Mine to Have (Mine #5)(26)

“You think I’m going to hold on to my control once I feel your tongue against me?”

She slanted her gaze up to meet his stare. “Let’s just see how long you can last.”

And she put her mouth on him. Her lips slid over his cock and she put her tongue right against the head of his arousal.

“Fuck!” His hands clamped around her shoulders, but he didn’t force her away from him. His fingers were so tight on her, but he was…

Holding onto his control. Good.

She licked him again. Feathered her lips over him. Took a bit more of his length in her mouth. Then she started moving her head. Taking even more. Sucking him. Enjoying the taste and the texture of his cock in her mouth. He was salty and rich, and he was getting even bigger as she tasted him. A moan worked in her throat and vibrated along his length. She felt wild then, sexy, all alone in this little cabin with Saxon and far away from prying eyes and—

He pushed her back. Lifted her so easily and when she blinked, Elizabeth found herself on her hands and knees in the bedding. Saxon was behind her. His hands were on her hips and he drove into her.

Her head tipped back as she gasped. Her sex felt hyper-sensitive from her last climax, and he pushed in hard. So deep.

“Get wet around me again,” Saxon whispered, his words rough and hot in her ear. His hand curled around her body, moving to press to her clit. “Squeeze even harder…”

She did.

He withdrew, plunged deep, and kept stroking her with his hand. He’d wanted her wet—she was. And with every thrust of his hips, she was surging back wildly against him. Over and over. Again and again. Her knees were shaking, her heart racing, and when he pounded into her once more, the world shattered.

As the climax tore through her, his grip was the only thing that kept her upright. Elizabeth wanted to collapse onto the bedding and let the pleasure consume her, but he wasn’t done. Not close. He was still driving into her, and every thrust made the pleasure burst again, coming in waves that wouldn’t end. Her hands fisted around the covers and her head dropped onto the pillow before her. “Saxon…” His name was a lost whisper.

His mouth was on her throat. Kissing. Licking. Stinging lightly with his teeth. He kept thrusting, kept stroking her clit until she thought that she couldn’t handle any of the pleasure any more. It was too much, too—

He came. Her name tore from him as he surged into her once more. She screamed too, because the pleasure had lashed into her—a release so strong it was almost pain.

And the climax held her in a grip that wouldn’t end, rolling through her even as Saxon filled her sex. He filled her…so completely.

Dominated. Consumed.

When the pleasure finally ebbed, Elizabeth collapsed. She didn’t have the energy left to do anything…but smile.


Saxon hadn’t checked in.

Victor glared down at his phone. What the hell? Saxon always checked in. The guy knew better than to leave him hanging.

So something happened. Something that prevented him from calling me.

He’d tried to reach Saxon. Victor had dialed his number a dozen times, but he hadn’t been able to connect with the guy.

Not like Saxon at all. In all of their years, Saxon had never missed a check-in.

He dialed Gary’s number. The line rang once, twice—

“Boss, you must be psychic, because I was just about to call you.”

Victor had gone back to The Blade to scan the bar one more time. He was the only person left at the place then so he had plenty of privacy to talk with Gary. “You been digging into Ms. Ward’s life?” Victor didn’t normally like to bring up a person’s past. Hell, his own past was shady and dark in too many places, but sometimes, the job didn’t give him any choice. He had to discover every secret that he could.

“I didn’t have to dig far.” Gary gave a dramatic pause. The guy did that a lot. Went for the drama. “It seems,” Gary revealed, excitement entering his voice, “that it’s not the first time a hit has been taken out on the Ward family.”

“You’ve got my attention.” Every bit of it.

“Her mother was a criminal defense attorney. She made some enemies in her time, and one of those enemies took out a hit on the woman and her husband. They went out in a fiery car crash that wasn’t an accident, at least not according to the police report I just accessed.”

“Who ordered that hit?”

“The police thought it was Luther Bates. Seemed Elizabeth’s mother refused to defend the guy…and he didn’t exactly like her rejection or the fact that she apparently got a little too chummy with a DA friend and spilled some of Luther’s secrets, legal code be damned.”

Luther Bates. The name instantly rang a bell for Victor—mostly because Bates was big damn trouble. The guy was rotting in a New Jersey prison right then. He’d been tied to the deaths of four of his…associates. And the fact that the guy had been running a drug trade from New Jersey all the way to Florida? Yeah, the authorities had managed to catch him red-handed with that shit, thanks to an anonymous tip.

A tip that came from Elizabeth’s mother?

“I can’t figure why anyone would be protecting Elizabeth,” Gary continued, his voice growing thoughtful, “but the fact that both she and her parents had hits taken out on them? No way is that a coincidence.”

Cynthia Eden's Books