Midnight Moonrising (Moonrising #2)(54)

"I remember," the wolf interrupted, and grinned slyly as she said aloud, "Are you sure you want to do this, little wolf cub?"

There was a short snort, and then the girl spoke again. "Are you kidding me? You got lucky when you killed Marc. I'm over a century older than you—"

Mena's elbow quickly shot back and nailed the girl right in the mouth, and then she turned and threw her to the floor with one hand, pinning her there with a knee to the throat while she grabbed the blade with the other. She pressed the sharp tip of the silver into the flesh just beside the jugular vein and Dana cried out, the searing pain the silver was causing evident in her wails. The wolf glared at her panic-stricken expression with silver eyes, feeling no sympathy for the stupid girl.

"Please…" Dana squeaked around the weight that was nearly crushing her esophagus. "They made me do it."

"There is only one Alpha in Montgomery, and I can assure you that I'm it. Too bad you won't get a chance to tell them you failed."

The elevator car shook when something heavy landed on its roof, and Mena's head jerked up in alarm.

"Mena!" Heath shouted.

"I'm all right, Heath," she said as she removed the knife from Dana's neck long enough to reach over and hit the button for the ground floor, and then she swiftly replaced the blade at the girl's throat, poking a different place with the silver this time. Dana screamed, but didn't dare attempt to move. "Meet us in the lobby."

"Will do, Boss Lady," Heath replied, and she could hear the smile in his voice.

"You're weak, Dana," the wolf said. "After I finish with my meeting, that you so rudely made me late for, I am going to show you just how weak you are. In the meantime, you can spend some time in a cell at the High Vampire's compound fearing what's to come. I promise it will be epic."

The elevator doors whispered open, revealing Roel with wide eyes, while Brad was busy persuading two guys in suits to take the stairs.

"There is a problem with the elevator," Brad said to the men. "We're working on it, but it keeps getting stuck in between the second and third floors. We should have it back up and running by noon. Thanks, guys. Have a great day."

As the men walked through the door of the stairwell, Heath ran out and Mena's wolf jerked Dana to her feet, forcing her out of the elevator with her hand around the girl's throat. "Call Phoenix. Tell him you're bringing him a care package. Take the back door out, and come back for me once you get her settled into a cell. I'll try to make my meetings short. And, Roel?"

"Yeah?" Roel said.

"Make sure Phoenix knows that nobody is to touch her until I get there."

"No!" Dana screamed. "I'm sorry! Mena, I swear—"

"Shut her up." The wolf tossed Dana to a smiling Roel who quickly put a stop to all the squealing by putting her in a sleeper hold. Dana's body fell limp and unconscious within seconds.

"Text me after she is locked behind silver bars and you're on your way back. Brad, stay with me. You can be my escort to Jack's office and stand guard outside."

"Yes, Ma'—ena."

The wolf watched as Roel picked Dana up in his arms and carried her away, and then she turned and walked back into the elevator, with Brad right by her side.

"That went well," Mena said, dryly. "Want a dog biscuit?"

"Admit it, if you'd been in control, we'd be dead by now."

"I'll admit it if you let me out to play with Dana later. I have a few bones to pick with her."

"I have no problem doing that."

"Good," Mena said, "then you were right to stay in control earlier. I'm no fighter. And I am not too proud to admit that."

The wolf smiled. "I think we are going to get along just fine, Mena dear."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Wolf."

The wolf laughed, and Brad turned to give her a puzzled look as the doors opened. She shook her head. "Don't ask."

He nodded then led the way to Jack's office.


Something had been nagging at Phoenix the whole time he had been in the shower, and he'd done his best to ignore it, but it was a new feeling, not something he'd encountered before.

Maybe a side effect to the crush, he thought as he gave his head a shake in disgust. The dreadful feeling grew stronger as he made his way to the bed, sweeping over and nearly consuming him to the point that he reached out and grabbed the edge of the nightstand to keep from falling. The momentum of weight against the object caused it to shake and the lamp atop it to crash to the floor.

Easing himself down, Phoenix leaned his back against the iron bed frame and drew in long, deep breaths. "Sleep… you just need rest to recharge, and then you'll be—"

His phone buzzed where it lay on the mattress behind his head, and somehow he knew who it was before his fingers even closed around the device.

"What happened?" he said, without checking the caller ID.

"Mena's fine." Roel sighed into the phone. "One of our pack members tried to attack her—"

"What?" Phoenix barked, sitting up. "There were four of you there, Roel! How could you let anything—?"

K.S. Haigwood & Anne's Books