Moon Touched (Zodiac Wolves: The Lost Pack #1)(23)

Desperation drove me to my feet. I needed to get away from this place before Jordan found me. At the very least, I had to get out of this forest, and then I'd figure out my next plan. I had nothing with me except a blanket and sheer determination to not be a victim. All my belongings were back at the Cancer camp, and I certainly wasn't going there. Step one: find clothes and shoes.

I slowly headed in the direction the Pisces cars had gone, pain lancing through me with every step. Following them would get me back to civilization, where maybe I could find someone who could help me. To do what, I didn’t know, but I had a lot of walking to do and a lot of time to think about it.

Everything hurt, and I had to move so slow I knew it would take me hours longer than it should have. I was limping, unable to put much weight onto my bad leg. At some point, my new shifter healing would help me, but I had to rest to get to that point. That wasn't an option. I even tried shifting back to wolf form, but that didn't work—I was probably too exhausted.

Every step brought me closer to collapse, and I realized I hadn’t eaten or drank anything since the afternoon. As if in protest, my stomach growled. My ribs throbbed at the same time. I was pretty sure Jordan had cracked some of them when he kicked me. Every step only brought more pain to that area.

“What did I do in my past life to piss the gods off this much?” I grumbled to myself. “All I want is someone to actually want me, is that too much to ask?” Somewhere I could belong, with people who cared for me. A place where I wouldn’t live in fear of hatred or the next beating I might get. A really hot mate wouldn't have hurt either.

Actually, no. I'd gotten a hot mate, but he'd turned out to be an asshole. Thanks but no thanks.

Jordan. The mixed feelings I had for him rose up in me, making me feel nauseous. I wanted to tear his throat out, but the mate bond also made me want to rip off his clothes and throw myself at his naked body. Would it be that way for the rest of my life? Or would the longing eventually subside if I got far enough away from him?

My mind turned instead to the alpha of the Ophiuchus pack once more, as it often did since he’d appeared on my hike. He was hot, hotter than Jordan actually. And dangerous too. I wondered who would win in a fight—him or Jordan? I'd seen them both naked, and they were both pretty damn impressive...

I shook my head. I was in the middle of an abandoned forest, talking to myself, comparing the physical qualities of two male shifters who I hoped to never see again. This really was the end for me. A deranged laugh bubbled up in my throat, threatening to escape. I was probably hours away from being brutally murdered by the Leo pack, and yet here I was, fantasizing about a male who wasn’t my mate. I didn’t even know his name, and I’d probably never see him again. Shit, I must be going into shock or something. If I made it out of this with my sanity intact, it would be a miracle.

I continued limping along, trying not to collapse, and entered a thicker area of brush. A twig snapped behind me and I froze, heartbeat fluttering as I looked around, eyes wide. Three dark wolves melted out of the forest, seemingly out of nowhere. I lifted my hands, trying to show I wasn’t an enemy, but all three leaped at me in unison, knocking me over. They circled me, growling and snapping to make sure I wouldn’t try to bolt.

I covered my head with my hands, tensing for the blows. They must be from the Leo pack, or maybe one of their allies, hunting me down on Jordan's behest. They'd likely beat me until I couldn’t move, and then deliver me to Jordan to do whatever he wanted, like a gift-wrapped present. Here’s your mate, destroy her.

But no blows came. The wolves threatened and surrounded me, but didn’t touch me. I slowly lowered my hands, glancing between them. What were they playing at?

Then the alpha of the lost pack melted out of the forest in human form, while the other wolves parted for him. He was so light on his feet, I hadn’t heard him coming. Like before, he wore no shirt, only jeans. My breath caught as he approached me, almost as if he'd been summoned by my thoughts of him, while the other wolves circled me so I didn't dare try to escape.

Like a dark angel come alive from one of my fantasies, he stood directly over me, his eyes cold and unreadable. "You're coming with us."

Before I could even open my mouth, one of the wolves sank their fangs into my arm. I started to cry out, but then exhaustion swept through me, so quickly it was impossible to fight. I struggled not to go under, but there was no stopping the call to sleep.

I could only stare at the dark alpha with defiance as my body gave out and everything went black.

Chapter Ten

I came to slowly, my mind so fuzzy it didn’t occur to me that I was actually waking up until I blinked my eyes open. I lifted my head and glanced down at my body. I was lying on some sort of cot, covered with thin sheets, and I didn’t feel any pain. I drew in a deep breath experimentally. Nothing, not even a twinge.

I lifted my knee, bending and straightening it. The crunching noise was gone, as was the pain. How long had I been out for my body to heal itself? Surely wounds that bad would have taken days. Maybe I was with the Virgo pack? They had healing abilities and weren’t allied with the Leo pack.

I flung the sheets back, taking note of the too-big clothes I’d been changed into. Better than being naked at least. They hadn't given me shoes though. I looked around and noticed for the first time that I wasn’t in a bedroom or infirmary. Iron bars formed a cage around me, sunk into the floor, and bolted to the ceiling. There was a small toilet in my cell, plus the cot, and nothing else. For a moment, all I felt was confusion. Had the Leo pack gotten me after all? Why was I healed if they planned to torture me?

Elizabeth Briggs's Books