Make Me Yours(88)

“You hear that, Tabitha?” Betty shrills after me. “Not only are you breaking and entering, you’re contributing to the delinquency of a minor.”

Robbie continues introducing the baby wanna-be bad boy. “Jimmy is staying with his uncle until he finishes high school next year.”

Every word is a cringing flash of shame, and I stomp up the pool steps, scooping my shirt off the tattered lounge chair and over my shoulders. My tight jeans are next, but it’s a challenge getting them up my damp legs.

“What would your uncle say if he saw you?” Betty continues regaling me.

I stomp back to where Sheriff Cole and his new storm trooper stand, not even casting a glance at the kid in the pool. “Are you planning to arrest me?”

Lines form around the sheriff’s eyes as he suppresses a grin. “Well, Mrs. Pepper here has listed your potential crimes.”

“You’re turning into a Jezebel,” BP continues nagging. “If you’re not careful, you’re going to end up just like—”

My eyes flash at her, and her voice dies. She’d better not say my mother. If she knows what’s good for her, she’d better not say it.

Instead she tightens her robe. “It’s a slippery slope.”

“What do you think, Chad?” Robbie exhales, straightening his posture and tugging on his waistband.

Mr. Silent But Deadly’s eyes skim the front of my transparent bra before meeting mine. When they do, I realize they’re light brown. I also realize they’re hot, and chills break out over my skin in the warm night air. It strikes me this sexy future sheriff might be the real bad boy in the group.

His voice is a nice, low vibration. “I think you’re playing a dangerous game… Miss?”

“She’s single,” Betty interrupts, as if not being married is another of my offenses.

Chad’s eyebrows twitch ever so slightly. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t think my being single is a crime.

My stomach is tight, and I swallow the knot in my throat. Get a clue, Tabby. The last thing on God’s green earth I have any intention of doing is getting mixed up with a lawman.

“I don’t play games, Mr. Tucker.” My voice is higher than his, but just as determined. “And I don’t check IDs on people I’ve just met.”

“Maybe you should start.” I can’t tell if Chad Tucker is being a smartass or if he’s just naturally cocky.

Seeing as he’s a deputy, I’m willing to bet it’s the latter.

Robbie’s chuckle breaks the tension. “I think we can let you off with a warning this time. Do you need a ride home?”

I’ve managed to get my feet into my slides, and I see Jimmy standing on the side of the pool, pulling on his jeans and tee. He looks so skinny and young now. I wonder why I ever fell for his counterfeit tattooed bad-boy routine.

My phone is in my hand, and I tap the icons quickly. “No thanks. I just ordered an Uber. Looks like it’ll be here in two minutes.”

Gripping my shirt closed, I stomp up the sidewalk that leads to the front of the hotel.

Betty Pepper calls after me, getting her final jab in. “Consider your ways, Tabitha!”

I grind my teeth and fight the urge to flip her off as I round the corner. I’m saved by the headlights of a Dodge Dart with a white U in the windshield. It’s too late to call my best friend Emberly, but when I get to the bakery tomorrow…

A billboard on the Interstate catches my eye, and I get an idea. Not Robbie Cole, Betty Pepper, or even Mr. Tall, Dark, and Sexy will see this one coming.


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About the Author

Tia Louise is the USA Today bestselling, award-winning author of When We Touch, the Bright Lights, One to Hold, and Dirty Players series, and co-author of the #4 Amazon bestseller The Last Guy.

After being a teacher, a book editor, a journalist, and finally a magazine editor, she started writing love stories and never stopped.

Louise lives in the Midwest with her trophy husband, two teenage geniuses, and one grumpy cat.

Tia Louise's Books