Power Drilled (Roommates, #8)(51)
“What should I—”
“Just do what feels right,” Jackson said, sitting up next to me. He reached out and cupped my breast as I began to rock on top of Hunter.
Hunter groaned as he met my gaze. “Think you can come again, gorgeous?”
“I don’t know,” I said, but grinding my hips against Hunter’s hard body felt really good.
“You can,” Reid said.
“Damn straight,” Jackson added. He put his hand on my waist, guiding me as I moved my hips in the way that felt the best.
Reid flicked my nipple with one long finger and then slid it between my body and Hunter’s. He rubbed my clit, and I moved faster, knowing that Hunter was close. I was too, which astonished me. My body felt overstimulated, but I still wanted more.
And they gave me more. Hunter raised his hips, thrusting into me from underneath. Reid flicked his fingertip directly across my clit, and Jackson had one hand on my stomach and one on my ass as he helped me maintain my rhythm.
I screamed when I came, the sound echoing around the mostly empty bedroom. Seconds later, Hunter shouted, his cock pulsing inside me. The waves of pleasure of my fourth orgasm rocketed through me, and suddenly, it was too much. I collapsed onto Hunter’s chest, listening to his heart pound. He stroked my hair and one of his brothers stroked my back. And my hair.
I felt like the most cherished woman in the world. These men wanted me—and they wanted to please me. They weren’t just looking for a woman who would make them look good. Or who would stroke their egos. They wanted me… and I wanted them.
That night we slept next to each other, and when I woke up, each one of them was touching me in some way.
It was the perfect start to a new day.
And then it was over. I moved back to my small studio apartment. The guys went into selling mode, showing people around the newly renovated house. Probably about ninety percent of the people were there to see the hot triplets, not the actual house, but I couldn’t exactly blame them for that. I was half tempted to show up at an open house for the very same reason.
Except I didn’t want to share them with a crowd of admirers. I wanted to be with them one on one. Or, well, three on one. It was kind of ironic that I liked it when they shared me, but I didn’t want to share them. With anyone.
I had some job interviews, most of which were leads that Lila had found. I kept busy. I did stuff. And I missed Jackson, Hunter, and Reid so much that it hurt.
But I tried to move on with my life, one step at a time.
Until there was a naked man in my art class again.
I’d run into Susan in the parking lot, and we walked into the room chatting, and I didn’t notice the nude model at first.
Then I looked up and promptly knocked over my easel.
“Oh, good lord, he’s back,” Susan said, seeming to send a little prayer up to the god of art classes.
He gave me a lazy wave and a wink from his spot on the platform in the center of the room. A robe was tied loosely around his waist, but I knew that wouldn’t remain in place for long.
I set my things down and made my way over to him. “Hi, Jackson.” It could have been one of the other two. After all, if Jackson and Carl had gone to high school together, then that meant all four of them had. But I knew it was him.
“Hi yourself.” He grinned. “I told you I’d come back.”
For a moment, I was almost too overwhelmed to speak. “I’m glad you did.”
“Me too,” Susan said perkily, appearing at my side. I guessed she figured that if I could talk to the hot nude model, she could, too. She kept up a stream of chatter until it was time for class to start. Reluctantly, I started to turn away, but Jackson caught my hand.
My smile widened as I looked down at him. “Talk after class?” I whispered.
He grinned. “Only if you let me see your sketch.”
I nodded, but he still didn’t let my hand go. “What?”
“And you’d better draw all of me, not just your favorite parts.” He winked and I laughed as I practically skipped back to my station.
Jackson was here.
Jackson was taking off his robe.
Jackson was going to talk to me after class.
It didn’t get any better than that.
We sat in the cab of Jackson’s truck after class was over. I almost wished my car would break down so that he could drive me home.
“Can I see it one more time?” Jackson asked.
I laughed and unrolled my sketch as he turned on the overhead light. “You know, if you’re that taken by your own body, you could just look in a mirror.”
He laughed. “I’m just impressed with how much you’ve improved. This is really good.”
“I didn’t improve,” I said.
“Of course, you did. This is miles better than the first one.”
“It’s better because I know you better,” I explained. “Last time, you were… unobtainable. A gorgeous man on a literal pedestal. But now I know you, and I know that your body is just one of your amazing qualities.”
He was silent for a moment and then he grinned. “Feel free to list all my other amazing qualities. I’ve got time.”