Mine to Keep (Mine #2)(43)
“So where was he?” Alex queried. “I mean, I’m sure he has an alibi. Just like last time, right?”
Not exactly. “I was in my office. Working.”
“And someone can verify that?”
“I’m sure my assistant, Sara, can.” Like she’d ever go against anything he said. Sara owed him.
“Right. Your assistant.” Alex’s lips twisted.
“I-I have a class to teach.” Skye suddenly blurted. “I have to go. It starts at two.”
Now that seemed to surprise Alex. “Skye, you can’t—”
“I’m not just going to leave my students.” She was adamant. “It’s four blocks away. If you need me, you know where to find me.” Then she marched away from the detective, and she kept her grip on Trace, pulling him with her.
Alex’s glare followed them.
A crowd had gathered to watch the scene. Curious folks who were whispering about the murder that had happened so close to them. There were a lot of murders in that city each year—too many—but when the crime was fresh, the fear struck everyone the strongest.
Skye was silent as they walked down the street. Trace noticed that she had her left hand shoved into the pocket of her sweatshirt. Her right hand held his. But, after a few more feet, she pulled away from him.
“Skye,” he began.
“Not here.”
Trace had to strain to hear her words.
“Not yet,” Skye added.
He frowned at that response.
Then they were back at her studio. A few dancers were waiting outside, their gear bags at their feet. Skye pasted on a smile for them, welcoming each person.
She unlocked the door. Waved them inside.
When the dancers slipped in to begin their stretches, Skye turned back to him. She seemed to brace herself in the doorway. Her eyes searched his. “You’re glad he’s dead.”
He saw no point in lying about that. “I’m sorry you found him. I wish you’d never seen him that way.”
A laugh—no, a sob?—trembled from her lips. “That’s not what you’re supposed to say. He was butchered in that alley and thrown away.”
He braced his hand up on the door frame. “Tell me the truth, baby. Aren’t you glad he’s dead?”
The little bit of color in her cheeks bleached away.
Trace tensed. “Skye…”
“I-I have to take care of my class.”
“I’ll wait for you.” Because she looked so fragile.
“No.” Her immediate denial. “I-I’ll come to you when I finish today. We need to talk.”
“You found a dead body. Do you really think I’m just going to walk away and leave you on your own?” When it looked like she could shatter any minute?
“I want you to walk away now, Trace. I’ll come to you.”
Something was off. “Why were you in that alley?”
She glanced over his shoulder. He didn’t even need to turn his head in order to see the uniform who waited on the other side of the street. Trace had been aware of the guy following them from the crime scene. No doubt, on Alex’s orders. “I went for a walk,” she said, her voice wooden.
“I’ll come to you.” Then she left him as she went inside her studio.
Trace turned around slowly. His eyes locked with the cop’s.
First, Sharpe had been killed.
Now Parker.
Who would be next?
I won’t risk her. With his eyes on the cop, Trace pulled out his phone. Two seconds later, Reese was on the line. “I need you to guard Skye.”
She’d be furious when she found out what he’d done, but she’d be alive.
Skye had made it through the day. Her muscles ached, her stomach was tied in knots, and she was limping.
For the first time in ages, that damn limp couldn’t be controlled.
She pulled on her sweatshirt and shorts. Grabbed her bag. And when she went outside, Skye wasn’t even mildly surprised to find Reese waiting on her. After what had happened, she’d known Trace would be back to his old routine.
Reese focused on her face. “Not gonna yell at me for doing my job, are you?”
“Too tired to yell. Well, at you, anyway.”
His lips hitched up into a half-smile.
“Take me to him,” Skye said as she climbed into the back of the car.
Reese nodded and closed the door behind her.
When the car eased down the street, her gaze found the alley and the line of bright, yellow police tape that sealed it off. She couldn’t get the sight of Parker’s body out of her mind. His neck…I will never forget that image. She could still smell the blood, too. Blood and garbage and death.
She’d hated Parker.
But had the man deserved to die like that? Did anyone?
Her hands tightened on her bag. Life wasn’t supposed to be like this. She wasn’t supposed to be so afraid.
And she sure wasn’t supposed to fear the man she loved.
All too soon, they were pulling up to the curb. She didn’t wait for Reese to come back to her. Skye jumped out of the car. Henry was waiting at the door. He frowned at her. “Ms. Sullivan, are you all right?”
She was far from that. “I’m fine.” She didn’t slow down because she didn’t want Henry looking too closely at her.