I Want You Back (Want You #1)(95)

Jax finally had to pull my hair to get my attention.

I buried my face in his neck and closed my eyes, letting my silence say everything I couldn’t.

Eventually I moved to sit beside him.

“Tell me about your week so far.”

He clasped my hand in his. “I’ve worked out with Nolan every morning. Dealt with remodel issues, which there always seem to be a fuck-ton of. Had a meeting with Chris about some swampland he wants me to buy.”


“No. It’s partially designated a wetlands area that might as well be a swamp for all the good it’d do me to own something I can’t develop. I spent last night reading up on skill drills and making a practice graph so the kids didn’t have another wasted hour on the ice.”

“How did it go tonight?”

“Great. The kids were attentive and excited, and I hadn’t seen that response in any of them with Coach D. I wish Mimi would’ve been there.”

I squeezed his hand. “Next week. And I have to hand it to you, you did an amazing job talking it out with her tonight. I’m relieved that you got her to admit why she was upset. And if I thought she’d react that way to you becoming an official team coach, I wouldn’t have suggested a parent take over the position.”

“If it wasn’t you, it would’ve been someone else. I had an open discussion with the parents tonight, before I knew how much it bothered Mimi, that my coaching was a temporary fix. Gabi is next in line for the position and to run that program. I’d never step in front of her.” He sighed. “And to be honest, I don’t want the commitment. The only reason I’m there is for Mimi. If she decides hockey isn’t for her, I don’t want to be stuck coaching other kids for an entire season.”

“I’m happy to hear that too.”

“Along those lines, tomorrow afternoon we’re meeting with Agnes Lindholm, Lakeside’s owner, about getting Gabi reinstated as coach.”

“Who’s we?”

“Me and Gabi.”

That didn’t sound right. “Why Gabi? Why not Margene?”

“Because Agnes loves that former Olympian Gabi is a Lakeside coach. Quite a feather in her cap, according to Margene. We’re hoping when she hears what an unbelievable asshole Dennis has been to Gabi . . . Jesus, you should hear some of the shit he’s said to her. I couldn’t believe it when she told me.”

How much time had he been spending with Coach Welk that he’d become her confidant?

“Plus, get this,” he continued. “Dennis refused to give Gabi time off to go to the Olympics! The Olympics that her sister is playing in. What a tool. Gabi was worried she’d have to quit Lakeside, and I can’t imagine that Agnes would let that happen. Anyway, I have no idea how long it’ll take because Agnes defines eccentric, and yeah, I realize that’s coming from a Lund, so I won’t be able to get Meems from school tomorrow.”

“That’s all right. I can get her. But if you’re planning on her staying in your new digs Friday night, can she be with you all day Saturday and spend Saturday night too?”

“Sure. What’s going on with you?”

“It’s getting close to Lennox’s due date, and we’re spending Saturday dividing up her responsibilities. Annika is not happy about it, because Axl is home over a weekend without a game scheduled. But we’re so busy during the week that we haven’t had time to do this and Lennox is freaking out.”

“Are you telling me that Lennox is forcing you all to work Saturday? Even her boss?”

I laughed. “Yep. That’s Lennox. She wants to make sure no one fucks up anything while she’s on maternity leave, especially the boss.”

“Maybe I should bring Lennox along when we talk to Agnes.”

“Or maybe you should just bring Agnes flowers. That’ll soften her up.”

His brow furrowed and he said, “Flowers?” as if he’d never heard of them.

“All women love to get flowers.”

Jax nudged my chin until I met his gaze. “I’ve never given you flowers, Luce. Not once.”

What was I supposed to say to that?

“I could’ve given you so much and I gave you nothing.”

“Jax. I never wanted things from you. I only wanted your time.”

He closed his eyes. “I couldn’t even give you that.”

I kissed him. “No dwelling on or brooding about what can’t be changed.”

Then he gave me a huge-ass grin.


He picked up the friendship bracelet. “This counts as jewelry, right?”

“Only in the loosest definition of the term.”

“But I can give you this.” He tried to hold my wrist in place so he could tie it on and I resisted. “Will you wear this friendship bracelet that I handcrafted for you?”

“Uh. No.”

“Then I’ll just have to give you something that you will wear, won’t I?” He kissed my surprised mouth. “Challenge accepted. Now gimme another kiss to hold me until I see you again.”

“You’re not staying over?”

He shook his head and returned to kissing me.

I didn’t push him for a reason. He had so many irons in the fire that he probably needed a night to himself.

Lorelei James's Books