Resisting Mr. Kane (London Mister #2)(22)

“Hello. I’m Tristan Kane, managing partner and founder of Madison.” There’s that low dry voice. The voice that makes my breathing rushed. How many nights have I dreamed of a new happy ending to our story, where that voice said exactly what I wanted it to?

Now he’s here, in the flesh, in my worst possible nightmare.

If my presence has fazed him, he doesn’t show it. Rather than standing behind the podium, he just leans in front of it, a few metres away.

Looking right at me.

Stupid nerd, Elly. Sitting in the front row. Too close. He’ll be able to hear my pulse from there.

I'm too wound up to focus on what he says. All I can see is the wide-open stance of those thick thighs, the relaxed posture, and his easy breathing as he delivers an unhurried speech and I wonder how he can be in this ridiculous state of calm when I need a fucking ambulance?

I fixate on my notebook, taking a few useless notes on the company vision.

“This is an intensive two-year trainee contract…” He leans against the podium, his hands in his pockets.

People around me lean forward in their seats so far, they're at risk of falling. Except for me, I’m rolling my head into my neck, personifying a tortoise.

I was expecting an old codger. Why didn't I research Madison Legal's owner? I was too busy searching forums for information on how to get into Madison Legal and what their interview questions were. Though I checked the website and would’ve remembered if that face graced it.

“You’ll get a broad range of experience and get to shadow some of the most competent lawyers in the world,” he says. His fingers drum lightly against the podium.

I’m going to stalk the shit out of this bastard online when I get home.

He keeps talking but I can’t hear him. Maybe I’ll start applying for other trainee contracts too. Dawson Law also offered me one.

“If you want to be a behind-the-desk, paper-shuffling lawyer, then you should walk out the door now.”

I’m in eyeline with his dick. I stare at his crotch, getting flashbacks. To my horror I drop my pen and it rolls along the floor stopping near his feet. What if he thinks I’m trying to get his attention?

He continues talking without missing a beat but bends to retrieve the offending item and steps towards me. Those intense blue eyes focus on me, the same eyes that looked up at me as he devoured me.

I suck in sharply. One half of my body is in full panic mode and the other half is dying to get laid.

With an eyebrow raised, he stands right in front of me and offers me the pen. As I reach out to take it with a shaky hand, his fingers touch mine.

Beside me, Amy gives me a funny look.

“So enough about Madison.” Tristan paces slowly across the room, putting his hands back in his pockets.

Smug, arrogant bastard, swaggering around like he owns the place. Because the motherfucker does.

“I want each of you to give a brief intro, so I can get to know you a bit better.”

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse. I chew hard on my pen.

He starts at the back of the room, meaning I’ll be one of the last, giving me plenty of time to stew into a frenzy. In turn, everyone says their name, where they’re from, and what university they’ve come from. Like it’s the easiest task in the world. Soon it’s Amy’s turn. I hear her voice beside me as if I’m underwater.

I can’t do this.

I take slow deep breaths from the pit of my stomach as advised in my public speaking classes.

It’s my turn. Don’t they realise I can’t talk?

“Um.” I start in a pitch too high. “Uh, hi, I’m Elena Andric. Elly for short. I moved from Wales to London two weeks ago to join Madison. I studied Law and Criminology at Swansea.” I don’t breathe through the entire speech.

But you already know all that, Mr. Kane.

“Elly,” he repeats slowly, stopping in front of me. “Nice to have you at Madison.”

I’m on fire now, the heat from my cheeks enough to sizzle sausages on.

As cool as a CEO, he moves to the next trainee.

For the next forty-five minutes, I sit stiff as the room laps up every word that comes out of that lying, cheating heart-breaking bastard boss’s luscious mouth.

Only when he leaves the room, striding off for another meeting, can I breathe properly.

Amy turns to me, both hands flying to her mouth. “Oh no, Elly! You have ink all over your mouth.”

Same disastrous day, just later.

I’m a quivering wreck. After the inductions, I am shown to my desk and introduced to Sophie, the lawyer Amy and I will be shadowing. She explains everything to us at a snail’s pace without being patronising so I instantly warm to her. I log in to my email for the first time and proudly set my signature.

Elena Andric, Lawyer, Madison Legal.

An email appears in the inbox that makes me bolt upright in my chair.

Elena (or Elly?)

I hope you are settling in well. I need to discuss a matter with you.

I’ll be expecting you at my office at 5 today.

Please treat this as confidential. My PA will let you through.

Tristan Kane


Madison Legal

I read the email over and over again. No hint of tone. Should I pack my bags now? For so long, I fantasised about bumping into him, about our encounter being different. In some fantasies I knee him in the bollocks, in others it’s a scene akin to Jack and Rose on the bow of the Titanic, except he’s taking me from behind.

Rosa Lucas's Books