Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men, #1)(101)

More praise goes to Carol Kilgore, crime fiction with a kiss author plus mentor for my first adventure into self-publishing.

To the amazing blogger, Courtney Wyant, whom I will never forget, plus her Auntie Andrea for both of your mad beta reading skills. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your sunny and bright dispositions, which has always kept my morale high.

To my editor, Laura Josephsen, I totally love working with you. I can’t say enough nice words to show my appreciation to you.

Another round of thanks goes so Ashley Morrison of the blog, Book Labyrinth. She so graciously took the time to read and give a very precise, organized, and brilliant feedback to one of my earlier drafts.

For, Claire Ashgrove, awesome author and one of my first critique partners and writing friends. You are so much more than a mere proofreader. Thanks for your help in making this story flow.

To cover artist, Sarah Hansen, of Okay Creations. I’m not worthy! And I’m still in love with every cover you produce.

I’m very grateful to my husband and daughter, who ground me to reality as I go through all my writing ups and down. You guys are my everything.

And finally, thanks to the Good Lord for still putting up with me!

Linda Kage's Books