Midnight Moonrising (Moonrising #2)(33)

Lea turned red-rimmed, shimmering eyes on Jaxon, and then a hand shot up to cover her mouth as a sob racked up her throat, her entire body giving a violent jerk as she struggled to claim her next breath. Her knees buckled and Jaxon rushed forward to catch her just before she collapsed to the floor.

Cradling the trembling woman in his arms, Jaxon turned angry eyes on Santino who hadn't moved an inch or said a word since his arrival. "What did you do to her?" he growled. "Phoenix will—"

"I didn't know he was her brother!" Santino bellowed. "She's always here. I didn't even know she had family. He must have followed her or something," he said, his voice calming the more he talked. "The guy busted in here all hot-headed and demanded I give him Lea. I guess he thought I was dating her and keeping her away from him. I thought he was a psycho ex-boyfriend and—and I handled it," he finished quietly, his voice dropping so low human ears wouldn't have been able to hear the words spoken. "?Chingado!" he swore under his breath as he ran both hands through his thick, black hair. "I'm really sorry, Lea—"

She flinched against Jaxon's chest and cried out as if Santino had struck her.

Santino threw his hands up in the air in frustration, a long stream of Spanish cursing quickly flying through those lips as he spun around and left the room, anger quickening his step.

Jaxon caught sight of a crumpled form on the hardwood floor near the fireplace and instantly knew who it was.

"Damn," he said on an exhale. He would have to dispose of the body later, after he got Lea calmed down. He supposed he could even find it in his heart to dig a hole and have a proper ceremony, for Lea's benefit. Of course, the small funeral would have to be at night, and she wouldn't be able to invite other family members—if she had any more—or even tell them what had transpired; they didn't need any more humans to come up missing or the police knocking on Phoenix's door.

Santino couldn't be blamed entirely, though; Jaxon, or even Phoenix, would have done the same thing if some stranger managed to break his or her way into the compound. He supposed the locked iron gate wasn't enough security and would need to be improved upon immediately. Jaxon would have to come up with a solution to that problem before Phoenix found out about Lea's brother. That would be the first thing the high vampire would ask.

After a moment's hesitation, Jaxon let out a long sigh and carried Lea through the compound, to his quarters.

She didn't need to be alone tonight, but what was even more important, Lea didn't need to be anywhere near Santino.



The roar of the Corvette's engine was the only noise heard as Phoenix drove home.

Nervous couldn't come close to explaining how he was feeling. Mena's wolf was still in full control of Mena's body for the moment, but that was only because he couldn't protect the blows that would surely come from Mena and drive, too.

A million different scenarios had already gone through his mind about what he would say to her once he got her home, but none of them seemed to end in his favor. There was no amount of talking that would help her understand that he was only trying to keep her safe and get this Jessica bitch caught and destroyed.

Pulling out his phone, he sent Roel and Jaxon a short text. He had a plan. It wasn't one he looked forward to, but depending on the situation, sometimes the enemy of your enemy was your ally, even if that ally was also your enemy.

He smiled a little when he saw Mena's body jerk and then settle back against the seat in obvious discomfort. At least he wasn't the only one in deep shit; he was guessing Mena hadn't stopped threatening her wolf since she had taken over. He didn't have a clue how Mena would be able to punish her wolf, but she was Mena; she would find a way if there was one.

"I am going to call a meeting tomorrow night with my clan…" Phoenix paused a moment, contemplating his next words. "I would like your cooperation to ensure she attends. Joining my clan and the werewolf pack together is something she is passionate about. I assume since you haven't forced her to shift yet that the pact between us is something you also want to happen. I would very much like my clan to meet her…" he cleared his throat, "...and you."

Phoenix had absolutely no delusions that Mena's wolf liked him, even though she was helping make things a bit easier on his part, at least for the time being, anyway.

"I'll make sure she shows up. It's up to you what mood she is in when she gets there. I would appreciate it very much if you would get her off my case for a while. I'm getting a migraine."

He frowned, but nodded. "We're almost there."

"I know where the compound is located. I was there the first time you kissed Mena, remember?"

He did remember, and the fact that Mena had been present when her wolf kissed Rhodes did a quick replay in his mind. But asking the wolf what Mena thought about it wasn't going to happen. Ever.

"Unfortunately, I do. Though, at the time, I thought we were alone."

She snickered, and the sound sounded so much like Mena that he couldn't help but look at her. "I know you're dying to know what she thought of the kiss with Alex," she said, amusement thick in her voice.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance as he looked back to the road. "Am I that easy to read?"

K.S. Haigwood & Anne's Books