Moon Touched (Zodiac Wolves: The Lost Pack #1)(17)

Mira let out a noise that sounded suspiciously like a squeak next to me, and I yanked my mind back to the present, mentally chiding myself. I should be focusing on the mating ceremony, not thinking about the Ophiuchus pack. Or it's dark, dangerous alpha.

Mira gave me a wide-eyed look, and I flashed back what I hoped was a reassuring smile. She stepped forward into the circle of witches, and the spell was cast once more. I held my breath as the gold dust settled on her shoulders and seemed to be absorbed inside her. Then Mira looked around, seeking someone out. A handsome, muscular Pisces shifter with sandy hair stepped forward with a dreamy expression, and Mira stumbled toward him, her smile radiant on her face. He was exactly what she’d been hoping for, and I couldn't help but smile too as they took each other's hands.

Dad joined the Pisces alpha in the center, formally giving Mira over to her new pack. Although I would miss her terribly, I had to admit that Mira had lucked out. The Pisces pack was allied with Cancer, and they were located on the coast of Alaska. Her element would still be water, which I knew mattered a lot to her. She was so connected to the ocean that living somewhere landlocked would have been torture for her.

Mira and her new mate walked away from the center of the circle, and she shot me a glance as she joined the Pisces pack. I flashed her a genuinely happy smile and gave her a thumbs up. She returned it, something softening on her face like she’d worried what I thought of her new mate. I just wanted to see her happy, and the previous dread gnawing at my stomach dropped away at her success. Hope replaced it, making me giddy with the feeling. Maybe I would find my perfect match tonight too.

Several more shifters were mated before it was my turn. My gut feeling had been right. I was the last female shifter that remained unmated.

“Ayla Beros,” Evanora intoned, her piercing gaze coming to rest on me. I stepped up to meet the Sun Witches and the unmated males, which included my brother. It looked like Wesley wasn't being mated tonight either, though he didn't seem upset about that. He shot me a big, reassuring grin, but as I glanced at the other males, I couldn’t help but balk. There were only a few left, including Jordan, the Leo alpha heir. An instant wave of nausea went through me when our eyes met. Anyone but him, I prayed to the gods. Although at this point even the Leo prick would be better than no mate and having to go back to that house with my parents. I'd even take the tall lanky Scorpio shifter who looked like he hadn’t fully grown into his height yet.

Evanora led me all the way to the center, but instead of starting the spell right away, something cruel shone in her eyes. “You’re lucky that a half-breed mongrel like you is able to shift at all, let alone hope for a mate."

I stared at her, shocked and disappointed she'd be so rude and hateful too, but what else would I expect at this point? I lifted my chin and met her gaze. "I guess we'll see what the gods have planned for me."

"The gods?" She threw her head back and laughed. "Not even they can save you from what's coming."

While I wondered what the fuck that meant, she began chanting the spell, with the other witches joining in after a beat. My stomach twisted as the gold dust fell upon me and melted into my skin, the magic tugging at something deep inside me. For a second nothing happened, and I thought it hadn't worked and I would go home without a mate after all. Then my gut twisted and wrenched, like something was being yanked out of me, and I was filled with an overwhelming need. It drew me forward, my mind blank except for the irresistible pull toward my mate.

I stumbled toward the males, my eyes locking onto Jordan. No, I thought, panic rising in my throat. I turned back to look at Evanora, but her face remained cold and impassive. How was this possible? I knew that the gods chose the mates, but why would they pair me with such an incompatible match? They knew that the Leo and Cancer packs hated each other. Was this some sort of punishment for me?

I dug my heels in, trying to avoid the pull, but my feet kept taking me forward anyway. I couldn't resist the urge to go to my mate, even if my mind screamed that this wasn't what I wanted at all.

Jordan stumbled toward me too, with the same shocked and horrified expression on his face that was probably on mine. He broke my gaze, glancing back at his father with a grimace like he was physically pained by what was happening. He tried to resist the pull as much as I did, but the call was too strong. We took longer to get to each other than any other mated pair had, both fighting every single step. Even with the resistance, we stood before each other in a matter of moments. Only inches away, both of us breathing heavily, our eyes locked together.

That's when the pull changed to desire. Hunger. Need. I suddenly had to have this male, or every atom inside my body would be torn apart. He was mine, and I was his, and nothing could ever keep us apart from this day forward.

The rest of the world faded away. All I could see was how gorgeous Jordan was, all muscled and shades of gold, and I had the strongest urge to kiss him. Or tackle him to the ground and tear off his clothes with my new claws.

I wasn’t the only one affected. As Jordan took me in, I saw his pupils dilate, and his eyes caught on my mouth and lingered as if he was thinking about kissing me too. As we each took a step closer, it felt as if something had slotted into place, something I’d been missing. With a Leo? my brain screamed at me, but I pushed it aside. The mating ritual had bound us together, despite our packs’ animosity. If the gods wanted us to be together, how could we refuse?

Elizabeth Briggs's Books