Love, Chloe(61)

When Justin sensed me losing control, he stopped. “As much as I’m dying for you to come on my face, I want us to come together with me inside of you.” He slid back and kneeled above me. His cock was so unbelievably engorged. He continued jerking himself as he looked down at me into my eyes. He suddenly took my face and began to just kiss me deeply. He pushed his weight down onto me as I landed on my back. His slick cock rubbed against my stomach as he kissed me with everything he had in him.

“Why the f*ck did we wait so long?” he said against my lips. I shook my head and pulled his hair, egging him on to kiss me harder, unable to get enough of his taste.

It felt like I was going to die if he didn’t enter me soon. Intuitively, Justin pulled away from me and reached over to the bedside table. I heard the crinkle of a wrapper as he ripped the condom package open with his teeth. “I’m gonna f*ck you so good, Amelia. I can’t wait to hear what you sound like when I make you come. You ready?”

Biting my bottom lip, I nodded in affirmation. “God, yes.”

As Justin slid the condom on effortlessly, Bea’s frantic cry could be heard in distance, coming from down the hall.

We both froze, me with my legs wide open ready to receive him and Justin with his hand on his dick.



Please no!


We both continued to stay still as if somehow not moving would just make it stop. That was just wishful thinking. When it became evident that we weren’t going to get that lucky, Justin got up and slipped his underwear and pants back on. “I’ll go check on her. Maybe she just needs to be changed.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Stay right where you are…spread eagle. Don’t move. I’ll be back.”

Justin stopped into the bathroom to wash his hands before venturing down the hall.

Too worked up to argue in my stark naked state, I waited impatiently for him to return.

After a couple of minutes, I could hear his voice from down the hall. “Amelia!”

I jumped up. “Is everything okay?”

“She’s fine, but I need your help.”

I ransacked Justin’s drawer for something to throw on then slipped one of his white t-shirts over my head before running down the hall.

As soon as I entered the room, what smelled like a poop explosion fogged the air. Justin was holding Bea out away from him with both hands as he said, “We have a hazmat situation. She’s covered in shit…got it all the way up to the back of her neck.”

Bea started to laugh, prompting Justin to say, “You think this is funny? How do you shit all the way up to your head anyway? That’s a special talent, Bumblebee.”

She giggled again, and we both couldn’t help cracking up right along with her despite the mini-disaster.

Once I calmed down, I said, “Okay. Here’s what we’re gonna do. Just stay holding her. I’m gonna get a plastic bag for her clothes and clean her as best I can with wipes. Then, we’ll take her to the tub.”

Justin continued to hold Bea while I cleaned her off. He was making me laugh while he spoke to her. “No wonder why you’re smiling. I bet you feel real good now, don’t you, Bumblebee? I’m gonna call the Guinness Book of World Records tomorrow and report the biggest dump ever on record.”

Even though I knew she couldn’t really understand what he was saying, she responded to him as if she could. It didn’t matter what he was saying, she just thought he was the most amusing thing in the world.

I ended up just throwing her clothing in the downstairs trash while Justin stayed upstairs holding her out in the same position.

We took her to the bathroom and plopped her in the tub, using the removable shower head to hose her down in an extra sudsy bath. She smelled like heaven once we were done. She was wrapped in a warm towel as Justin cradled her while I dried her feet.

He looked at me. “How did we go from what was going on in the other room to this?”

I kissed her toes. “Sort of the story of my life.”

“She’s wide awake now, you know.”

“Well, that just figures. I think I should go feed her,” I said.

“Yeah. I’d be surprised if there was anything left in her stomach after that.”

Justin followed me back to my room and lay his head on my shoulder while I nursed Bea. It was the first time I hadn’t bothered to cover myself in front of him. The three of us ended up falling asleep together in my bed.

Even though there was no sex that evening, it was still one of the most memorable nights of my life, not just because of all that happened, but because the next day, everything would change.


Justin was still sleeping while I made coffee in the kitchen. It was a typical lazy Sunday morning until a simple text turned my entire world upside down. I looked over at Justin’s phone, which was charging on the counter.

Olivia: Ok. Call me when you decide.


Immediately remembering that Olivia was his ex-girlfriend, the only long-term relationship he’d had besides Jade, my heart started to palpitate.

What did that mean? They’d been talking?

I hadn’t even thought twice about whether snooping was right or wrong; I had to know. Scrolling up, I read the two other messages above it.

Alessandra Torre's Books