Lunar Love (91)

Thank you to my agent, Ann Leslie Tuttle, for seeing the promise and potential of this story and for helping me take it to new heights. Thank you to my editor, Alex Logan, for championing this story’s heart and purpose and for supporting Olivia and Bennett and the book’s underlying themes. Thank you to my film agent, Mary Pender, for being an early believer and supporter of this story even before edits came back. I am endlessly grateful to you all.

Thank you to Estelle Hallick, Daniela Medina, Abby Reilly, Dana Cuadrado, Sabrina Flemming, Ambriah Underwood, Grace Fischetti, the production team, the sales reps, and everyone on Team Forever. It’s a thrill to join the Forever family.

It’s emotional for me to see a mixed-race illustrated character on the cover of a book. Thank you, Sandra Chiu, for capturing Olivia’s spirit and making this cover look like a piece of art. Thank you also to Rosemary Gong and Eugene Moy for your encouragement in this journey.

To the authors who replied to my cold emails, met for coffee, picked up my calls, and responded to my direct messages, I think about your kindness often and am so glad to know you. Thank you for helping a new author through the daunting yet exciting publishing process.

To my parents, for a childhood filled with good books and good food. Thank you for supporting my journey full of twists and turns every step of the way. To my mèi mei, I am grateful for your unwavering support and encouragement. To Auntie Rae, thank you for your cultural and Mandarin language insights.

To the booksellers, librarians, bookstagrammers, book bloggers, book clubs, and podcasters, your vast knowledge of books never fails to impress me. Thanks for all that you do in spreading the love of books to others and for always knowing just the right story to recommend.

Thanks to you, reader. I know that there are thousands of books out there for you to choose from, so from the deepest depths of my heart, thank you for choosing to spend time with mine.

And finally, to my best friend and husband, Patrick, the Snake to my Horse. Thank you for reading literally every single version of this book and for caring just as deeply as I do about these characters. You are my living proof that happy ever afters can be found through online dating. I am the luckiest that the algorithms brought us together.

Lauren Kung Jessen's Books