Midnight Lily(78)

Thank you to Mia's Mafia for providing me a happy place online where I can go to hide out once in a while. You all are so positive, so supportive, and so much fun. I value each one of you!

To all the book bloggers for whom reading is not only a passion, but a job. Thank you for doing what you do. Each review and recommendation is appreciated beyond measure.

To my husband: You believed in this story from the very start, even when it took a few turns neither of us expected. Without you, I wouldn't have had the courage to tell it. Thank you for listening to all my ceaseless babbling as if every word of it mattered to you. One night as I sat on our bed crying about all the reasons I was scared to put this one out into the world, you looked at me and said simply, "Honey, take a chance." You said the same words to me almost four years ago, and I have not regretted it. So no matter what, this one is for you. You make me brave, not only with your belief in me, but because I know that however it turns out, you will be there with open arms. For someone with the heart of an artist, there is no greater gift, and no softer place to land. Thank you for so very, very much, but especially, thank you for that.

About the Author Mia Sheridan is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. Her passion is weaving true love stories about people destined to be together. Mia lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband. They have four children here on earth and one in heaven. In addition to Midnight Lily, Leo, Leo's Chance, Stinger, Archer's Voice, Becoming Calder, Finding Eden, Kyland, and Grayson's Vow are also part of the Sign of Love collection.

Mia can be found online at www.MiaSheridan.com


Book Club Questions

What were your feelings about Holden Scott when you first met him? Did he seem to fall into the category of a stereotypical athlete, or were there things that surprised you about his character, both physically and mentally? Did you look at these things as clues to something else going on?

What were your initial thoughts about Lily? Who (or what) did you think she was? Did those ideas change as the story progressed?

The forest unites Holden and Lily and they spend a good portion of time there in the beginning of the book. Why is this remote setting important? In what ways is the forest a character all its own?

Midnight Lily is built around several mysteries. Did you find portions of the story more mysterious than others? Were you forming hypotheses as you read? Did any of them end up being accurate?

What is the significance of the stone "cave" Lily shows Holden in the woods? In this scene, Holden tells Lily that when it comes to other lives, you should "dream big or go home." And Lily expresses more of an interest in living a simple life. When the true nature of the situation they've just experienced reveals itself at the end, does this exchange become more meaningful?

What were your feelings about Whittington? Did those feelings change at the end of the book?

What were your initial thoughts about the two people Lily describes as escaping from Whittington? Did you think there was a connection between them and Lily and Holden?

What are the overarching themes of Midnight Lily? Could you relate to any of them?

After learning the truth about the hero and heroine's situation, what are your feelings about the supporting characters? Specifically Nyala and Dr. Katz. Who were these women to the hero and heroine? What roles did they play?

Did you consider the conclusion of the story a happy ending? Why or why not?

What questions were you left with after the epilogue? What clues can you pinpoint that answered some of those questions (either in the story, or in the conclusion)?

What do you imagine happens after the end of Midnight Lily? Where do you see these characters in five years? Ten?

Mia Sheridan's Books