kicked out of this hospital too.”

She chuckles and pulls me in for a hug. “I need to go in here, Elly. My mum’s on the way, and on the warpath, so maybe you better hide. It’ll all work out.” She looks at me hopefully. “The main thing is that Daniel is safe. Tristan will calm down and think rationally again.”

I force a smile. I’m not sure either of us believe that.

Just as Charlie is about to say goodbye, the door to the ward opens and Gemina strides out. I watch her approach a man in his fifties that has come into the hospital. I keep watching as they have a strained exchange of words.

“Who is that?” I ask Charlie.

Charlie grimaces.

“That’s Daniel’s birth father.”



I march through the restaurant ignoring the come-fuck-me looks I’m getting from the women to my right. Months ago, I would have flashed them my signature smile. The stunning redhead in the corner would have grabbed my attention and eventually made her way into my bed. Today, I have zero interest in seducing strangers.

I smile briefly at the hostess as she takes my coat. That's all I can manage these days.

Jack and Danny are already seated at the table, laughing at some private joke. They stop laughing abruptly when they see me, and their expressions become serious.

“Don’t stop on my account,” I mutter dryly, taking the third seat. “Just because my life is all shades of shit right now doesn’t mean you two have to be miserable bastards as well.”

“You look rough, mate,” Danny says cautiously. “You need to look after yourself.”

“Thanks.” I slump into my seat. “I haven’t slept in five days.”

Jack pushes a Scotch my way. “We thought you would need it.”

“You thought right.” I bring the glass to my lips and sink most of it in a few gulps. The burning sensation on my throat gives me mild relief.

They exchange looks.

“Don’t fucking start,” I growl at them, running my hand through my hair.

Jack puts his hands up in defence.

“Any news?” Danny asks tentatively. “Have you seen Daniel?”

“I’ve only seen him once,” I say, doing my best to manage my tone. “Gemina’s holding off access.” I knock back the final dregs of my Scotch and nod to the bartender for the same again. “He’s fine though,” I say softly. “He’s enjoying being the centre of attention and having time off school.” I shake my head letting out a bitter laugh. “I’m going to murder him when he’s old enough to understand the drama he’s caused. I thought I raised him to be smarter than that.”

Danny laughs dryly. "Like you, he refuses to eat bread after its sell-by date. Yet he is curious enough to overdose on pills he found in a bag.”

Jack smirks. “I'd rather take pills than eat some of the wacky canapes Tristan offers at parties.” He cocks a brow. “Too early to joke?”

“Too early,” I warn them. The bartender barely sets down my fresh Scotch and I lift it. “Gemina wants to see me this evening. A proposition, apparently.”

“Do you have any idea what?” Jack asks.

I blow air into my cheeks. “Who the fuck knows, I’m sure nothing good for me.”

We fall into silence as they exchange glances between them.

“Just ask,” I snap.

“Have you spoken to Elly?” Jack asks.

“No.” I scowl. “I haven’t spoken to her in five days, not since the hospital.”

“It was an accident,” Danny says carefully. “You can’t blame Elly. She didn’t mean for this to happen.”

I run both hands through my hair. “I’m furious with her,” I snap. “It’s my own damn fault for going out with a twenty-five-year-old. No sense of responsibility. Bringing unprescribed pills into my house with my son there.”

Danny leans in. “You’ll get through this but don’t throw away something amazing. You haven’t liked a woman like this in ten years. Not since…”

Rosa Lucas's Books