Mine to Have (Mine #5)(45)

She took his hand and forced a smile. “I’m excited to be here.” Now look up.

Thankfully, he did. But she didn’t like the assessing light in his eyes. “Laurent Vineyards has the potential to be absolutely phenomenal,” Sloan said with a nod. “Michael bought the place at just the right time—the name change for the place went through without a hitch, and he’s poised to be a major force in the area.”

A major force? Two weeks ago, he’d nearly killed a man in Miami. Now he—he was completely different.

Michael Laurent was in front of the room, giving a speech about profits and expansion plans, and he was making her head ache. This couldn’t be her Saxon. Not rough and ready Saxon.

Was it?

He is so good at becoming someone else. Even his accent was slightly different as he talked to the group. Clearer, sharper. This isn’t the guy from the streets.

With an extreme effort, Elizabeth kept a polite smile on her face. “How long have you known Michael?”

“About a year,” Sloan told her.

Her jaw nearly hit the floor. It wasn’t possible that he’d known Saxon—Michael—for that long. Saxon had been undercover. He’d been working in Florida—

“Most of his business dealings were conducted via long distance because he was out of the country, but the man knew exactly what he wanted done with this place.” Sloan shrugged. “I got the impression that when there is something the man wants, he takes it. Nothing stops him.”

She tried to carefully tug her hand free of Sloan’s grip, but his fingers tightened around hers.

“I’m a lot like him,” Sloan murmured and the guy actually paused to lick his lips as his gaze swept over her once more. “When I see something…someone…I want, I take her.”

Laughter spilled from her. She just couldn’t help it. “You’re nothing like him.” If this guy tried to live Saxon’s undercover life, he wouldn’t survive the day. “And I’m not interested.” Then she yanked her hand away from Sloan. Screw playing it polite. The guy’s eyes were eating her alive.

Her gaze slid to Saxon. He’d finished talking to the group and he was staring straight at her. Or rather, at her and Sloan.

Oh, jeez. This wasn’t—

“I would like to formally introduce everyone to my right-hand lady, Bethany Meadows.” His voice seemed to flow around her. “Bethany and I have worked together for years, and I knew that I wouldn’t turn this place into the vineyard of my dreams without her.”

Surprise rocked through her at his confession.

Everyone was glancing her way now.

Vanessa, Saxon’s assistant, was staring at her, too. Only there was a sort of understanding in the other woman’s eyes, as if she’d just made a discovery. Our little romp in the office makes more sense if we’ve been lovers for a while, huh? In that moment, she could practically read Vanessa’s thoughts.

“Bethany…” Saxon beckoned to her, opening his hand.

She headed toward him. She made sure to take slow, careful steps in her heels. The last thing she wanted to do was take a header in front of all those people.

His fingers curled around hers. His lips tilted just a bit.

Once, she’d thought he was so far removed from her world. Too dangerous. But staring at him right then, the suave businessman before her…

I’m not sure I fit into his world at all.

Saxon was a man who could literally become anyone in the blink of an eye.

And if he could be anyone, then did she really know him at all?

More staff members—a group all wearing white—bustled out. They held delicate glasses and bottles of wine. Laurent Wine.

This wasn’t just some cover story. This was a whole life that Saxon had obviously planned for himself, for a long time. A life that he’d brought her into.

His hold tightened on her. “Time to celebrate,” he murmured. Then he inclined his head. “Drinks all around!”

The wine started flowing. Soon, everyone present had a glass, and Saxon still held her hand.

She glanced over at Sloan. His gaze was on her, and it was assessing. Behind him, Vanessa was smiling.

With his left hand, Saxon lifted his glass. “To the future,” he said.

Elizabeth lifted her hand and the wine glass she’d been given.

“To the future,” the others all repeated, smiling.

Elizabeth thought she was the only one who heard Saxon whisper, “May it be nothing like the fucking past.”

They drank the wine.

And the tension she felt got even worse.


Elizabeth was too nervous around him.

Considering the way their last meeting had gone, that nervousness wasn’t particularly surprising.

Note to self…try not to jump her the next time you’re alone.

He walked toward the windows that overlooked his sprawling property and his gaze assessed the countryside in front of him. This place was so damn fantastic.

I won’t ever be in the streets again. This place will be my paradise. I’ll be safe here. Elizabeth will be safe here.

It was a fresh start, for them both.

His phone rang. He pulled it out and recognized the number on the screen. He was alone in his office, so Saxon knew it was safe to take the call. “Tell me she’s clear,” he said.

Cynthia Eden's Books