Jasper Vale (The Edens #4)(69)

“No, El. You’re perfect.” I shifted to dig out one of the key cards from my pocket. “We have a room at this hotel. No bathroom run-ins necessary.”

“Oh, yeah. Duh.” She giggled, then with a quick peck on the cheek, slid off my lap. “Be right back.”

Eloise stuck close to the edge of the room, passing the archways on her way to the doors. Her dress swished as her hips swayed.

A man checked out her ass as she passed. I clenched my jaw, about to stand and head upstairs with her, when someone touched my shoulder.

I didn’t need to turn to sense Samantha at my back.

Her hand lingered on my jacket, long enough to make my skin crawl, so I stood, keeping the chair between us.

“Hi, Sam.”


“Congratulations. This is a beautiful wedding.”

“Yes, it is.” She glanced to Eloise’s empty seat. “Where’s your wife? I was hoping to meet her tonight.”

I chuckled. Oh, yeah. There would have definitely been a bathroom run-in.

“What’s funny?” Sam asked.

“Nothing.” I waved it off.

“She’s very . . . beautiful.”

“She is. Inside and out,” I said. “Eloise just ran upstairs for something. She’ll be back.”

Sam’s gaze narrowed as she studied my face. “You look . . . different.”

“Happy,” I corrected.

There were only a few times when I could remember shocking Samantha. The most notable was when I’d told her I wanted a divorce. She’d been totally unprepared for me to take issue with us fucking other people.

But tonight, she looked arguably as surprised.

Maybe because she’d never made me this happy and was realizing how much our relationship had lacked. Well, that was her problem. With any luck, tonight would be the last time I saw Samantha.

“I’m going to go check on Eloise. Enjoy your celebration.”

Before she could say another word, I turned, following the same path Eloise had taken out of the ballroom.

My shoes clicked on the marble as I hustled to the elevator, stepping in with another gentleman on his way to the third floor. Then I strode down the carpeted hallway, pulling the other key from my pocket, glad I’d snagged both on the way out tonight.

Eloise was in the bathroom smoothing her hair, and when I appeared in the mirror, she gasped, slapping a hand to her heart. “You scared me. Warn a girl.”

“Sorry.” I closed the distance between us, spinning her from the mirror to haul her into my arms. Then I slammed my mouth onto hers.

She moaned as I slid my tongue inside, stealing that sweet taste. Then she put her hands on my chest, gently pulling away. “You’re going to ruin my makeup.”

“Can’t have that.” I picked her up at the waist, setting her on the counter.

The travel-sized plastic bottles of toiletries she’d lined up beside the sink scattered, two rolling to the floor as my hand skated up that sexy as fuck slit in her dress, pushing the fabric aside.

“Jas.” Her breath hitched as I stroked along the gusset of her lace panties.

“Shimmy out of these,” I ordered, tugging at the fabric.

She shifted from side to side as I pulled the panties down. Then she pulled the skirt of her gown away, until she was bared to me, her ass perched on the edge of the counter as she spread wide.

My cock throbbed, aching behind the zipper of my slacks. I freed myself, fisted the shaft and dragged the tip through her entrance, spreading that first pearl drop through her slit.

Eloise hummed, her head lolling to the side. Her legs spread wider as her hands came to my shoulders.

I hooked a hand under her knee, holding it high, stretching that toned leg until I felt resistance. Then I slid into her tight sheath with a single thrust.

“Yes,” she hissed. “I missed you.”

She’d had me three times last night and once this morning. But sex since we’d come here had held an edge. Her nerves. Mine.

They were gone now. All that was left was us.

I rocked us together, slowly, keeping that leg pinned, her knee pressed up toward her chest.

“Oh God.” She whimpered when I drove to the hilt.

“So fucking deep.” I looked down to where we were connected, a surge of lust spiking as her body stretched around mine. “Look at us, angel.”

Eloise dropped her gaze, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. Then she met my gaze, her cheeks flushed.

Did she see how perfect we were together? Did she realize that it didn’t matter if I wore a ring? If she had my last name?

Eloise Eden was mine.

And I was hers.

Until the end.

Her makeup was flawless. But since she looked as beautiful with it as she did without, I crushed my lips to hers, my tongue delving inside as I moved. Faster and faster I pistoned my hips. When her thigh muscles trembled, I eased her leg down, letting it dangle off the counter like the other.

Then I gripped her by the hips, holding her tight, as the sound of our sex echoed off the bathroom walls.

Eloise tore her mouth away, panting for breath. Her hands fumbled with the hem of my tux shirt, hauling it up high enough so she could drag her palms up my abs. Then she slid her hands around my back, dipping them lower until she had my ass in her grip.

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