Power Drilled (Roommates, #8)(41)

“I’d love to, but Ja—” I stopped dead, aware that I’d almost given the wrong name for my supposed boyfriend. “Reid’s on his way here.”

“Bring him. He enjoyed the last couple’s massage.”

I frowned. Reid definitely had, so maybe his brother would too. “But your friend’s not up there. The guy from the other day.”

“Nope, it’s just me. But I’ll take good care of you both. I can put heated stones on your back and let you bliss out while I massage Reid, and then vice versa. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. And your hot boyfriend, too.”

She tilted her head toward the front door where Jackson had just entered.


“Don’t tell him that you almost said Jeff?” She winked at me. “I’d never do that.”

I frowned, confused, but then I realized that when I’d almost said Jackson’s name, she thought I’d been about to say Jeff’s. But if there was one thing the triplets had taught me, it was to go with the flow in situations like this. “Thanks.”

Jackson joined us. He was holding a suit on a hanger.

“Hi,” he said, and I realized he didn’t know who Naomi was. Uh-oh.

“Hi, honey. Naomi here has offered to give us another couple’s massage like she did on Monday.”

He gave her a warm smile. “That was the best one I ever had. But don’t we have to change and stuff?” He shifted the suit.

“There’s time,” Naomi insisted.

Jackson looked at me and I shrugged.

“Sounds good, then. Penny, can I have your key so I can hang up my suit? Then I can meet you up there.”

“Sure.” I handed Jackson my key, and he gave me a meaningful look. It took me a second to realize that he didn’t know where Naomi’s suite was. “Don’t forget, it’s the suite at the end of the hall on the eleventh floor, not the tenth.”

“Right.” He gave me a quick smile of approval. I was getting better at all this pretense. “See you soon.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek and strode away. Luckily, I didn’t have to worry about him knowing which room was mine. He and his brothers had apparently had a strategy meeting the other day and had shared information like that. And settled once and for all if my fake boyfriend liked mushrooms or not.

“You’re a really lucky woman, Penny.” Naomi gave me a smile over her shoulder as she pushed the elevator button.

“Lucky now,” I said. “Not so much when I was with Jeff.”

She nodded. “Sounds like you had to kiss a few frogs before you met your prince.”

It had just been the one frog, but I’d been with him for far too long. And now I was with—well, sort of with—three princes. But Naomi didn’t know that.

When we got to her suite, the front door was slightly ajar, and a very familiar figure was sitting on the sofa.

“Evelyn, I didn’t know you had an appointment,” Naomi said. And then she muttered under her breath, “Or a key.”

The older woman laughed. “I heard that. And I had a key made. Who do you think paid for this suite in the first place?

“You, of course. But I’m sorry, I don’t have an opening for you right now. Penny’s boyfriend is coming, and I’m giving them a couple’s massage.”

Evelyn shook her head. “How come I’m the one who bankrolled this thing and you two are the ones who get to see that sexy young man naked?”

I couldn’t help laughing. The woman was just so audacious. Naomi was smiling, too.

“Anyway, I didn’t come here to get a massage. I came to talk to you.”

“Me?” Naomi said.

“Yes. You work freelance, right?”

“Mostly,” Naomi said slowly. “I do have a few regular clients, but I also go to various offices, like when they’re having a wellness day.”

Evelyn waved her fingers at Naomi, as if uninterested in the details. “The point is, you can set your own schedule, right?”


“Then I’d like to hire you for a week. I’ll fly you down to Florida, and you’ll have your own room at my house on the beach.”

“On the beach?” Naomi echoed.

“That’s the best place to find a beach house,” Evelyn cackled. “Except for the massages, your time will be your own.”

Naomi seemed stunned. “Surely there are some local massage therapists who could help you out.”

“Probably, but I think you’re the best woman for the job. And I think you already know that I pay really well.”


“Do you have any pictures of the beach house?” I asked.

Aunt Evelyn pulled out her phone. “Tons,” she said. It took her a few moments to find them, but soon, Naomi and I were sitting next to her on the couch watching while she swiped through photo after photo. To me, it looked like more of a beach mansion than house. The place was huge. My entire apartment could probably have fit in one of the bedrooms there. And the water—the water was a gorgeous blue.

“So, are you in?” Evelyn demanded of Naomi.

The younger woman looked at me and I gave her an encouraging smile. If it wouldn’t mess up her other clients, I couldn’t see any reason not to go for it.

Stephanie Brother's Books