Midnight Moonrising (Moonrising #2)(114)

"I'll find a way to make her take it myself, then I'll kill you."

Phoenix's lips curled up on one side. "She will refuse if she has any notion that you mean me harm."

"Hope you're a good liar."

Phoenix sighed, defeated. "Let her stay here. You can go back to your old life and pretend none of this happened. If she goes with you, the partying and the women will stop."

"I don't even care about those things anymore. All I can think about is being near her and keeping her safe. If I told her that I am leaving, I'm almost positive she would have a breakdown. There's no doubt in my mind that she would willingly get on that plane and leave with me. I just want her to leave you here when she does."

"I'm not strong enough to let her go," Phoenix whispered.

"Don't be selfish, vampire. Do it for her. She can be happy again."

"How much time do I have with her?"

"My pride and I are leaving after the celebration of her Beta choosing on the full moon. You have four days. Get your closure. Prepare to say your goodbyes. And watch your boundaries; she isn't yours anymore."

Phoenix watched the lion leave, utterly conflicted, squeezing the vial between his fingers. He had a choice to make, but the question was, was he strong enough to make it?

Chapter 57


The torment I was putting him through made me ache inside. His touch, any kind of physical contact, seemed to calm us both down, immediately.

Part of me was missing when I was with Ace, but when I was away from him it felt like my world would shatter at any moment. Would this vicious power that had us bound ever ease up? Sometimes I felt as though it was crushing me.

Feeling the slow rise and fall of his chest at my back, I placed my hand on his arm that was wrapped around me and snuggled in closer. Did I feel like I was cheating on Phoenix? No. None of this with Ace was sexual to me. I just needed him near me, touching my skin, sort of like a child with a security blanket. Would I feel like I was cheating on Ace if I could ever make myself leave his side long enough to go to Phoenix?

I sighed.

The answer to that one was a big, fat yes.

From the moment Ace had connected our souls, I had felt possessive, territorial and down right clingy. I didn't like the feeling at all—it wasn't me—but, like I said before, I was hoping it would calm down after a little time had passed. And I honestly meant little time, as in today. Being away from Phoenix was tearing me apart.

Phoenix hadn't called or texted—though I had no clue where my cell phone even was. It was probably still in his chamber. Nor had he knocked on the door of the room Ace was staying in, and I was afraid he was mad at me for not responding to him after I took control of my wolf and Ace carried me upstairs. I hadn't known what to say to Phoenix; I still didn't know what to say to him.

Ace consumed me, but my love for Phoenix was still there, stronger than ever. He had followed through on one of his promises, finding another Alpha to save everyone, but I was still waiting for the happiness he'd promised me. I wasn't happy. I was confused. I needed Ace, but I wanted Phoenix.

Easily enough, Ace had searched through my memories, and he knew how I felt about Phoenix. He wasn't happy about it, especially since I still had these feelings after bonding with him. I suppose he thought my love for Phoenix would just dissipate and wither away since our souls were connected. I knew it never would.

He discovered through my mind that a large number of my pack were hunting me, and he vowed to be by my side through it all. After everything I had overcome in the last few weeks, defeating Jessica and taking order over my pack seemed like a child's game now. Almost too easy. I prayed I wasn't wrong.

Andromeda? Yes, she was still there, but she had absolutely no control over me. The best part was that I didn't hear her voice in my head anymore. I knew I could call her whenever I wanted and she would obey my every command.

For the first time since I'd been bitten, I felt like an Alpha.

I could have changed the name she'd chosen after I called it out, and picked anything I wanted my new name to be, but I decided to keep it. It was pretty, for one. It fit my situation, too. Andromeda, daughter of King Cepheus and Cassiopeia, sentenced to death for being too pretty, but just as she was about to be eaten by a monster, Perseus sweeps in to save her.

I'd always loved that story, and I suppose my wolf chose that particular name as a joke. Well, the joke was on her now, wasn't it?

I sighed again as I thought of Phoenix. Ace, like Perseus, had been the one who saved me, but I wanted Adonis.

"He's giving you time," Ace said through my mind.

If I had been paying attention, I would have noticed his breathing pattern had changed. Too late now.

"I need food," I said out loud.

"Want me to fix you something?" he said, and then put his cheek against my shoulder, breathing in my scent.

"What time is it?"

He reached across my body to the bedside table and turned the alarm clock toward us. "3:42 p.m. There is food in the fridge. I'll make you anything you want."

As I started to turn toward him, my hand brushed against something soft under my pillow. My fingers closed around the item and I pulled it out, so we could both see.

Ace stared open-mouthed at a pair of girl's panties dangling from the tips of my fingers. I dropped them, feeling an unnatural heat rise to my face.

K.S. Haigwood & Anne's Books