Jasper Vale (The Edens #4)(78)

He strode into the lobby, dressed like he’d come from the gym. His black shorts accentuated the strength in his thighs and displayed the definition in his calves. That white T-shirt stretched across his broad chest and hugged his roped arms.

A body refined to perfection. A body honed from time spent throwing punches and kicks.

Jasper’s hair was trapped beneath a faded baseball hat. Combined with that clench of his jaw, it gave him a menacing, intimidating edge.

Any normal kid probably would have cowered with Jasper stalking his way, stopping behind the nearest couch, arms crossed.

Not Blaze. Though his glare withered, just enough.

“Blaze,” I snapped. “Goodbye.”

His lip curled. “Bitch.”

“Watch it,” Jasper rumbled. “That’s my wife.”

For a fraction of a second, I let myself believe that statement. I let it lighten the weight on my shoulders.

That’s my wife.

Then the sadness came whirling in like a winter storm, coating everything with ice. The heaviness in my bones returned.

No, I wasn’t his wife. Not the way it mattered.

That sting in my nose threatened tears I couldn’t cry, not yet. I’d save them for later, after I ushered this kid out of my hotel.

“This is public property,” Blaze sneered. “I can be here.”

“Correction,” I said. “We’re open to the public, but make no mistake, this is my building. And I get to say who stays and who goes. Consider yourself no longer welcome.”

“Fuck you, lady.”

I pointed to the door. “Now you’ve got a tagline for your next pair of jeans.”

He glanced back and forth between Jasper and me for a long moment. Then finally, Blaze huffed and stormed for the door, ripping it open as he walked outside. He lifted a hand, flipping us off as he crossed the front windows. Then he rounded the corner and disappeared.

“Well, that went great.” The air rushed from my lungs. “He’s going to egg my hotel, isn’t he? Do kids even egg buildings anymore? Or do they go straight for the spray paint?”

I was joking. Sort of. Right now, with Jasper staring at me, I needed to make a joke, even if neither of us laughed.

Jasper planted his hands on his hips. “What did I say about meeting with that kid alone?”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “I know.”

“Hey.” Mateo’s hand landed on my shoulder. When had he walked over? “You okay?”

“I need to talk to Taylor and call her mother. And then call Mom and tell her to talk to Lydia.” Though I doubted Blaze’s mother had much control over that boy.

I pulled my phone from my pocket. Taylor had replied okay. “Would you make sure he’s really gone?” I asked Mateo.

He nodded. “You did good.”

“Thanks.” My eyes flooded. Pride from my brother shouldn’t have been the tipping point, but it was all too much. There were no empty spaces to absorb it. No extra strength to carry it.

Mateo squeezed my shoulder, then walked outside, following Blaze’s path past the windows.

Closing my eyes, I dragged in a calming breath. It didn’t help. Not even a little.

The heat from Jasper’s body, his warmth, hit me at the same time as his scent. Then his knuckles grazed my cheek. “You okay?”

“Great,” I lied, opening my eyes.

It was the look on his face that broke me. The concern. The fear.

The tears spilled over my cheeks.

“You’re not okay.”

More tears welled, so fast he became a blur. “It’s jet lag.”


“Don’t.” A sob broke free. “Don’t say my name like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like I’m your wife.” My voice cracked with my heart. Too much. It was just too much.

The tides of battle had turned, and I was about to get slaughtered by my own goddamn emotions.

So I buried my face in my hands to muffle the cries, to catch the tears, as the breakdown I’d been fighting for two days finally won its war.

“Hey.” Jasper hauled me against his chest, his arms wrapping me tight.

There wasn’t enough strength in my heart to push him away, so I burrowed deep, soaking his shirt with my tears and letting the words in my heart flow free.

“I know this is the end. I just didn’t expect it to feel like this. And I don’t want to end it fighting.”

I didn’t want it to end. Period.

“It’s not the end.”

I wanted this so badly, I could have sworn he’d said it wasn’t the end. My imagination was just plain mean some days and it only made me cry harder.

“Eloise, look at me.” Jasper unwrapped his arms, taking my face in his hands. He gave me a moment to get myself together and listen. “I got the divorce papers.”

Ouch. Damn it, this hurt. “I didn’t realize your attorney was sending them.”

“Not mine, angel. Yours.”

“Oh.” Guess that item was off my to-do list.

“I threw them in the trash.”

My brain was too fogged to keep up. “Wait. You did? Because there was something wrong with them or—”

“It’s not the end.”

Devney Perry's Books