I Owe You One(40)

There’s silence as Seb digests my words.

“You’re a good advocate,” he says at last. “Have you ever thought of going into law?”

“I can’t spell,” I say honestly, and Seb throws back his head in laughter.

“Well, you’ve sold me. Do I get to meet … Ryan, is it?”

“He’s waiting round the corner,” I say eagerly. “He’s got his CV with him. I’ll text him to come here, shall I?”

I send the text and there’s a slightly awkward silence. Seb says, “I’ll make some more coffee,” and gets up from his desk.

He’s gone for a while and I can hear him talking in a distant room. I don’t try to catch what he’s saying and I clamp my hands by my sides before I can straighten any more precious vases.

I’m feeling a touch jittery about Seb and Ryan meeting. I hope Ryan is open with Seb. I hope he doesn’t get defensive and try to show off in that way he does sometimes. I hope he shows the real, thoughtful Ryan. The bruised, humble Ryan who’s learned some tough lessons and wants to start again, however much work it takes. The Ryan I know.

As Seb comes back in, I jump. “He should be here any minute,” I say.

“Great.” Seb smiles, but it’s not with the warmth he had before, and there’s another awkward beat.

I’m desperately longing for Ryan to appear—and when at last he steps in through the door, my heart catches. With his blond hair and tan he looks like a movie star, and he greets Seb with a dazzling smile, lifting his hand for a high-five. When Seb doesn’t respond but extends his hand for a traditional, businesslike handshake, Ryan doesn’t flicker. He simply shakes Seb’s hand as though that’s what he meant to do all along.

“So you’re the mystery man,” he greets Seb, in that charming way he has.

“I might say the same of you,” replies Seb pleasantly. I can see he’s determined to be positive, and I feel a wave of gratitude toward him. He could have chucked me out, but here he is, giving Ryan a chance. “Fixie tells me you’re interested in our junior research role.”

“Oh, this is all down to Fixie.” Ryan laughs. “She saved your company or whatever, so I guess you owe her some serious payback.”

I wince inside and hastily chime in, “I never said that!”

“Well, I’d be glad to have a chat,” says Seb. “You’ve been working in Hollywood, I understand?”

“Hollywood.” Ryan winces. “Have you ever been there? Don’t. It’s full of two-faced, double-crossing snakes. This time a month ago I was sitting in the Chateau Marmont—you know the Chateau Marmont?”

“I don’t, I’m afraid,” says Seb politely.

I can’t help cringing. I wish Ryan wouldn’t name-drop. I mean, I understand it—he’s defensive and he can’t help compensating. But he doesn’t need to. I glance at Seb, hoping he’ll understand that Ryan’s just insecure.

“Well, it all fell into place,” says Ryan. “I understood my life, just like that.” He snaps his fingers. “I was in the wrong city, wrong country, wrong career. I had two options. Grind my way on … or cut my losses.” He spreads his arms and addresses Seb directly. “So here I am and I need to start again. Whatever it takes.”

“I see.” Seb seems to be taking this in. “And you really think ethical investment is the right area for you?”

There’s silence. Ryan’s blue eyes are flickering to Seb and to me and around the office as though he’s weighing up what to say.

“Look,” he says finally. “I don’t know. I don’t know all the answers. I thought film producing was for me. I was wrong. All I can say is, if you can give me a chance, if you can help me back on that ladder … then I’ll pay you back, I’ll work my ass off, and I’ll appreciate it forever.”

He sounds so passionate, so humble, that I want to cheer. This is the Ryan I love—the honest, heartfelt Ryan who’s had some knocks but won’t give up.

Sebastian’s face has softened during Ryan’s speech. Now he looks as though he has real sympathy for him.

“Knock-backs happen to everyone,” he says. “And I should imagine Hollywood isn’t the most straightforward place. Good for you, for wanting to start again. I mean, there’ll be a lot for you to learn.…”

“I’m happy to learn,” says Ryan emphatically. “I want to learn. And you know what? Maybe some of what I picked up in the film world can help you too.”

Seb is silent a moment, eyeing Ryan up and down. Then he seems to come to a decision. “I’m going to bring in my head of research, Alison, if you don’t mind,” he says. “I’m sure she’d love to meet you.”

“I’ll be going, then,” I say hastily. “You need to talk properly about … everything. Have a great chat. And thank you,” I add to Seb. “Thank you so much.” On impulse, I pick up the coffee-cup sleeve from where it’s still lying on the desk. I grab a pen and write Paid, followed by the date. “More than,” I say, as I give it to him. “More than paid.”

“Well, thank you.” Seb’s eyes crinkle as he reads it. “I appreciate it.”

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