Maybe Now (Maybe #2)(84)

“Can we chat?” I point back toward her room to indicate I’d like to do it in private. She nods and then shares a quick glance with Sydney before walking back to her room. She closes the door once we’re both inside.

“I’m sorry,” she says. “Bridgette made it all seem so weird, but I swear—”

I hold up my hand, interrupting her. “Maggie, it’s fine. I know you wouldn’t have invited me here if you were still hung up on someone else.”

She looks relieved by my comment.

“My timing couldn’t be shittier,” I say. “But Chrissy, my ex-wife, just called. Justice is sick, and she got called in to work. I have to head back home.”

There isn’t a single shred of doubt in Maggie’s expression. Only concern. “Is he okay?”

“Yeah, it’s just a stomach bug.”

She nods, but I can tell she’s somewhat disappointed that I’m leaving. So am I, though. I pull her to me to give her a hug goodbye. She molds to my chest, making it difficult to want to release her.

“Downfall of two doctors sharing a child,” I say. “You’re on call even on the weekends you aren’t on call.”

She pulls back and looks up at me. I slide my hands to her cheeks and bend down to give her a kiss. I can’t help but notice that our physical interaction is way ahead of our relationship. We aren’t even dating, but the way I hug her and kiss her and respond to her would indicate otherwise. It’s why I make sure our kiss goodbye is nothing more than a peck. The last thing I want to do is overwhelm her again. “Have fun today.”

She smiles. “I will. I hope Justice feels better soon.”

“Thank you. And send me some pictures of the caves. I’ll call you tonight after you’re back if it’s not too late.”

“I would like that,” she says. “Want me to walk you out?”

“I would like that.”


One would think that a man who regularly slices through people’s chests wouldn’t be bothered by a little vomit.

Not the case with me.

I’m convinced Justice has vomited more today than he did the first five years of his life. Or maybe it just seems that way because he’s older and bigger and produces more vomit, but fuck, there was so much vomit. I can’t be happier that it’s over. For now. There can’t possibly be anything left in the poor kid to even puke up.

When I’m finished scrubbing the bathroom, showering, and checking on Justice, I finally settle into the couch to catch up on my conversation with Maggie. They returned from the caves a little over an hour ago, and she sent me a few pictures. I told her I’d FaceTime with her as soon as I got Justice to bed.

She answers almost immediately. The smile on her face disappoints me, but only because I’m not seeing it in person.

“How is Justice?”

I love that she asks this before we even say hello.

“Asleep. And empty. I think he’s expelled everything he’s eaten since January.”

She makes a face. “Poor kid.”

She’s lying on her bed, her hair spread out over the pillow. She’s holding the phone above her. It’s the same view I had of her earlier today as I was hovering over her, preparing to kiss her. I force the thought out of my head before she sees through me. “Was the trip as fun as your pictures made it seem?”

She nods. “It was. Well, mostly.” She pushes the hair away from her forehead to reveal a small bandage near her temple. “Warren thought it would be a good idea to hide from us and then scare us. I turned really fast, and me and Bridgette butted heads.” She laughs, smoothing her hair back in place. “Warren felt so bad, he bought us all dinner. I mean, it was Taco Bell, but still. Warren never pays for anything ever.”

I smile. I like that she seems to have had fun. Happiness looks really good on her. “You ready for the big move tomorrow?”

She nods, rolling onto her side as she lowers the phone. “I’m ready to have my own bathroom again.”

“I’d offer to come help, but Chrissy is on call until Monday. I should probably keep Justice at my place until he’s feeling better so there isn’t a lot of back and forth.”

“We have plenty of help. I don’t have a whole lot to move, anyway. But I’ll FaceTime you tomorrow night and show you my new place after we’re finished.”

“I’d like it better if I could see it in person.”

She grins. “When’s your next day off?”

“I have an early day on Wednesday. I could drive to you…we could order take-out. Can’t spend the night this time, but I could stay a few hours.”

“That sounds good. I’ll cook for you,” she says.

“Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a home-cooked meal?”

She smiles again and then follows her smile up with a sigh. I open my mouth to tell her how pretty she looks, but I’m interrupted when Justice walks into the room. “Hey, buddy,” I say, looking up from my phone. “You feeling okay?”

Justice nods but doesn’t look at me. He walks to the kitchen and opens the refrigerator.

“I’ll let you go,” Maggie whispers, pulling my attention back to my phone.

I smile appreciatively at her. “Call me tomorrow when you’re all settled.”

Colleen Hoover's Books