Only You (Adair Family #5)(97)


I slammed out of the room before he could respond because I wasn’t kidding when I said I might throw something at him.

As I hurried down the corridor, Angeline Potter, of all people, appeared around the corner, heading toward her suite.

“Monroe!” Brodan shouted behind me, and I glanced back to catch him practically falling out of the room as he pulled up his jeans and zipped them.

Ugh. I couldn’t even get space to run away from an argument.

“Trouble in paradise?” Angeline asked snidely as I passed.

“Oh, fuck off, Potter,” I snarled.

“Uh!” She squeaked in outrage behind me.


I turned the corner, almost running now as I tried to make my escape without Brodan seeing which way I’d gone. I fled toward the turret, the only place in the whole damn castle that ever seemed to be free of other humans.

But I’d barely made it into the circular room when I heard the door below me open and shut and footsteps thunder upward. Brodan appeared at the top, not even out of breath, bare of foot and chest.

“You chased after me in front of Angeline Potter half-naked, so now our spat will be all over the estate,” I snapped without preamble.

Brodan’s eyes gleamed as he prowled toward me. “I’m not the one who told her to fuck off.”

“You heard that?”

“No, she screeched it at me as I ran past her. Well done, by the way.”

I placed a hand in front of me to halt him.

He walked right into my palm. I felt his heartbeat thudding underneath the smooth, hot skin and dropped my hand as if he’d burned me. “Don’t run away from me in the middle of an argument. I can’t stand it,” he growled.

“Don’t be an arsehole, then.”

Brodan pulled his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans, tapped the screen, and held it up. Lotte’s name glared at me. Then he tapped the screen next to her name and deleted the contact.

I sucked in a breath as he scrolled through and deleted five other women’s names from it.

“That’s all of them. I need you to believe that.”

Adrenaline still rushed through me from my jealousy and hurt, but now relief loosened my shoulders.

“Do you believe me?”

Studying his panicked expression, I felt remorse. “I believe you.”

Brodan nodded, panic turning quickly to irritation, as he threw the phone on the side table with a hard clatter. “You’re right. If you were in contact with men you’d had a sexual relationship with, it would bother me. I never want you thinking I’ve got one foot out the door in this. I’m in this with you, Monroe. You know how hard it was for me to get to this point, but I’m here … and you can run here or run all the way to fucking Timbuktu … and I will follow you. I will never give up on you without a fight.”

I nodded, feeling silly now for my outburst. “I ran to the one place you knew I’d run, Brodan. Hardly speaks of any real intention to run away from you, does it?”

The corner of his mouth tugged up. “I noticed that.”

“I try to be rational about it, but it hurts to think of you with all those glamorous women. But I know you never loved any of them. I do know that. I’m sorry too.”

“Don’t be.” He grinned, pulling me into his arms. “Things were getting a bit monotonous around here.”

Feeling something hard prod into me, I let out a huff of disbelief. “Are you turned on by this fight?”

Brodan smiled shamelessly. “So hard right now, I want to bend you over that chair and fuck you senseless.”

My breath caught as tingles exploded to life between my legs. “Then why don’t you?”

At my challenge, heat flared in Brodan’s eyes and, seconds later, I found myself bent over a chair with my dress pushed up. Cool air caressed my skin as he ripped down my underwear until it hit my ankles and then I heard his zipper. A crinkle of foil. My chest heaved against the chair as I glanced over my shoulder at him.

Wicked, stark need stared back at me.

Then I felt the thick, hot push of him inside.

His thrusts were fast and furious, his grip bruising on my hips.

But it was what I needed. What he needed.

Our passion couldn’t be replicated. I knew he’d never had this with anyone else. This overwhelming need to be a part of the other. To claim something that no one else had of us.

I was his, and he was mine.

My jealousy abated as we climaxed together and he stayed buried inside me, pressing kisses to the back of my neck and murmuring his love for me over and over again.

Once the paparazzi left Ardnoch and I was assured of my place in Brodan’s heart, I could breathe again.

Sort of.

There was the small matter of me hiding my morning sickness from Brodan.

The morning after our heated encounter in the turret, I was sick again … and realized that my period was late. Since we’d been using protection (because birth control made me ill, so I couldn’t take it), it hadn’t occurred to me that the sickness was anything but nerves. Until I missed my period.

It turned out it might not have been panic that made me throw up at school. The paparazzi were gone. Life was returning to some semblance of normality, and I was still sick every morning. Thankfully, unlike some women I knew, my nausea only hit in the morning.

Samantha Young's Books