Lunar Love (36)

The fire behind my eyes is back and burning brighter than ever. I feel the heat radiate through my body so rapidly that I’m not fully aware when I stand up and announce, “We’re not outdated. Our methods may be rooted in history, but we make real love happen. I’ll prove to you that we’re better. I bet I can match you up with someone so compatible that you’ll be in love by the end of the year.”

The room goes quiet. Marcus, pro that he is, speaks first. “I’m not a betting man, but that sounded to me like a wager.”

Bennett sits up straighter in his chair, looking pensive. “That’s—I don’t know about this,” he says. “You don’t want to do this.”

“I don’t want to do this, or you don’t want to do this?” I take my seat confidently. “Scared your scam will be outed?” I say quietly, offering Bennett a smug smile. “I’ve been in business long enough to know what it takes to make a successful match. Your business hasn’t even launched yet. Who’s better? Well, it’s as clear as the sun and the moon.”

Instead of scaring Bennett off, I’ve only intrigued him. He settles into a more comfortable position. “More like, I can’t be held responsible when ZodiaCupid’s results are better than you think. Better than Lunar Love’s outcomes.”

I bite my lip. “Impossible,” I say, growing panicky. I keep a neutral and unwavering look on my face. “Like I said, I’ll prove it to you.”

“Based on traits?”


“And you think you know me?”

I half smile. “Oh, I have a decent idea about who you are.”

“Fine. You’ve got yourself a deal,” Bennett agrees. Warmth has returned to his eyes, but I can still see the hurt behind them. Hurt I put in them.

“Wait, so I’ll take the time to handpick you a custom match, and you’ll let your algorithm do the work?” I ask.

“That’s how our businesses work, isn’t it?” Bennett says. “You pick a match for me, and I’ll let my algorithm pick one for you, and we’ll see who finds love.”

I narrow my eyes at him. Little does he know, I’m never again letting myself fall for someone incompatible. This wager’s already been won. “Absolutely.”

“And I don’t need until the end of the year. In my world, two and a half months is too long. I bet I can match you using ZodiaCupid with someone you’ll be in love with by the end of the month,” Bennett counters.

“You’re kidding,” I say, letting out an unamused laugh.

Bennett shakes his head. He crosses his arms and leans back casually against the seat. The other two panelists look slightly stunned, but amused.

I blink furiously. “See? This is my point exactly! That isn’t about how fast it happens. Love isn’t some careless word you throw around!”

“That’s right!” Alisha shouts from the audience. I’m relieved when a couple others in the crowd agree with her.

“Well, folks, this just got very interesting,” Marcus says excitedly, as though he can already envision the ratings his show’s going to get. “Even the audience is getting into it. Olivia, you think Lunar Love and compatibility is better. Bennett, you don’t. How about this? Whoever can match the other with someone they fall in love with first gets an exclusive one-on-one podcast episode, a shout-out on our social media channels where we have over one million followers, and a feature on our website. Heck, we’ll even throw in a dating package for ten giveaway winners, paid for by us.”

“And a feature in our dating column,” the relationship editor chimes in. She sits cross-legged in her chair looking way too entertained.

I’m stunned by how quickly this all escalated. That’s huge exposure. And ten new immediate clients? That may be nothing to ZodiaCupid, but it’s a lot to us. That would reduce our need to find people right away, and we could focus on what we do best. I can physically feel the seconds passing as I process the situation.

“Well?” Marcus asks me before turning back to his microphone and adding, “Listeners at home, we can practically hear Olivia thinking. What will her decision be?”

I’ve always admired how Marcus builds anticipation in his shows, but now that his tactics for keeping listeners tuned in is directed at me, I’m not such a fan.

I extend my hand out to Bennett. “I’m in.”

“Excellent,” Bennett says, wrapping his fingers around mine. The contact sparks memories of last night: touching hands, homemade sushi, stolen glances under the stars, the rare feeling of unbearable lightness. It was like being with a completely different person. I shake off the drive-in version of Bennett. He’s long gone.

“Folks, it looks like we have ourselves a Match-Off!” Marcus announces.

Pulled back into the moment of being watched by thousands of eyes, I lock my own two with Bennett’s. He gives me a private, small, crooked smile. The breath in my chest catches. I hate what that does to me.

This is going to be fine. I know for a fact his app doesn’t work and that my matching record is way higher than his. I’ll get lots of press for Lunar Love, ZodiaCupid will be exposed for the sham that it is, and Bennett will find love. It’s a win-win for everyone.

I grip his hand tighter and pull him closer. Our cheeks graze as I bring my lips up against his ear. “I hope you’re ready to fall in love.”

Lauren Kung Jessen's Books