It's Better This Way(68)

“Yes, and as hard as it is to admit, Laura did it for all the right reasons. She wants me to help her find a way for Eddie to reconcile with the girls.” Seeing how badly her ex-husband had botched every attempt, it was going to take some creative thinking on their part.

Amanda rolled her eyes. “And how’s that working for you?”

Julia wasn’t sure how best to answer. “We’ve discussed a few ideas.” They were making headway and taking it one step at a time.

“Oh, do tell.”

“When did you become such a skeptic?” Julia teased. “Laura and I are joining forces to work toward a solution. Our goal is to have everything resolved before the wedding. We’re never going to pal around together or be the best of friends. But I’ve learned we don’t have to be enemies, either.”

“Good luck with that, big sister. Eddie can’t seem to keep his foot out of his mouth. How can you be sure anything the two of you do is going to help matters? The wedding is less than two months away.”

Amanda knew Julia’s ex-husband’s last attempt to resolve matters with Hillary had caused far more damage than anything he’d done in the last six years since the divorce.

“I know it’s going to be tricky to pull this off.” Julia knew better than anyone how difficult this would be, and on such a short time schedule.

    “That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one.”

“I know.”

Amanda reached for her coffee and leaned back in her chair. “Does Heath know you’re meeting with his ex?”

This was the negative aspect of her newfound relationship with Laura. “No, not yet.”

Amanda arched her delicately shaped brows halfway to her hairline. “Do you think it’s wise to keep him in the dark?”

Julia shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess time will tell.” This was the one drawback that she could see. Once Eddie and Heath learned what the two women were planning, it could blow up in their faces. Laura was as aware of this as Julia was; still, neither was willing to give up.

“I suggest you tell him, and the sooner, the better,” Amanda advised. “Keeping it a secret is risking more than you should. Besides, did you ever consider that Heath might have a few insights of his own?”

Julia hadn’t. Sipping her coffee, she mulled over her sister’s words. “You’re right, he needs to know.”

* * *

The opportunity came sooner than she expected. Sooner than she was prepared for. They were sitting in the Busy Bean, enjoying a scone and coffee, following their morning workout.

“I stopped by the other day and you were out.”

“Which day?” She well knew which one, and hedged for time to decide how best to drop this bomb in his lap.

    He told her. “I thought you decided to step back from work.”

Her hand cradled the disposable coffee cup a bit harder than necessary, causing the top to spring free. She reached for it and replaced the lid, all while avoiding eye contact. “I wasn’t at the office.”

He studied her, and his gaze slowly narrowed. “Can you tell me why you look incredibly guilty? Julia?” He looked away and stiffened, his features tightening with doubt. “You’re making me nervous…”

She covered his hand with hers, needing to reassure him. Naturally, her meeting another man would be his first thought. It would be hers, in light of how their spouses had betrayed them with an affair. “I have my faults, Heath. However, I would never cheat on you. That is one promise I can categorically make.”

He instantly relaxed. “Then why did you look like a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar? Something’s up, and apparently, whatever it is, you’d rather I not know.”

“True enough,” she admitted. “Amanda suggested it would be better if I told you, and I agree.”

“Well, then perhaps you should.”

Shifting uneasily in the chair, she drew in a deep breath. “I’ve been in contact with Laura.”

His eyes widened with surprise. “My ex-wife?”

She nodded.

“Why? Hasn’t she brought enough pain into your life?”

She found it heartwarming that he immediately mentioned her loss and not his own. It was almost verbatim what Amanda had asked.

“I’ll admit the first couple times we talked it was uncomfortable, but it’s gotten easier.”

    “You mean to say you’ve been meeting on a regular basis. What the hell for?”

He wasn’t taking to this the way she’d hoped.

“Laura’s concerned about Eddie and his relationship with the girls.”

“Eddie,” he repeated, as if even the name of her ex put a bad taste in his mouth. “He made his own bed and he can lie in it. You’ve done enough for him, far more than he deserves.”

She didn’t disagree. “True enough. He’s put me in the middle, and I’ve repeatedly told him I wasn’t comfortable standing between him and our daughters.”

“Then why are you doing this?”

“It’s not for him, Heath, it’s for Hillary and Marie. As angry and upset as they are with their father, they continue to love him and need him. Can you imagine how difficult it would be for you if Michael and Adam wanted nothing more to do with you because of me? Can you imagine how miserable that would make you? It’s a step in the right direction and might lead to a time when your sons are comfortable with me.”

Debbie Macomber's Books