Midnight Moonrising (Moonrising #2)(96)

Phoenix turned away from the scene on Rhodes' living room floor as a few of the officers in the room chuckled and gave low whistles. It wasn't the human blood that bothered him. It was because he knew Mena was still in charge; he could sense the regret she felt flowing through him as if it were his own.

He didn't blame her; he knew why she'd done it, but even knowing that didn't make it any easier to watch.

"I was worried about you," Alex said, and Phoenix leaned against the hall wall, crossing his arms over his chest and his legs at the ankles as he glared at the guy.

"Worried about me?" Mena said, aghast, as she let her wide eyes roam over the blood-stained, shredded shirt he was wearing. "I'm fine, Alex. What the hell happened?"

Alex hissed as his head whipped around toward the EMT dressing his arm, and then a guttural moan escaped his clenched jaw, sweat beaded on his forehead and the blood completely drained from his face. He sucked air quickly in though his nose and out his mouth as he blinked up at the ceiling.

"Sorry," the EMT said. "Those are some really nasty bites, Detective. You could use a shot of penicillin to keep them from getting infected. I'd wager some painkillers would give you some relief, too."

He sighed. "I'm not going to the hospital. I'll call my doctor tomorrow."

The EMT shook his head. "It's your funeral, dude."

"Alex, what is he talking about?" Mena said, her frantic eyes darting between Alex, the EMT and Phoenix then finally settling on Alex again and staying there. "He said they were bites. What bit you?" she pleaded. Phoenix already knew. So did she. She just didn't want to believe it.

"Relax, baby," he said as he tried to sit up and failed. Mena reached out and grabbed his shoulder then pulled him into a sitting position as if he weighed no more than a toddler. He stared at her, the wheels turning in that detective brain of his, and Phoenix thought maybe the guy had figured it all out, until he opened his mouth. "Dogs. I took the trash out, and two Huskies attacked me."

"Huskies?" Phoenix said disbelievingly. "Really?"

Alex shrugged. "That's what they looked like, but it was dark, and I didn't see either of them until they were on top of me. It could have been a different breed of dog I suppose, but they were massive. I shot one of them and the other ran off, but by the time I got back in the apartment to call the Chief and got back outside, the son of a bitch was gone. I could have sworn I shot it in the chest. I guess I was in shock and my aim was off. There's a leash law in Montgomery; dogs like that shouldn't be allowed to—"

Phoenix interrupted. "Mena? Can I talk to you? In private."

She nodded. "Of course. I'll be right back, Alex. Let the EMT finish dressing those wounds."

Alex glared at Phoenix, and then pulled her in for another kiss. Cutting the kiss short, his eyes narrowed as he visibly sniffed of her face. "You smell different." Dipping his head, he sniffed of her neck then leaned back, making eye contact with her. "New perfume? What is it? It smells sweet."

It's called Eau de Parfum of Vampire, *. Now stop sniffing my girlfriend, Phoenix thought. He had to hand it to himself; he was getting a lot better at controlling these emotions. Two weeks ago, he would have already killed someone for trying to stake claim on something that was his. He hoped Mena noticed how good he was being, keeping his thoughts to himself and all.

Mena's eyes flicked up nervously to look at Phoenix, then she stood and took a step back. "Uh…" She gave him a nervous smile. "I'm not sure. I think I only used your body wash," she said, and before Alex could respond, she held up a finger. "We'll be right back."

Phoenix grinned when confused hazel eyes met his. "It's probably best if you get rid of these guys soon. It's going to be a long night for you, Detective." He chuckled when Mena grabbed his hand and jerked him down the hall.

Before Mena even flipped the light switch, he knew what room she had brought him to; he could smell her scent as strong now as he'd smelled her the day before in his bed, as well as in his car only a few hours before.

As the room brightened with sixty watts, his eyes were immediately drawn to crumpled sheets, strewn pillows and a shiny pair of handcuffs that were looped through the wrought iron headboard.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I guess I could have chosen the bathroom."

He sighed as he turned to look at her, his hands coming up to gently frame her face. "I'm only sorry you had to go through that. Are you okay? I should have asked sooner."

She nodded, and then rose up on her tip toes to give him a brief kiss.

He wrinkled his nose. "You smell different. I think you need some more of me on you." He grinned mischievously as he rubbed against her, but she laughed and pushed him away.

She didn't laugh long enough to suit him. That beautiful smile disappeared as anxiety crept in. "Those aren't dog bites, are they?"

Phoenix shook his head. "You can't stay here, Mena, and neither can Alex. Jessica's wolves did that for one of two reasons: to let you know they know where you are or to claim Alex as their own. They will come back."

Blowing out a heavy breath, she sat on the foot of the bed and looked down at her hands. "My wolf agrees with you for once. So how do we get him to leave here without telling him the truth?"

K.S. Haigwood & Anne's Books