It's Better This Way(21)

Julia’s arms circled his middle, and she stood on her tiptoes as her mouth eagerly met his. Heath wasn’t sure what he’d expected, but it wasn’t the shot of electricity that zipped through him like a spike of lightning. He deepened the kiss, and Julia opened to him like a rose in summer.

He didn’t know how long they remained in the small entry with their arms around each other, kissing like love-starved teenagers. Eager now, their kisses were long enough to steal his breath away.

Julia was the one who broke it off, leaning her forehead against his chest. She didn’t say anything, and Heath was afraid if he spoke it would spoil the moment.

“Thank you,” she whispered after several seconds.

He grinned. He should be the one thanking her.

“It’s been a long time since anyone has kissed me like that. Or made me feel beautiful and wanted.”

“Oh Julia, how could anyone not see your beauty?”

She closed her eyes and smiled.

“Remember, I’m cooking dinner tomorrow night.”

“A man with culinary skills. Not turning that down.”

“Good. I’d be disappointed if you did.”

“I can help. We can prepare it together.”

Heath would enjoy nothing better. “Sounds good. I better go.” He said it more for himself than for Julia. If he stayed any longer, he’d end up kissing her again. Stopping was hard enough as it was.

    She opened the door and then remained in the doorway as he backed out, wanting to hold on to the image of her as long as possible.

“Good night, Julia.”

“Good night.”

Heath returned to his condo and found he couldn’t keep still. He walked from his home office to the kitchen and then back again. All he could think about was Julia. Her unique taste remained with him and he wanted more. Needed more.

After ten minutes of mindless arguing with himself, he left his condo and rode the elevator down to Julia’s floor. This was crazy. He was acting like a besotted high-schooler. He didn’t care.

After ringing the doorbell, he stepped back and waited.

Julia answered and surprise showed in her eyes. Surprise was followed by a smile as she literally fell into his arms with a small cry of welcome.

Heath kissed her again and again, unable to get his fill of her. Unable to stop.

Pulling away from him, Julia’s hands framed his face as she smiled up at him.

For the longest moment all they did was stare at each other.

“About dinner,” Heath said.


“It’s most definitely a date.”

Julia smiled and nodded, and then he kissed her again.

Chapter 8

“Hey, Mom,” Carrie shouted as she arrived, bursting through the front door of their home.

“Carrie.” Her mother stuck her head out from the kitchen. “This is a surprise.”

From her mother’s look, it wasn’t a pleasant one. “Something wrong?” Carrie asked. It felt like she’d interrupted something. Her mother looked guilty, as though Carrie had walked in on her parents running through the house naked.

Her mother shook her head. “Everything is fine at The Heritage, right? You didn’t lose your job, did you?”

“Mom, what would make you think that? I’m enjoying my job.” If she lost her position after only two weeks, it would be something of a record. Besides, she had come to love the variety of each day. It’d been fun getting to know the residents and their particular quirks and personalities. Every day was different, with fresh experiences.

    She’d gotten to know Kennedy, who was about her age, and had a soft spot for Eric, who rarely showed his face, although she’d taken to delivering his dinner every night. At first he seemed eager to get rid of her, which she found both amusing and challenging. Now, though, she was beginning to make a dent in the wall he’d built around himself, and a few times they’d engaged in brief conversations. From what she’d seen of his condo, she could tell Eric was a tech geek. Computers and monitors took up every bit of available space. She wasn’t sure what he did exactly, although she could guess. Even from their short conversations, she was learning more about him every day. He was different from any guy she knew, and the more time she spent with him, the more intrigued she became.

Carrie’s dad came out of his den and wore the same anxious look. “Carrie, what are you doing here?” he asked, breaking into her thoughts about Eric.

It hit her then. Her parents were afraid she was going to move back home. It was almost comical. For half a minute, she was tempted to toy with them, and then decided that would be childish.

“Stop fretting, you two. I’m collecting my bike. Justin and I are going to ride around Green Lake.”

“Oh thank goodness.” Her mother heaved a relieved sigh.

Carrie started up the staircase, taking the steps two at a time. “I need to get my helmet,” she said, rushing down the hallway toward her bedroom. She opened the door and was dumbfounded by what she saw.

    “Carrie…” Her mother shouted from the bottom of the stairwell. “I moved your things.”

Carrie could barely believe her eyes. Her entire bedroom had been dismantled. Gone were her bed, dresser, nightstand, and desk. Her room had been transformed.

Debbie Macomber's Books