Paradise Found: Cain (Paradise #2)(47)
“Now it’s my turn,” I said, loosening my track pants and forcing them down enough to free my dick. I sprang forth for her, and dragged the length of me through the crevice of her ass.
“Cain?” she questioned.
“Not like this. Not yet,” I said. “This is a remembrance.” I positioned myself at her entrance. My fingers had worked her enough that her sweet juices moistened my tip, but I needed to wait. The thin light was cresting the horizon, and I asked her to look forward, while I peppered her with kisses again. I dragged the point of me through her slick folds, teasing her with what was to come.
I pressed her forward, so she rested her elbows on the stone ledge, but asked her to continue watching the growing light.
“Last time we were here,” I reminded her, “you weren’t satisfied by me.” I entered her on a swift thrust and she let out a breathy groan.
“I never want you to be unsatisfied by me again,” I grunted, drawing to the edge of her before plunging forward again. I wrapped my fingers around her ponytail and tugged her head back, forcing her to concentrate on the scene unfolding before her. The light grew. A stream of yellow threaded through the sky. I slipped to the edge of her again then thrust forward.
“Oh God,” she whimpered.
“Not God. Cain,” I reminded her with a sharp plunge deep inside her. She met me jab for jab, as she rocked back, drawing me into her. Keeping one hand on her hip, I released her hair and braced my other hand on the cement embankment to steady me from forcing her into the hard stone structure.
“That’s my sweet temptation,” I groaned, as I increased the pace to hammer into her, repeatedly driving in deeper while she leaned back to take me. My fingers slipped from hip to clit and worked the nub, increasing the rhythm of her clenching over me.
“Watch,” I whispered, as the sun broke the horizon and Sofie shattered around me. She wrung me out until I couldn’t hold back any longer and spilled into her on a heavy thrust. My hand had slipped around her waist, as I settled forward to rest my chest against her back. We panted in the silence of the early morning light and the glory of breaking day.
“That was beautiful,” she whispered.
“Yes, you are,” I replied in her ear, then kissed her shoulder.
“How did you time that?” she asked, still clenching to hold me in her.
“I’d make the sun rise and set for only you, if I could,” I said to her with a smile.
She giggled and I softened, the pressure a different sensation over me.
“I wanted it to be perfect this time,” I said, opening up my palm, which had secured my intention inside it while we were joined as one.
“I want you to be my wife.” Then I added, “For real.”
Inside my hand, I carried a three-carat diamond. It wasn’t the original ring I’d given her, which was cursed by the divorcee from whom I had purchased it. I wanted something new, something that hadn’t been worn before; something worthy of Sofie.
“I … I’ve already said yes,” she replied, looking down at the diamond, glistening in the new light of another day.
“This is a promise, like that sunrise. Today is a new day, a new start. For us.”
She took the ring off my palm, released our connection and turned to me. We were both partially naked. Her yoga pants still removed, my track pants at my thighs, but I was bare to the soul when she looked at me.
“Put it on me?” she questioned. Slipping it down her finger, I decided if it was the only thing she ever wore again, I’d be the happiest man.
The attempted blow to my face was an instant reminder that I was the son of my father. Fortunate for me, I was quicker than the old man and caught his punch before it struck me. His fury was in more than his fist. It was spelled on his face with splotches of ruddy skin covering his angry cheeks.
“Where the f*ck have you been? Do you have any idea what this cost you? This was a forfeit and it was a key fight to the circuit.” His rage grew with each inquiry, each statement of fact. It was as if I didn’t know what I’d done, which I did, but reiterating it to me was his way of reinforcing that I’d f*cked up.
“What is going on with you?” he sighed, still heavily irritated. “We had to pay for that damn shrink, so you could talk it all out about Montana. That shit is over. Now we have his sister to burden us. We don’t need you flipping out again.”
“Don’t talk about Elma like that,” I muttered, ignoring his insult of me.
“Elma?” he spat, blinking rapidly like he couldn’t believe I used her name. “I don’t give two shits about Elma.”
I sighed internally. My brother’s girlfriend had been a handful, but she was good for Abel. He needed her, and she doted on him. Once she got past the revenge of her brother’s death, she noticed before her was something more important. Someone more important. I was reaching the same conclusion, about Sofie. She was more important than any match.
“What is going on with you?” he demanded, exasperated as he stared at me. I was zoning out, thinking of Sofie. I needed to keep my focus on my father or he’d investigate her. My suspicions of his hand in the break-in of Sofie’s apartment were confirmed. My intention was to keep him on the steady trail of denial, so he wouldn’t question me. I continued to keep her a secret for her protection. He’d come after her to get to me, if he thought she was the reason for my change in attitude about the fight.