Long Hard Ride (Rough Riders #1)(9)
“Jesus!” Trevor said and jumped back.
“Come on, Channing. I’m so f*cking close I can taste it,” Colby growled. “I want you to taste it, too. Trevor got his; now I want mine.”
With both hands free, Channing, curled the fingers of her right hand around the thick root and rolled his lightly furred balls with her left. Her mouth glided up until it reached the barrier of her fingers. On every downstroke she increased her suction, building a steady rhythm and she used her teeth on his sweet spot.
“Don’t stop. When I tell you, drop your hand and take my cock all the way in your mouth. Oh yeah, here it comes.”
His sac drew up; she unwrapped her hand and engulfed him completely, tightening her lips around the base of his shaft.
Colby growled, “That’s it. Milk it. Suck every goddamn drop.”
Breathing through her nose, she felt his cock twitching on her tongue as he emptied himself down the back of her throat. She swallowed the thick liquid as he kept coming and grinding harder into her mouth. Her eyes watered at the forceful grip he had on her hair, but his hold kept her gag reflex from kicking in. Finally, the pulsing stopped. She unlocked her jaw and released him slowly. And blew a stream of air over his shiny wet shaft.
Colby stumbled back.
Trevor laughed and steadied him. “Whoa, buddy, you okay?”
“Fuck no.”
Channing smirked and wiped the back of her hand across her smooth lips. “So, boys…did I pass the test?”
Chapter Three
Channing watched shamelessly as Colby tugged his jeans to his hips and tucked his spent cock back inside his boxers before he zipped up.
Trevor helped her off her knees and gently wiped the stickiness from her chest with a frayed kitchen towel. He slanted his mouth over hers and kissed her, not sweetly, but with fresh hunger and pure male heat.
She rubbed the inside of her thighs together to assuage the throbbing ache and Trevor retreated.
She sensed Colby closing in behind her. He lifted her hair and trailed his lips along the curve of her neck. “Shug, that was amazing. We’re definitely keepin’ you.”
“Definitely,” Trevor said.
“And you’ve been a good girl. A very good girl.” Colby’s palms skated down the front of Channing’s body, lingering to plump her breasts higher so Trevor could suckle the taut nipples. “Undo her pants, Trev,” Colby said gruffly.
Channing’s belly jumped with anticipation as Trevor complied, lowering the zipper and shimmying her skintight jeans down her hips.
The roughened tips of Trevor’s fingers followed the elastic band of her plain cotton panties. He seemed to want to dip his fingers into her aching sex, but he was waiting for something.
For a signal from Colby, apparently. It was obvious Colby was in charge.
Colby’s right hand trailed over her abdomen, straight through the short curls covering her mound. His middle finger separated the fold of her * lips and stroked her distended clit.
“Oh, God. Please. Don’t stop.”
“Ssh. We’ll take care of you. This go-around will be pretty quick since we gotta get on the road, but tonight I promise we’ll take our time with you. Spread your legs.” In between peppering the sensitive slope of her shoulder with moist kisses, he said to Trevor, “She likes it when you suck her nipples hard.”
Channing threaded the fingers of her left hand through Trevor’s hair and let her head fall back when Colby’s fingers penetrated her *. He thrust high, groaning in her ear when he found her absolutely dripping wet. Slow and easy he pumped in and out of her slick channel, sweeping his thumb side to side over her pouting clit. Trevor plucked her left nipple, pulling and twisting it as his mouth closed over the right one.
“Tell me what will make you come all over my hand, Channing,”
Colby urged against her throat. “I wanna smell that sweet cream.”
“Push your fingers in deeper. Faster on my clit. But, lightly. Yeah.
Like that. Oh, I’m so close. Yes. Yes. Right there.” Light and dark swirls of light exploded behind her lids as the orgasm burst between her thighs.
Colby murmured encouragement in her ear, his fingers continuing to plunge and Trevor’s rapid sucks on her nipple were synchronized to the blood pulsing in her clit.
She thrashed and squirmed but Colby and Trevor held her tight, keeping their attention entirely focused on bringing her every ounce of pleasure at their command. Shaking and spent, she slumped against Colby’s shoulder, breathing hard, dizzy, her body pliant with bone-deep satisfaction.
Trevor continued to lap at her pebbled nipples. Colby circled his fingers inside her, causing another set of tremors to trill through her internal muscles. “Look at me.”
She managed to force her eyes open.
Colby slipped his hand from her sex. As he lifted up his hand, coated with her juices, Trevor snagged Colby’s wrist and brought those glistening fingers to his lips, licking away every bit of her cream from his friend’s hand.
Channing almost came again.
“How does she taste?” Colby asked huskily.
Lorelei James's Books
- Where Shadows Meet
- Destiny Mine (Tormentor Mine #3)
- A Covert Affair (Deadly Ops #5)
- Save the Date
- Part-Time Lover (Part-Time Lover #1)
- My Plain Jane (The Lady Janies #2)
- Getting Schooled (Getting Some #1)
- Midnight Wolf (Shifters Unbound #11)
- Speakeasy (True North #5)
- The Good Luck Sister (Wildstone #1.5)