LOL: Laugh Out Loud (After Oscar, #2)(56)

My lungs felt devoid of air, my heartbeat a thundering cacophony in my ears. I swallowed, my throat suddenly dry. “I think love can be unpredictable and it’s not up to us to dictate its terms. If it happens fast, it happens fast. We just get to choose to embrace it or push it away.”

There was no way Scotty wasn’t listening; no way he hadn’t heard what I’d just said. I wondered if my words made him think of me.

They certainly made me think of him.

Polly broke the moment. “Was that pretty little speech from one of your movies?” she asked dryly.

I scowled. Polly never missed an opportunity to bring me down a notch and make sure my head never got too big, a common problem in our industry. “No, that’s a 100 percent original Roman Burke-ism. You’re welcome. Anyway, how did you leave things with Howard?”

Polly sighed. “He wants to come visit. I have an ultrasound in a couple of days and he… he wants to be there for it. Even if we don’t end up together, he wants to be there for the baby.”

I smiled. He sounded like a good guy, which gave me hope. “So you’re going to see him again soon?”

“No. I told him not to come.”

“Polly,” I groaned.

“I know, I know,” she said defensively. “I’m just…”

She couldn’t seem to find the right word, so I said it for her. “Scared.”

“Yeah.” Her voice was soft, resigned.

I let one of Scotty’s blond curls twist around my fingers as an ache spread through my chest. “I know how you feel.”

Polly laughed. “The day Roman Burke is scared of anything…”

I didn’t let her deflect. “Give him a chance, Polly.”

There was another sigh and a beat of silence before she grumbled, “I’ll think about it. That’s the best you’re going to get.”

Just as we were getting ready to say our goodbyes, Lolo came careening back into the room, his slippers literally slipping on the hardwood floor. Whatever it was, it looked like it was going to require all of my focus.

“Crap. Polly, I gotta go,” I said quickly, disconnecting the call.

Lolo pressed a hand to his chest, sucking in several exaggerated breaths before dramatically proclaiming, “Call the police!”

I straightened, my heart pounding. “What is it?”

Scotty bolted upright. “Is it Larry? Is he okay?”

Lolo’s brow crinkled. “Larry? No. Who cares about him? It’s our car. It’s been stolen.”

Scotty slumped back against the seat. “Oh sweet Jesus. Seriously?”

“Hand to god,” Lolo said, flashing three fingers in the Boy Scout salute. Or was it the Vulcan salute? I always got them confused.

I groaned, rolling my eyes. “Fucking A—how many cars is Marigold’s boyfriend going to steal?”

Lolo placed a hand on his hip and cocked it to the side. “Shit. Is Marigold dating again? Well, that explains that.” He swiveled and called over his shoulder. “Larry, honey. Looks like we’ll be staying the night. I hope you brought in the essentials when we arrived. So help me if you forgot the lube, you’re going to be feeling it—”

He glanced our way and winked. “Not that Oscar doesn’t have some stashed in almost every room, but I like to keep Larry on his toes. Makes him eager to please if you know what I mean.” Then he pressed a hand against his chest and slid it down his body, including his genitals. “Plus, I have sensitive skin. Particularly in the area of my—”

“Yep, got it,” Scotty said, cutting him off.

Just then Larry came storming into the room. He went straight for Lolo, his hands clasped in front of him and his eyes beseeching. “Snookie, I’m sorry, sweetheart. Will you forgive Big Papa?”

Lolo crossed his arms over his chest and looked down his nose at Larry. “Is that any way to apologize to your Dilly Bar?”

I choked. Scotty’s voice rang out in the small room, making me jump. “No! No my god, no! No. Spartacus, make it stop.”

I stepped forward. “Before we go too far down this path, perhaps we should discuss accommodations?”

They swiveled toward me. Lolo lifted a perfectly arched eyebrow. “What’s there to discuss?”

“Well, I mean, there are hotels and—”

Lolo waved a hand. “Oh you’re sweet to consider our comfort, but we won’t be put out at all staying here.”

I glanced at Scotty. He opened his mouth. Closed it. Opened it again. And closed it. We both seemed at a total loss for words.

“We’re fucked, aren’t we?” I murmured to him.

“Looks like it,” he agreed.

“If only we could send them to the spa.” I sighed and started toward the door. “Come on, let’s find a spare room.”

Lolo trailed long elegant fingers across my shoulder to keep me from leaving. “No need, love. I know my way around.”

“I thought you said you didn’t spend the night!” Larry squawked, chasing after him.

“Oh Snuffles, I was lying. Of course I spent the night.” He crooked a finger toward the toad. “Come along, then.”



Lucy Lennox & Molly's Books