Only You (Adair Family #5)(105)
No charges were brought against Monroe as it was cut-and-dry self-defense. Moreover, they found Vanessa’s father’s body, which confirmed everything we’d told the police. Moffat had murdered the man horrifically, and while I wished no one ever had to meet such an end, I couldn’t feel too sorry for Mr. Woodridge. He’d traumatized a bunch of college students, and I feared, from what Ian told us, that he’d done much worse to Vanessa over the years.
It was a tragedy I would never forget. However, it was a tragedy I was determined to move on from for the sake of my family.
We’d decided to move on together. And that included from Monroe’s parents too. We’d driven south to Dumfries and Galloway, where we not only found Monroe’s father’s grave, but the woman he’d spent the rest of his life with. Her name was Isabelle, and she’d paid for Roe’s dad’s funeral. She’d also told Roe that he’d tried to get in touch with her while he was dying of cancer. That he wanted to apologize for his abuse and abandonment. It wasn’t everything, but I knew it gave Monroe some peace to know her father was sorry. And while we stood at his grave, I held her while she cried and offered him a forgiveness I’m not sure many other people would.
As for Monroe’s mother, she was recovering from her hip replacement and we’d spotted her out in the village with her cane. She ignored us, and Monroe knew from Belle that Mrs. Sinclair was aware of Roe’s pregnancy. She didn’t reach out. But Roe had already decided she didn’t want our child around someone as toxic as her mother. Their relationship was over, and while it was heartbreaking to see mother and daughter brought to such a place, I couldn’t help but feel relieved she was out of our lives. I blamed her for the eighteen years we’d spent apart as much as I blamed myself. But mostly, I blamed her for not loving her daughter the way she deserved to be loved.
So that was done.
Roe had a new family now, and we were determined to fill her life with so much love, she’d forget she’d ever been alone.
“Want cake?” I asked, reaching for the tray of petit fours.
“Sloane?” Roe literally rubbed her palms together in excitement, her engagement ring sparkling. Lust hit me hard, and I felt myself thicken beneath her arse.
Roe side-eyed me. “I thought I was the only one turned on by cake right now.”
“It’s not the cake,” I answered gruffly, holding the tray to her. “It’s that ring on your finger.”
Understanding dawned, and she grinned as she picked up a cake and commented, “You are such a caveman,” before popping it into her mouth.
I watched her eat, having to agree. My possessiveness over this woman was something I curbed and controlled on a daily basis. I never wanted to treat her like I owned her, but I couldn’t deny that she felt so intrinsically a part of me, I definitely saw her as mine. And I was hers.
She raised an eyebrow, feeling me grow harder. Wicked mischief gleamed in her eyes. “Do you need me?”
Biting her bottom lip with excitement, she turned in my lap until she was straddling me. “I’m already ready,” she murmured hotly against my lips.
Heat flushed through me with anticipation as I gripped her waist. “After this one, we’re knocking you up again.”
She laughed against my lips as she unzipped my jeans. “Let’s just see how we get on with this one.”
I grabbed her hand, the one with the ring, and brought it to my mouth to kiss her wrist. “I want to marry you this week.”
Monroe froze. “I … I thought we were going to wait until after the baby. Plan a proper wedding.”
“I don’t want to wait. Do you?”
She shook her head, a different excitement on her expression. “I don’t need a big fancy wedding, Brodan. That’s not me.” Her eyes widened with an idea. “Let’s get married, just you, me, and Lachlan to officiate … in the turret.”
A rightness moved through me at the plan. “I love it.”
Monroe beamed, wrapping her arms around my neck to pull me close. “So we’re getting married this week?”
“This week,” I promised.
“Okay, now that’s sorted, let’s get it on in our new home.”
I grinned. “Get it on? You’re so romantic.”
“I know.” She laughed against my lips and then kissed me. Deep. Sexy. Needful. Then she pulled back, suddenly serious as she promised in a husky whisper, “Only you, Brodan.”
“Only you,” I vowed in return.
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Epilogue II
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* * *
Robyn had shoved the bedcovers off in her sleep, and I stared broodingly at her long, bare legs. Her sleep shorts had ridden high, and I could see the curve of her perfect arse, while her tee had hiked up, revealing her stomach. Impatience rode me as I stood over the bed with the phone to my ear.
“You’re sure it’s normal?” Brodan asked, his voice raspy with lack of sleep.
Samantha Young's Books
- Samantha Young
- A Cosmic Kind of Love
- Much Ado About You
- Hold On (Play On #2.5)
- Fight or Flight
- The Fragile Ordinary
- Samantha Young E-Bundle: Castle Hill, Until Fountain Bridge, One King's Way
- One King's Way (On Dublin Street #6.5)
- Down London Road (On Dublin Street, #2)
- Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street, #3)