Midnight Moonrising (Moonrising #2)(22)

He sighed, and I could feel the tension in the room deflate a little. "When he finds out what you are and that you were the killer of both cases he is work—"

I nodded in understanding. "I know," I said, and my voiced cracked a little. I didn't want to look at him; my eyes were filling with hot tears and I didn't want him to see me cry. I growled in frustration as I quickly wiped away the moisture with my palms.

"You said you had to negotiate. What were the terms?"

I shook my head.

"Mena…" I heard him stand from the bed and start walking toward me. I began blinking rapidly, but a few tears fell and landed on my hand, and that was all it took to open up the dam so more could follow.

Phoenix wrapped his arms around me and I fell apart in his loving embrace, breathing in the sweet smell of him. Maybe it was just me, but he smelled a little like cotton candy. It was strangely comforting. I had no idea how to fix this and make everyone happy. Being a werewolf was the worst thing ever! I had no control if my wolf didn't agree with something I chose to do. She could take over at any time; she'd said so herself. How did the others cope with this? I'd have to talk about it more with Katie. She would help me understand. Somehow I knew even she wouldn't be able to help me figure out a solution to my problem with Alex and Phoenix. Two men couldn't have one girl. That had never worked before; I was no exception to the invisible rule. It was impossible. Being with Phoenix was what was impossible.

I had to tell him to go away—permanently.

Facing that fact was hard, but I didn't even want to imagine how difficult it would be to see him dead, knowing that it would be my hands that his blood spilt upon.

"Tell me."

"You need to stay away from me, Phoenix. This can only end badly for you."

He chuckled. "For me?" He pushed me to arm's length, his face falling once he caught sight of my tear-streaked face. "I told you that I would be here for you no matter what you had to go through. I wasn't lying, Mena. I'm not going anywhere. Whatever you are going through with your wolf, I will be here to help get you through it. I don't care if she likes me or not."

"Promise me something then."


"If my wolf tries to attack you, kill me."

He blinked a few times and removed his hands from my arms then backed away, putting some space between us before he spoke. "Anything except that."

"Then you have to stay away from me, because if you get in her way of getting what she wants, she is going to kill you. There will be nothing I can do to stop her and I can't have the image of your dead body waiting for me every time I close my eyes. She is strong, Phoenix, and she will win if you refuse to kill me when she makes the decision to take your life."

"Fucking Catch-22." His hands came up to rest on his hips as he sighed in defeat. "What if I don't get in her way? What if we let her have Alex? I don't like it—at all—but if that's the only way I can have you… I can do that—for you."

I stared at him in stunned silence. He was willing to share me with another man. This man was centuries old and he could probably have any woman he wanted, but he wanted me, my problems and everything. I was speechless.

"Say something. Do you want me, because I would do just about anything to be able to call you mine, and that includes risking my life and… and sharing you with another man."

"You're a stronger person than I am. I doubt I would be able to tell you the same if our roles were reversed. I could put my life on the line for you, but I don't think I could share you with another woman. I couldn't do that for Marc."

"If I had to actually share you with Alex, my view on it would definitely be different, but I know I would have you and Alex would have her… that is, unless you fancy the detective, too—"

"No!" I shouted, and then laughed a little as I stood and walked to him. "No, Phoenix. Alex is very attractive, but I'm not interested in him in that way."

He tilted his head back and looked down at me as I placed my hands on his waist and slid them around to his back, feeling the firm muscles in his back tense before I linked my fingers together loosely and pulled him closer to me. The smell of Colgate was noticeable when he opened his mouth to speak. I kept my eyes on those lips, wishing he would stop torturing me with words and kiss me already. "And… you are interested in me in that way? Is that what you mean?"

I smiled. "It sure sounded like that's what I meant."

One corner of his lips twitched. "And your wolf is okay with that?"

"I told you that I had to negotiate with her. She gets to have Alex, but only if I get to have you."

His lips spread into a broad grin. "I like a woman who knows what she wants."

His hands came up to frame my face, and then he brought his mouth down on mine.

Chapter 14


I couldn't remember wanting anything more. Well, I could think of one other thing that might top kissing Phoenix, and I wasn't about to tell him 'no' if he suggested we head toward the bed.

There was so much passion and desire in this man when he kissed me, like he had been practicing for centuries, so that whenever I came along, it would be perfect. And perfect it was.

K.S. Haigwood & Anne's Books