Reaper's Fall (Reapers MC, #5)(117)

That caught my attention in a big way. It’d been nearly nine years since she’d ditched me and my dad, and I hadn’t heard a thing from her since. I rolled off the couch sideways, struggling to my feet.

“Excuse me?”

“It’s about your mother—I spoke with your father already, but he indicated you aren’t in touch with each other.”

“He’s kind of a bastard,” I said bluntly. “We haven’t talked in years.”

“A car was found in the lake by a recreational diver earlier this week,” Grebil said. “A woman’s remains were found inside. Her body was badly decomposed, but she had Nicole Tucker’s purse and driver’s license in the car with her. The windows were closed, and we found the remains of groceries in the back seat—plastic yogurt cartons, that kind of thing. We’re still investigating, but it looks like she drove off the road, rolling the car into the lake. The underbrush is thick enough through there that nobody noticed the wreck. Did anyone ever file a missing persons report?”

I shook my head slowly, trying to process his words.

“No, she took off,” I said. “I mean, she and my dad, they didn’t get along. He used to hit her sometimes. One day she was just gone—we figured she ran away from him.”

“We’d like to get a DNA sample,” he said, eyeing me with compassion. “So we can positively identify her. Until then we won’t know for sure that it’s your mother, but it’s her car, her ID, and the height is right. I don’t think she ran off and left you, Ms. Brooks—I think she died in an accident.”

I swayed, and Painter put an arm around me, offering his strength.

“I can’t believe that,” I whispered. “She . . . she left.”

Grebil just looked at me, his face tired but compassionate.

“Like I said, we won’t know for sure until we get the DNA.”

“There’s no chance my dad . . . hurt her . . . is there?”

“No evidence for it,” he told me. “At least not yet. We’re still investigating, but there’s no sign of trauma. The medical examiner thinks she probably drowned.”

“Can I see her?”

He coughed, looking uncomfortable.

“Ms. Brooks, her remains are skeletal. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“I’m a nurse. I’m used to seeing bodies.”

“Not like this,” he said firmly. “Will you allow me to collect a sample?”

Nodding slowly, I stepped aside, letting him into the house. He asked a series of questions about the day my mom left—not that I had much to offer, since it wasn’t like she’d said goodbye—and took a cheek swab. Then he gave me his card and left.

That was it.

The whole interview took less than thirty minutes, yet it changed my whole world. She hadn’t abandoned me—it’d been an accident. Beyond her control. I felt almost dizzy, torn between sadness and a strange sense of comfort that she hadn’t abandoned me.

“How are you?” Painter asked, studying me carefully. We were sitting on the couch and I leaned into him, holding my stomach.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “This is probably going to sound wrong, but I think I’m relieved.”

“Because she didn’t leave you?”

“Yeah,” I said. “I’m not happy she’s dead, of course. But . . . she didn’t ditch me. It was an accident—that changes a lot.”

He rubbed my hair, kissing the top of my head.

“It changes everything.”

We sat there for a while, him playing with my hair and me thinking over what the detective had told me. Then I glanced at the clock and saw what time it was.

“Shit,” I said, sitting up fast. “We’re supposed to be out at the Armory right now. I promised Loni I’d be there by four to collect Izzy. She’s got all the food to organize for the party.”

“I texted her, gave her a heads-up,” Painter told me. “We can skip the party—they’ll understand.”

I considered his words. Did I want to visit with people tonight? Em and Kit were in town . . . and Marie had a car seat she’d offered to lend me. Not only that, I’d promised Dancer I’d give her boys a ride home later so she could stay and party with Bam Bam.

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “We should go. I want to see everyone—be around people.”

“Are you sure?” he asked. “This is a lot to take in. Nobody would blame you.”

“It’s not about them blaming me,” I replied slowly. “But hearing something like this—it’s a lot to process. She was my mom, my family . . . But Loni’s kind of my mom, too. And now we have a new family. Not just you and me and Izzy, but the rest of them. I really think I’d rather be around our people tonight.”

Leaning over, he kissed me.

“All right,” he said. “But if you need some space, let me know.”

I smiled.

“I will. I think I’m fine, though. Really. You’re my family now. I still miss my mom and I always will, but I’ll get through it. And I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

I would be okay. We would be okay.

Joanna Wylde's Books