Make Me Yours(59)

Regardless, I don’t think I can stay at arm’s distance. Now that I’m inside her gates, I want her to want me. I want her to come to me and say make me yours…

And I’ll do it.

“Good morning.” I smile, and she blinks slowly, studying me with those wise eyes.

“I had this dream… It was early in the morning and something hard poked me in the ass. Then it moved higher between my legs…” Her teasing eyes narrow, and my stomach tightens.

“Yeah… I’m sorry. Pretty sure I was still asleep.”

“We didn’t use a condom.” Her lips press together.

“You don’t have to worry. I can assure you I haven’t had any sexual partners since Sandy, and even then—”

“I’m not worried. I’m pretty sure I was complicit in the poking.”

The memory is hazy, but I do recall her sweet little ass arching into my pelvis. It didn’t take much to glide into her slippery core. As rakish as that may be.

“I’ll do whatever you need to set your mind at ease. Testing—”

“No.” She shakes her head, her eyes traveling around my face. “I’ve always been very careful. I’m on the pill. We should be safe.”

The way she says the word, makes me wonder if she’s thinking the same thing I am. We’re venturing into dangerous territory. Sleeping together takes us to a whole new level.

I don’t want those worries clouding this time.

I want to own it. “Are you hungry? It’s too late for breakfast, but if you’re in the mood for another cheeseburger…”

She starts to laugh and pushes into a sitting position, her back facing me. She has the most beautiful back, long and elegant with black waves sweeping down almost to her ass.

“I’m going to have to start jogging with you if I keep eating cheeseburgers.” I watch as she disappears into the bathroom.

“You’re welcome to join me anytime.” She’s welcome into every part of my life.

I roll onto my back, staring at the ceiling tiles as I envision all the ways she could fit into my world.



More running around the city follows cheeseburgers at the Shake Shack.

As much as I hated it, I insisted we cut today short. Listening to Stephen and Remi talk last night, I realized the gala is a pretty massive deal for Remi’s business. He needs to be alert, and I want to look amazing standing at his side… Not like I’m dying of foot pain after running all over Manhattan.

Standing in front of the closet in my room, I slide my fingers down the silk skirt of my dress. The bodice is held up by a network of straps that goes around my neck and crisscrosses over my bare back down to my waist. I can’t wear a bra, but Ma helped me take it up so the triangle top is held securely over my breasts, and we added a few darts at the waist to keep it from being too poufy.

The result is it stays close around my torso then opens up into a stunning waterfall of thick ivory silk. It’s stunning and seductive, and I close my eyes as I imagine being in Remi’s arms tonight, his hands sliding over my exposed skin.

So much warmth floods my body when I think of him, of last night, of this morning. Being with him was so much more than I expected—and I’d fantasized a lot. He’s seductive and possessive, but at the same time, he’s attentive and curious, delicate and demanding.

He didn’t just make love to my body. He made love to my mind. He didn’t simply chase his own orgasm, letting me work mine out on my own. It was as if he studied my touch, followed the experience of our bodies moving together, savored my kisses.

Even this morning was hot, grinding out a quickie. He just grabbed me and took it, and I rode along, basking in the heat of primitive desire.

Like the drop of black in the bright white, a thread of fear trickles through my chest. We can’t possibly go back to the way we were before we came here. Not only do I have to get my own place, I’m not sure I can even work for him anymore. Can I?

I don’t want to think about this now. I will ignore the twist of fear and focus on this enchanted evening. Anyway, Drew has the solution—direct deposit!

Exhaling through a nervous laugh, I swallow the tightness in my throat and do a little spin, holding my hands over the rich satin rippling to the floor. Negative thoughts aren’t allowed here. Tonight I’ll let the fantasy play out.

I’ll be the princess at the ball with the gorgeous prince. I’ll exult in the way he looks at me as if his eyes can’t get enough. I’ll be beautiful for him and we’ll dance and swirl through the clouds.

My feelings and our problematic reality can stay in Oakville.

Tonight, it’s all about the dream.

Remi wanders through the hotel bar looking toe-curlingly handsome in his black tux. I sent a message for him to meet me here, and I came down ten minutes early so I could have a drink and be at the bar when he appeared.

My dress is one of those high-low numbers, so sitting in the chair puts my crossed legs on full display. My hair hangs in thick waves down my back, and I watch as his brow furrows, as he scans the faces.

The muscle in his jaw moves attractively. He likes being in control, and I’ve tilted him off balance. It makes me smile a little as I watch him. Frustration tightens his expression. I’m right here, sexy prince…

Tia Louise's Books