Mine to Have (Mine #5)(38)

Victor’s hands had been on her skin. His mouth had been touching her ear. That shit had made him see red because Saxon could still remember what it was like to drive into the hot silk of her sex. Because she was crying—for me.

He wasn’t sure anyone had ever actually cried over him before. His mother sure hadn’t cared about him. She forgot me the minute I walked out of the door. No, she’d actually forgotten about him long before that—when he’d still been in the house and days would pass without her even speaking to him.

But Elizabeth, a woman he’d met just days before…she cried for him. She’d risked her life for him.

“I told her that you’d survived, but that you wouldn’t be seeing her again.”

She had paced back across the room and sat down. As he kept watching, the door to that room opened, and the fresh-faced cop returned.

“And I told her…” Victor continued quietly, “that you were dead to her and everyone else.”

Saxon’s head jerked as he turned to glare at his friend.

“You’re free and clear now, buddy,” Victor said as he slapped a hard hand on Saxon’s shoulder. “So tell me…how the hell are you enjoying that freedom?”

Saxon’s eyes narrowed even more on Victor. “Fucking asshole.”

Victor smiled at him. “I’ll be moving her by dawn. I figure you’ll need a bit longer to recover before your transfer.”

She’d just be—gone?

Victor released him and turned away. “Maybe it will all work out,” Victor said as he walked toward the door. “Maybe she’ll vanish into suburbia. Marry some accountant or banker and have two point five kids.”

That would mean she had to sleep with the damn accountant.

She cried for me.

“I hope you enjoy your new life,” Victor said. He opened the door.

And Saxon heard himself say… “Wait…”

When Victor swung back with a smug smile on his face, Saxon knew he’d played straight into the guy’s hands.

But I can’t let her go.

Not now. Maybe not ever.


Two hours later, Victor entered another interrogation room at the Miami police station. When he opened the door, Tracy Adams jumped to her feet and ran toward him.

“Victor, you’ve got to let me explain—” She grabbed his arm and her nails bit into his skin. “I didn’t know what Gary was doing, I swear, I didn’t!” Her breath heaved out. “I’m a good agent. I’d never turn on the Bureau!”

This was the part that burned him. “You were his partner. No one worked more closely with him than you did.” So if anyone would have known about Gary’s true nature, it would have been her.

She paled as she stared up at him. “You were the one who partnered us. I didn’t know him until I got the assignment. I had no idea the guy was-was taking hits!”

He wanted to believe her and because of that, he had to make absolutely sure he showed no weakness. “You’re being investigated.” She would have already figured that part out on her own. “The FBI Brass is on a witch hunt right now, looking to take down anyone who might have been working with Gary.” And that was the fear. That there were others like him embedded in the FBI. “Your life is about to be torn apart, Tracy. Every secret that you have will be brought right out into the hard light of day.”

She pulled away from him. Her shoulders hunched. “I don’t have secrets. I’m a good FBI agent.”

It almost sounded like a mantra that she had to repeat.

He walked to the small table. Pulled out a chair and settled down. “We’ll see about that…”

Anger flashed in her eyes. Anger…and fear.

His back teeth ground together. If she’d betrayed him, then he’d make certain she paid.

“Is…is Gary still alive?”

He just stared back at her.

“Because if he is, then he can tell you I wasn’t working with him,” Tracy said quickly. “Just ask him. Just—”

“He’s in critical condition at the hospital right now.” Because Saxon had wanted to destroy that SOB. The guy hadn’t exactly been playing nicely. When your life was on the line—or the life of someone you cared about—nice didn’t enter the equation. “He’s not exactly able to talk right now.”

With slow, shuffling footsteps, she made her way to the table and slid into her chair. “I’ve never been on this side of the table.” Her voice was soft. “I don’t like it.” A hoarse confession.

He flattened his hands on that old table top. There was nothing about this that he liked. “Gary tried to kill me last night. You were his partner. You are his partner, so if anyone was involved in this tangled hell with him, it would be you.”

That was the story the higher-ups at the FBI were spinning.

But Tracy shook her head. “It’s not me.” Her hand flew across the table and grabbed his wrist. She leaned forward and her voice lowered. “Vic, you know me. Inside and out.”

Fuck. She would bring up that night. One time.

“I wouldn’t do this.”

He stared back at her. This conversation was being recorded so he might as well put all the cards on the table. “We had sex once, before you came on board with my team.”

Cynthia Eden's Books