I Flipping Love You (Shacking Up #3)(90)

He gives me a tight smile and a quick wave as he puts the car in reverse and backs out of the driveway like his ass is on fire. What the heck was that all about?

I don’t have time to fixate—much—because the open house on the Paulson home begins in less than an hour, and I still need to put the cookies in the oven.

The showing ends up being the best we’ve had this summer. An endless stream of potential buyers tour the property, keeping us busy the entire time. Despite the influx of interested parties, I still notice that Pierce doesn’t return prior to the end of the open house like he said he would. Disappointment settles under my skin and irritates like an unscratchable itch. He’s been such a big part of helping make this happen. I would’ve thought he’d want to be here to see it sell. And it does sell. By the time it’s over, we have four offers, all well over asking.

Marley’s phone rings while we’re reviewing offers at the kitchen table. I’m still irked that I’ve yet to hear from Pierce and the open house has been over for half an hour already.

“Who is it?” I ask absently, still punching numbers into my calculator. Our profit on this one is going to be incredible, the money we’ll make on the flip far outweighing any commission we could’ve made. I ran the figures out of curiosity, and we still can’t afford the Mission Mansion, beyond the down payment.

“Oh? But I thought the open house wasn’t until tomorrow?”

I glance up from the calculator, taking in Marley’s stiff posture. The unsettled feeling that’s been plaguing me all day hit again, making my palms sweaty.

“Do you know who bought it? Right. Of course. Okay. Well, thanks for letting me know. Congratulations on the sale.”

She ends the call and sets the phone on the table, eyes slow to meet mine. I don’t say anything, waiting for her to say what I already know.

“The Mission Mansion sold to a private buyer.”

I knew this was coming, but I didn’t think it would be until tomorrow. As prepared as I thought I was, it still causes an ache to bloom in my chest. I clear my throat. “Did she say what it went for?”

“A hundred thousand over asking.” Her eyes are soft, assessing my reaction.

“That would’ve been a great commission.” Tears prick my eyes and I fight to keep them from falling.

“Are you okay?” Marley gives my hand a squeeze.

“Rationally, I know it’s better this way. We couldn’t have afforded to manage the property, but it still hurts to know it’s gone already.”

“I get it. I know how much you loved that place.” She comes around to hug me. “Why don’t we deal with the offers in the morning?”

“Okay.” I help Marley gather up the papers, straightening them into a neat pile and returning the promotional materials to the folder.

“Are you okay on your own for a bit? I kind of feel like going for a walk.” I push up from the table, sadder than I thought I’d be.

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“I think I need a little time alone.”

“Sure. Of course.”

“I won’t be gone long, then we can have dinner or something to celebrate.”

I leave her at the kitchen table with the paperwork and head down the beach. Marley has never had the same connection to the Mansion I do. While she would’ve taken on that venture with me, it would’ve been because I wanted it and she loves me enough to make that sacrifice.

Even from a distance I can make out the bold red letters of the SOLD sign. I stop about fifty yards from the Mansion and stare up at one of the best parts of my past; a place full of love and happiness and good memories. I let the tears fall for the family I lost all those years ago, and take comfort in the fact that all those things still exist inside my heart.




You know those days when you’re in a rush to get something done, but the whole world seems like it’s against you? I’m having that day. I’m finally on my way back to the beach, but Rian’s open house is long over. I’m disappointed that I’ve missed the whole thing, but I’m hoping my absence will be forgiven shortly.

I pull into the driveway, grab the flowers from the passenger seat and head for the front door.

I find Marley sitting at the kitchen table reviewing paperwork. She doesn’t look up. “Rian went for a walk about twenty minutes ago.”

“Is she okay?”

“She will be.”

“Is she upset that I missed the open house?”

“She’ll get over it.” She gives me a small knowing smile and nods to the flowers clutched in my fist. She pushes up from the table. “Pretty sure we both know where she is, so you should go find her.”

I head for the sliding door and step out into the warm summer air. I’m still wearing a suit and dress shoes, which quickly fill with sand as I make my way down the beach toward the Mansion and the lone figure staring up at it.

Rian’s dress flaps lightly against her legs, hair fluttering in the breeze, arms wrapped around her as if she’s hugging herself. I come up behind her and slip an arm around her waist, holding the bouquet of flowers in front of her. “Congratulations on the sale.”

Helena Hunting's Books