Only You (Adair Family #5)(113)

“Scrambled eggs on toast?”

“Sounds good.”

A while later, I returned with a snack plate for Skye with the dry cereal she liked, a wee drop of scrambled egg, some cut-up banana and strawberries, and a veggie smoothie Mac had devised that she actually enjoyed. Skye reluctantly allowed Mackennon to sit up, and he did so, hunched over beneath the tent. And even though he couldn’t be the most comfortable, he ate his breakfast and coffee like that, while I ate mine between feeding Skye.

That day, we did go to the petting zoo after all. When a goat frightened her, Skye burst into tears and reached for me, wanting her mummy. It reminded me that children went through phases and just because I wasn’t with her every second of the day didn’t mean she didn’t need me or didn’t feel my love.

I knew my working mum’s guilt would never fully dissipate, but I held on to Mackennon’s words of wisdom and vowed to fully enjoy the time I had with my daughter.

At around seven that night, after a long day out, Skye drifted off to sleep. We’d had a rough first nine months with her, both of us shattered every day from lack of sleep, but around the ten-month mark, she started to sleep regularly, which was more than I could say for her cousin and half-niece, Vivien, who still wasn’t sleeping wonderfully.

I came downstairs from putting Skye to bed after reading Room on the Broom to her, feeling much, much lighter than I had the day before.

Mackennon was sprawled on the couch, watching an action flick on low volume, and he lifted his arm for me. I settled in beside him, cuddled into his side, tangling my legs with his. His fingers drifted through my hair as he commented, “You seem in a better mood today.”

“I am.” I kissed his chest. “I had words with Scott yesterday, and I think he got the message. Then I spent a brilliant day with my husband and daughter, and she drifted off to sleep, no problem. It’s been a good day.”

“Words with Scott?”

I sighed and told Mackennon what I’d been dealing with.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” he asked gruffly.

“Like I said yesterday, I wanted to deal with it without you worrying about me.”

“But I knew something was up and was worried, anyway.”

“I’m sorry. I just … I thought maybe I was being sensitive because I miss Skye, but after you said that to him about his attitude, I realized I really wasn’t. So I let him have it.”

“Good. I’m glad.”

“Anyway, what are we watching?”

In answer, Mackennon abruptly switched off the TV and threw the remote to the other end of the couch.

“What—oof!” I found myself flat on my back as he slid out to brace himself above me. Grinning, I spread my legs so he could fit better between them. “Oh, I see.”

He grinned as he caressed the skin beneath my shirt. “I feel like watching you, darlin’,” Mackennon replied, voice thick with desire, “as you come around me.”

Heat flushed over me as I tingled between my legs in response. “That sounds like an excellent plan.”

His chuckle died against my lips as he kissed me with a passion and hunger I hoped never died between us. I said as much to him as we made love quietly on our living room sofa. Afterward, I thanked him for staying home to watch Skye. I thanked him for supporting me through everything, and I thanked him for loving me.

“You never have to thank me for these things,” Mackennon replied, his hand coasting down my stomach, signaling he was ready to make me come again. “It’s my fucking honor, Arro. My honor to love you.”

“And mine to love you,” I whispered against his mouth, undulating into his touch as his thumb found my clit. “Thank you for a beautiful life.”

“It’s only going to get better, darlin’,” he vowed before he captured my moans on his lips.


* * *

“Nervous?” Brodan asked at my side.

Though my pulse raced like the clappers, it was more to do with anticipation than nervousness. “Eager to get it done.”

My brother snorted. “You make it sound like a bad thing.”

I cut him a dirty look. “You know what I mean, Mr. I Couldn’t Wait Five Seconds to Marry My Wife.”

“Aye, my marrying Roe so soon certainly made you look bad.” He smirked. “Took you long enough to get here.”

I rolled my eyes at him before staring straight ahead, waiting for her. It was true Ery and I hadn’t rushed into matrimony like the rest of my siblings, but we wanted to wait until the ordeal with her sister’s murderer, Ezra Jefferson, was over. Months had passed since the evil brute killed himself. Months since Eredine could finally, truly breathe. And only a few months since I’d proposed to her.

Now here we were.

My family stood on the private beach at Ardnoch, facing Brodan, the officiate, and me. It was a warm late spring day, and thankfully the breeze was minimal. The Adairs and Galbraiths were dressed in their best, even Skye and Vivien, who were already growing restless. Lewis tugged at the collar of his shirt while Eilidh kept smoothing down her dress, looking way too tall and grown up for a nine-year-old for my liking.

I caught Arro’s eye and shared a smile with my sister as she leaned into her husband, who cradled their daughter in his arms. Ery and I talked about kids and decided when we were ready, we’d like to try adoption. She was a big advocate for “found family,” and I wanted to give her whatever would make her happy. Our child would be our child, blood or not.

Samantha Young's Books