Make Me Yours(82)

“You’re leaving for college in the fall?”

My uncle steps up beside me. “Grayson got accepted to state as well as the military college.” His voice is friendly, I’m sure he’s doing his best to ease the tension.

It doesn’t work.

Drew’s messed-up dad steps closer to me, so close his warm breath is on my cheek. “Don’t you ever touch my daughter again.”

It’s low, a veiled threat.

I’ve never been threatened before, but I know it when I hear it. This man has nothing to lose but his legacy, and he’s not going to let me put my oil-stained hands anywhere near it.

“I don’t think Gray meant any harm.” My uncle puts his hand on my shoulder, ducking. It’s a submissive response, cowering in the presence of this old lion.

An old lion with a useless crown.

King of a forest that doesn’t exist anymore.

“As if you’d teach him not to touch what he can’t have.” He’s talking to Mack, but he’s glaring at me.

“Come on, Carl.” Mack’s voice is placating. “You know it wasn’t like that.”

The man lifts a trembling hand, and a sheen of perspiration is on his forehead. I don’t know what they’re talking about, but he looks like he needs a drink. Whatever’s going on, I won’t cower to Carl Harris.

He returns to his car, pointing for his children to get in the vehicle.

“Didn’t you want that tune-up?” Mack calls after him.

“I changed my mind. We’re not going anywhere.”

He can say that again. I hold steady as he fumbles with the keys to start the engine. As if drawn by magnetism, my eyes move to the clear blue ones watching me from the back seat with a very different expression.

Drew smiles, and heat fills my lower body. I smile back, watching as she drives away.

“Finish up that work order.” My uncle starts for the T-bird waiting under the plastic cover. “And don’t chase after trouble.”

I tear my eyes off the beautiful blonde in the sexy sports car. I know he’s right. I should stay away from Drew Harris. Nothing good can come of getting mixed up with her.

It’s too bad I’m not very good at doing what I should.



Grayson Cole’s eyes will stop your heart, but his lips will get it going again…

Four years later

My brother is slaughtering The Righteous Brothers as we walk through the door of my grandparents’ lake house. “You never close your eyes anymore…”

“God, Danny is such a dork.” Ruby wrinkles her tiny nose. “Four years, and he’s still doing that Top Gun shit?”

Stick-straight, glossy black hair swishes around her ears. She’s a sassy Constance Wu and my very best friend.

“He loves that song.”

The roar of voices swallows my reply. I hate parties like this. I’d rather be home watching Stranger Things on Netflix in my pajamas. Only one person could get me to come here—or the sadness of saying goodbye to that one person.

“Your brother needs to get a life,” she shouts, leading the way.

I can’t argue. Danny’s been doing this routine song since he decided to join the Navy in high school. Now he’s a Marine. It’s four years later, and we’re on the eve of his departure for God knows where (they won’t tell us) with his best friend Grayson Cole.

Gray, who has every nerve ending in my body buzzing with anticipation.

The lake house technically belongs to my dad now, since my grandparents died, but he never comes here. After my mom passed ten years ago, he pretty much stopped leaving our big house in Oakville altogether. Danny and I are the only ones who come here. It’s our summer escape, our winter retreat, and of course, Party HQ.

“It’s sad, really.” Ruby dodges a guy pushing out of the kitchen, red Solo cup in hand.

I strain my eyes for Gray as I answer. “How so?”

“Well… Danny never takes his eyes off Leslie, and Leslie never takes her eyes off Gray.”

“Danny never takes his eyes off Leslie’s boobs,” I quip, real irritation in my voice.

Gray does not look at her.

He looks at me.

I want to say this out loud, but I know better. It’s not worth the big scene, and I’m tense enough as it is.

We’re approaching the door leading to the open living room, and the closer we get, the faster my heart beats, the shallower my breath gets. I’m about to see him again for the first time since last summer—fateful, memorable, hot as hell last summer—and we only have two days before he’s gone again…

Will he even remember those days last year? Has he changed? Does he even care?

Swallowing the knot in my throat, I nervously play with the hem of my red dress. It stops mid-thigh, and has thin spaghetti straps, which means I’m not wearing a bra. My long blonde hair hangs in waves down my back just like he always liked it, and my panties are tucked safely in my purse. Surprise…

This has to work.

His familiar voice carries across the space, and my body stills. He says he hates this song. I know he does. My brother ignores him as usual.

I round the corner, and there he is.

Tia Louise's Books