Not Your Ex's Hexes (Supernatural Singles, #2)(57)
The crowd cheered excitedly, faces pink from anticipation—and the cold.
Damian leaned closer. “Did he just say—”
“Shh.” Rose clamped her hand over his mouth. “He’s about to go over the rules.”
“Rule number one,” the officiant called out. “Obviously … no pants allowed! That usually goes without saying, but knowledge is power and all.”
Cheers erupted along with another round of chuckles.
“Second! Don’t do anything that’ll get you arrested.”
Boos echoed around the group, and again, laughter.
“Yeah, yeah, a bummer, I know. But we’re able to come back year after year because we behave. So please, behave! And third … have freakin’ fun! Everyone should already have their assigned stations, so let’s shed those pants and get moving!”
Short of the Polar Bear Plunge, Rose never saw so many people shedding their pants at one time. She chuckled, full-on cackling when Damian’s eyes went wide as saucers as the man next to him shucked his sweatpants to stand proudly next to him in a Scooby-Doo Speedo.
Rose unbuttoned her coat.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” As her bare legs came into view, Damian looked two seconds away from shedding his jacket and wrapping her up like a witchy burrito.
“Rule number one … no pants.” She pushed her jeans down, and bracing a hand on Damian’s arm for balance, she yanked them over her sneakers.
He opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water, searching for the ability to speak as she shoved her pants in her bag. His complete shock only confirmed that she’d made the right decision to participate.
“Have a great day, doc! I’ll ring you up later!” She sent him a little wave and was carried away by the crowd.
The NPE coordinators had divvied up subway assignments a few days ago, and she’d drawn the Union Square stop on Fourteenth Street. Lucky for her, it was the nearest station, which meant she wouldn’t freeze her rump cheeks off while waiting for the train.
She’d crossed the street at the corner when she realized Damian followed behind, his face the definition of grumpy brood. His eyes flickered down to her panty-clad behind.
“Explain to me why you’re riding the subway without pants … with a lot of other people who also aren’t?” he asked.
She shrugged. “Why not?”
His brow furrowed. “I’ll give you a million reasons, and they’re the different strands of bacteria—and God knows what else—that will be introduced to your gorgeous—and practically bare—backside.”
Smirking, she shot him a coy wink. “Are you worried about catching something from me, doc?”
“I’m concerned you’ll develop a case of flesh-eating bacteria.”
“There’s nothing in the No-Pants rulebook that says sitting on the train is required. I’m perfectly capable of standing.”
Regular commuters did double takes as the crowd of pantsless individuals all descended onto the platform. Some laughed. Some scowled. Others pulled out phones to document the moment. Damian stepped in front of her and shot a low, lethal growl at a frat boy who’d dared point his cell phone her way. The kid visibly paled before shoving his phone back into his pants pocket and stared anywhere but at them.
“Did you just growl at him?” Rose asked, blinking. “And I swear your eyes did a little glowy thing?”
And it wasn’t the first time she’d seen it. She swore the same thing had happened briefly at the bowling alley with Val, and again at the Blood Moon.
Damian sighed. “Can we please go somewhere and talk … with pants on?”
“What conversation is so important you expect me to abandon my plans to have it?”
He folded his arms over his chest, the move stretching the softness of his worn leather jacket. “New intel has led me to believe my brother offered up a hell of a lot more than the history of my sorry excuse for a love life … something about a job offer? Care to fill in the blanks?”
“Intel? Did you give up your vet practice to become part of the spy network?” Rose mimicked his stance, crossing her arms as she waited for the next train. “And nope, I do not wish to fill in the blanks. Especially while that sour look is on your face. I’ve been looking forward to this event all week. I’m not backing out, and I’m not about to ruin the buzzy fun with that conversation.”
“It’s a bad idea, little witch.”
Another No-Pants Express rider frowned at Damian’s lack of showing skin. “Dude, rule number one. No pants. If you’re gonna ride, you gotta drop your drawers with pride.”
A low, rolling growl slid from Damian’s chest as he turned toward the hipster, his eyes definitely flashing bright gold. “I’m not taking off my pants.”
Rose grinned. “It is rule number one.”
He glared at her. “Not happening.”
“Then this is where we say goodbye. I’ll call you later, and maybe we can have that talk.”
The train squealed to a quick stop and she hiked her bag higher on her shoulder, preparing to make the mad dash into the car.
“No way am I letting you ride the subway in your fucking underwear. Alone.”
“I’m not alone. I have all these people.” She glanced to the guy waiting next to them. “And I have … I’m sorry, what’s your name?”