Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men, #1)(28)

I moaned and muttered, “Thanks a lot. Remind me I’m lacking my caffeine intake on top of everything else.” I sniffed, pettily. But hey, I was tired; I couldn’t help it. “My piggy bank is running a little dry at the moment”—damn you, cute strappy sandals that had been on clearance, fifty percent off—“so I’m going to have to postpone my espresso treats for a while until—”

“Mom didn’t pay you again, did she?”

I cringed. Crap. I hadn’t meant for that to come up. This wasn’t his problem, but I knew he’d make it his.

When I refused to answer, he gave a big sigh. “I don’t have all the cash on me to cover what she owes, but I’ll make sure you get paid. Okay?”

“It’s fine,” I started, but he shook his head to hush me.

“It’s still a shame you can’t have your daily latte, though.”

I slumped my face back onto my bag. “Yeah.”

“But look on the bright side.”

Bright side? There was a bright side to this? I lifted one eyebrow, waiting for him to enlighten me about this unforeseen bright side.

Mason winked and pulled his hands from behind his back, holding two Styrofoam cups, one in each hand. “You’ve befriended Mr. Money Bags who can afford them.”

My mouth fell open. “You bought me a latte?”

He’d bought me a latte?

I melted, my emotions softening into this huge, gooey ball of adoration. I wanted to laugh and cry and hug him until I decided having a boyfriend who slept with scores of other women for money wasn’t really that big of a deal.

Okay, it was still too huge of a big deal for me to ever get past. But wow. Mason had bought me a latte when I was at my lowest of lows.

How sweet could one guy get?

“Don’t get too excited,” he warned as if he could read my mind. “I have an ulterior motive.”

I sat up immediately, no longer tired at all. It was as if the caffeine in the drinks he held had somehow already shot straight into my bloodstream.

“Fine.” I lifted my hands and wiggled them impatiently. “You can have my firstborn. Now gimme.”

Mason laughed and handed one of the cups over. “I hadn’t realized you requested the chocolate shavings on top special.” He sighed as if refreshed when he settled himself in the grass beside me Indian style. “I was halfway across campus before I noticed them missing and had to go back again.”

He’d gone back to get me chocolate shavings?

Oh. My. God.

It was official. Mason Lowe was perfect. Well, beside the whole gigolo part. But yeah, other than that, no one else could even compare.

I took my first sip. When I moaned, he arched an amused brow. “Would you two like to be alone?”

I tucked my latte protectively close. “Yes. Could you give us fifteen, twenty minutes tops? I have a feeling things are about to get real obscene up in this house.”

He laughed again as I took another drink, my toes curling as I swallowed.

His warm, affectionate gaze on me, plus the shot of instant caffeine to my system, brought me to life in a way I couldn’t even describe. But I was suddenly very alive.

I grinned back without an ounce of my inner whiney, childish crabby-pants anywhere to be seen. “Thank you, Mason. I was afraid I’d have to eat this banana I brought from home.” Making a sour face, I held it up to show him how ripe it had gotten. “But the idea turned my stomach. For some reason, healthy food first thing in the morning bothers me.”

He pointed, looking scandalized. “So…you’re not going to eat that?”

I saw where this was headed and rolled my eyes. “You want?” I offered it to him, and he snatched it immediately.


I drank as he peeled the banana and tore off a third of it, popping the entire section into his mouth. He still looked entirely too gorgeous while chewing, even with fruit bulging from the side of his cheek.

I glanced away and picked at a piece of plastic on the lid of my cup. “Did you get your book? I’m sorry I forgot about it Friday and didn’t bring it over until last night.” I didn’t want to think about why he hadn’t been there to accept it himself, but I did anyway.

He nodded as he took a small sip to wash down the banana. “Yes. Sarah made absolutely certain it was in my hands first thing this morning. At five o’clock.”

I winced. Ouch. He’d gotten home later than I had last night and had been up way before I’d opened my eyes. If anyone had a reason to be a tired be-otch today, it was him. But he looked too content for any of that as he added, “And she showed me all twenty of her newly painted nails. Nice job, babysitter.”

“Why, thank you,” I said with a not-so humble bow—well, as much of a bow as I could manage while sitting on the ground.

“Sarah’s the reason I need to talk to you, actually.”

“Right.” I emptied my cup and frowned. Had I finished my latte already? Bummer. I focused on him. “The ulterior motive. I remember.”

“Right,” he repeated with a nod. “So I’ve heard a rumor from a little birdie that you have a…charm bracelet.”

I frowned, completely confused by this line of questioning. “Umm…yeah.”

“Can I see it sometime? Sarah has been gushing about it. So I was thinking of getting her one for her birthday next month.”

Linda Kage's Books