Like Gravity(14)

“Thanks,” I croaked, “That’s the look I was going for tonight.”

“I meant you look exhausted. And possibly wasted.”

I let my eyes close again, trying to shut him out. The tequila thrummed through my veins and I planted my palms flat against the brick to steady myself.

“Don’t pretend you know me,” I mumbled tiredly.

“Do you need a ride home? I’d guess Lexi isn’t leaving anytime soon.”

My eyes snapped open in surprise, fixing on his face. I’d come to expect *-Finn; I wasn’t quite sure what to do with an offer from chivalrous-Finn. I looked over at the van, now completely packed with band equipment.

“Where am I going to sit, the roof?” I asked acerbically. “Also, you’ve been drinking. I may be wasted, but I’m not stupid enough to climb into a car with you behind the wheel at the moment.”

“Relax, I’m not driving. It’s Scott’s van,” he said, indicating the bass player leaning against the driver’s side door. “Come on, let’s go tell Lexi you’re leaving.”

“I don’t even know you!”

“I’m not a serial killer, Brooklyn. Pinky promise,” he chuckled.

He walked over to Tyler and Lexi, who were sitting on the back bumper, intermittently kissing and staring deeply into each other’s eyes.

Ah, true lust, I thought sarcastically.

Finn laughed, looking back at me. Shit, did I say that out loud?

“Not one for PDA, huh?” he asked.

Not really one for affection, generally speaking, I thought, this time managing to keep my drunken ramblings contained.

I just shrugged and shouldered past him, making my way to Lexi.

“Lex,” I said, trying to pull her gaze from Tyler. “I want to leave. I’m exhausted.”

“Okay,” she murmured, not bothering to look up at me, “I’m going to go home with Ty.”

“Fine,” I snapped. “Whatever. You’re really campaigning for friend of the year, aren’t you Lex?” My voice dripped with sarcasm.

She finally looked away from Tyler, startled by my harsh tone.

“What the hell, Brooklyn. Don’t be a bitch to me just because you’re drunk and pissed off. Go home,” she said.

“Are you kidding me, Lexi? I’m the bitch in this scenario?”

I was livid. How could she even call herself my friend? She was abandoning me to go hook up with some random guy, after forcing me to come out against my will! I’d opened my mouth to really let her have it when a large hand slipped over my lips, effectively silencing me. Finn slowly dragged me around toward the front passenger seat, only removing his hand when I’d stopped trying to squirm out of his grasp and bite his fingers off.

“What the hell, Finn,” I snapped, glaring up at him. “Who do you think you are?”

“I’m the guy who just saved your drunk-ass from saying something you’d never be able to take back. She’s your best friend, Brooklyn,” he said, as if I needed a reminder. “Yeah, she’s being selfish tonight. But we all get selfish sometimes, so let it go. You have a ride home; you’re not stranded.”

“Fine,” I sighed, still pissed off but unwilling to fight with anyone else tonight. “I just want to go home.” I didn’t exactly feel comfortable going with him, but it was my only option thanks to Lexi’s abandonment.

“Then let’s get you there,” he said, climbing into the passenger seat. Scott was already situated at the wheel, tapping out a rhythm on the dashboard as he waited to leave.

“Come on,” Finn said, reaching down to grab my upper arms and pulling me up into the van with seemingly little effort. Before I could protest, I was firmly settled on his lap and we were rolling out of the alleyway. I glanced in the rearview mirror as we pulled away; Lexi and Tyler were walking toward a beat-up blue sedan, stopping to make-out every few steps.

I snorted at the sight, too drunk to worry about being ladylike, and heard Finn chuckle in response. I was perched on his knees, my back ramrod straight with tension. His hands moved to stroke the sensitive area on the inside of my elbows, and he gently pulled me back to lie against his chest.

“Relax,” he whispered in my ear, “I don’t bite – unless you’re into that kind of thing, that is.”

I elbowed him in the ribs, laughing softly despite myself. Reluctantly, I relaxed into him, letting my head fall back to rest on his shoulder blade. I had to admit, he was comfortable. And warm.

“How did you get to Styx tonight? It’s a pretty far walk from campus,” he noted.

“We took the bus,” I explained sleepily, my eyes closing as my muscles slowly unclenched, releasing a day’s worth of tension.

The tequila, my exhaustion, and his radiating warmth joined forces, dragging me under and lulling me to sleep.


“Hey, Brooklyn, wake up,” Finn’s voice whispered, startling me back into consciousness. “We’re at your house.”

Groggily, I lifted my head from the crook of his neck and looked out the passenger window. Sure enough, we were parked outside the yellowing Victorian.

Finn’s arms were wrapped around my torso, holding me to his chest. While asleep, I’d snuggled close to his warmth – which left me in an extremely embarrassing predicament now that I was awake.

Julie Johnson's Books