Jasper Vale (The Edens #4)(90)
My emotions were volleying between happy and scared like a ping-pong ball, so instead of dealing with my fears, I was here, harassing Lyla instead.
“You’ve worked one hundred days in a row,” I told her. “Yes, I counted. You haven’t taken a day off since that Sunday in April when you went to Missoula to get your hair cut.”
She scoffed. “I’ve taken other days off since then.”
I arched an eyebrow. “Oh, really? When?”
She thought about it for a moment, then huffed. “What are you, the work police? Who are you to talk, anyway? You’re always at the hotel. Go away. I’m busy.”
“Nope.” I planted my hands on my hips. “One afternoon. That’s all I’m asking for. You leave here for one afternoon and do something non work related.”
I gave her a sad smile. “Because I’m worried about you. I don’t want you to burn yourself out.”
“I won’t.”
“But you might.” I clasped my hands together. “Please? Just take the rest of the day off so I can stop worrying.”
“I can’t just leave, Eloise.”
“Why not?” I waved to Crystal, Lyla’s barista, as she came out of the kitchen carrying a fresh tray of scones. “Crystal is here. Jasper and I will hang out and help close.”
Now that the summer rush was behind us, Wednesdays were slow in downtown Quincy. If there was ever a day for Lyla to cut out early, it was now.
“Go home,” I said. “Relax.”
“I can’t go home,” Lyla said. “If I do, I’ll think of everything that needs to get done and I’ll come right back.”
Not all that long ago, when I’d lived in my rental a couple blocks away, I’d been the same way with the hotel. It had taken Jasper to solve that problem. Every night, I looked forward to going home. And while there were always things on my mind, it was easier to ignore them, to save them for the next day. Another in the endless string of perks that came with a sexy husband who kept my mind occupied.
“You could go to a movie,” I suggested.
“I don’t feel like popcorn. Last time I was there I ate too much and it gave me a stomachache.”
“Then don’t get popcorn.”
“Then what’s the fun in going to a movie?”
The movie. I rolled my eyes. “You’re exhausting. Go for a hike then. You love hiking, and I know you hardly went this summer. It’s a beautiful day. Get some fresh air. Disconnect. Do anything. Just leave this building until tomorrow morning.”
“Why?” she whined. “I like it here. Let me stay. I’ll make you something yummy. Chocolate croissants?”
“Tempting. But no.” I shook my head. “This job is becoming your personality.”
She scrunched up her nose. “Harsh.”
“You came into the hotel on Monday and asked if you could get me anything else. In my building. You serve and wait on people every day. Just . . . for one afternoon, do something for you.”
Lyla groaned. “You’re not going to leave me alone until I agree, are you?”
“Fine. I’ll go for a hike or whatever.”
“Yay. Thank you.” I clasped my hands in front of me to keep from clapping. “Maybe you’ll meet your dream guy while you’re out hiking.”
“I’m starting to think my dream guy doesn’t exist.” She untied her apron. “You’ll call me if something goes wrong.”
“There’s plenty of food in the kitchen, but if for any reason cooking is required—”
I held up my hand. “I promise not to go anywhere near an oven. That’s why I brought Jasper. Or I’ll ask Crystal.”
She glanced around, almost like she expected the coffee shop’s walls to rescue her. Until she must have realized that, just maybe, I was right. “All right. You win. I’ll go. Happy now?”
“Yep.” I waited until she disappeared to the kitchen before I fist pumped.
“Thank you,” Crystal mouthed, checking over her shoulder to make sure Lyla was gone. Then she leaned in closer. “You guys don’t need to stick around. I’m just fine on my own.”
“Oh, we don’t mind.” I shrugged. If it would make Lyla feel better that we were here to help close and clean up for the day, we’d stay. “But we might wander around for a while if you don’t mind.”
“Fine by me.”
It had been months since I’d walked aimlessly up and down Quincy’s sidewalks. Not since before the summer rush.
So I waited to shoo Lyla out the back door, lingering on the threshold to make sure she actually got in her car and drove away. Then I found Jasper at his table. “Feel like taking a walk?”
“Sure.” He stood and took my hand, leading me out of the coffee shop.
Like I’d told Lyla, it was a beautiful day. The air was beginning to cool. The leaves were just barely tinted with yellow. Fall was never a long season in Montana. Maybe that was why I liked it so much. You had to appreciate it while it lasted.
“You okay?” Jasper asked as we settled into an easy stroll.
“I don’t know. We’re having a baby. Are you?”