I Want You Back (Want You #1)(58)

This is just another secret you’ve been keeping from her, and she’ll be pissed off about it. And maybe freaked out because it is sort of fucking creepy that you bought—


Her sharp intonation brought me out of my merry-go-round of thoughts. “Sorry.”

“What were you thinking about just now?”

“Wondering if I had my building keys so I could take you inside if you changed your mind.” Christ. Lying came so easy to me.

“A drive-by is fine. So chop-chop, Lund. Get a move on.”

I laughed. “You’ve been waiting all damn day for the chance to say that to me, haven’t you?”


We didn’t talk during the drive, which cranked up my nervousness.

When we turned the corner, Lucy’s back snapped straight. I inched past the first building on the block and parallel parked in front of the second building.

Lucy didn’t look at me when she said, “You’re joking.”

“Not even a little.”

“But this is . . .”

“Mine. My building. My business.”

“It’s the same sign.”

“I didn’t change the name either.”

She stared out the window for the longest time before she spoke again. “Who knows about this place?”

“In my family? Everyone. But no one, not even my business partner Simone, knows the real reason I bought it.”

“Why did you buy it?”

“Because I could.”

“Don’t be flip. Not now.”

I sighed. “You’re really gonna make me say it, Lucy?”

“You’re goddamned right I am, Lund,” she snapped.

“Because this was our secret spot. It was the first place we were together and the last place I remember being happy before everything went to hell in my life. I thought it might be a talisman. If I owned it then maybe I could own my life again. Maybe I could find my way back to a happier place.” Maybe I could find my way back to you.

I paused to breathe. “Fucked-up logic, but true. I thought I could buy happiness.”

The wait for her to say something was excruciating.

Without meeting my gaze, she said, “I need some air,” and bolted out of the car.



After I scrambled out of Jax’s car I felt ridiculous for saying I “needed some air” like a Victorian maiden with a case of the vapors.

But I had to take a moment to think.

I continued down the sidewalk at a decent clip. As I bypassed a couple, I offered a friendly smile that must’ve looked as fake and as panicked as it felt.

Just ignore the woman racing down the sidewalk, with no idea where she’s going except away from her ex, who just informed her that he’d bought the bar they’d once considered theirs. That’s not unusual at all. Neither is the fact the man also bought the apartment building she lives in and is taking the entire top floor. Totally normal, right?

God. Didn’t Jax see that this situation was more than a little fucked up? I had a right to freak out.

Except did he freak out when he discovered you’d applied to work in his family’s business?

Whoa. That thought almost brought me to a dead stop. I hadn’t even considered how Jax might’ve reacted when I took the job at LI. What would be the mature reaction in this scenario? Believe Jax’s claim that he’d bought the bar to remind himself of the good times with me?

True, we’d had lots of good times in Borderlands when we were a couple. Drinking. Dancing. Laughing. Mooning around in our own little world where no one recognized him. I hadn’t understood his need for privacy until I learned who he was.

Stopping, I glanced up at the Borderlands sign. The big reveal had happened right here in this bar, a decade ago. But that night was still as vivid in my mind as if it’d happened last night . . .

* * *

? ? ?

And we meet again . . .” I smirked and sang, “at a place where no-body knows your na-a-ame . . . Including your date.”

He smiled. “I’ll spare your ears and not sing the next verse from your modified rendition of the Cheers theme song.” He clasped my hand in his and said, “We’re back here.”

After we sat down, I looked around the dive bar. Didn’t seem like his kind of joint. “Do you come here often?”

“First time.”

“I feel overdressed.”

“You shouldn’t.” He leaned over and kissed the corner of my mouth. “You look fucktacular.”


“Uh-huh.” His mouth migrated to my ear. “The definition of that word requires a physical demonstration, which I’d be happy to show you.”

I shivered. The heat from his body, his breath, his words . . . the man wreaked sexy havoc, and I couldn’t wait until he unleashed himself on me fully.


“I’m getting ahead of myself, aren’t I?” He retreated and smiled down at me. “Feel like drinking something other than beer tonight?”

I feel like drinking you down until I’m drowning in you. Until you’re seeping into my pores and filling me back up again. And again.

Lorelei James's Books