I Flipping Love You (Shacking Up #3)(39)

He stops short as his gaze lands on Marley and then moves farther to the right, to me.

His tongue sweeps out to wet his bottom lip. If I thought Lawson’s perusal was blatant, it’s got nothing on Pierce’s. I feel as if I’m being undressed when his gaze moves over me.

His delectable mouth curves up at the corners, one side tipping higher. “This is a surprise.”

“Yes. It is that.” I nod slowly in agreement, uncertain as to whether or not his is as authentic as mine.

“So you two know each other?” Lawson is bouncing on his toes, still smiling.

“We sure do.” Pierce’s grin widens.

When will the embarrassment end with this man?




Normally I don’t buy into the idea of fate or kismet, or any of that other bullshit. But even I can recognize how unreal this continued running into each other has become. Inside of a few weeks, I’ve gone from a couple of chance meetings to these highly unlikely collisions.

Rian looks like a deer caught in headlights. A very beautiful, somewhat angry deer, with wide, panicked eyes. She’s wearing a very conservative, ultrafeminine dress that’s probably meant to make her blend into the background. She’s highly unsuccessful. Especially in contrast with her sister’s overly loud, extra beachy outfit. The absence of color puts the focus on her face. Her sandy brown hair falls in loose waves around her shoulders, curling at the ends. I had my hands in that hair last night. It’s soft, and it smelled like the ocean and some citrusy, fresh shampoo.

She takes a halting step away from me, and her hand flutters up to her throat. The same throat my lips were on, the one my palm was curved around. Her tongue darts out, wetting her bottom lip on a quick exhale.

It’s obvious she wants to bolt, and I suppose I can understand why. Our rather unconventional introduction seems to be pushing far outside the realm of anything considered normal.

“I’m so confused,” Rian says. “What’s happening right now? Is this some kind of prank?” She looks to her sister. “Are you responsible for this?”

Marley shakes her head. “I’m as stunned as you are.”

Rian rubs her temples. “So let me get this straight. You two are brothers and you own this place together?”

“No, this is my place, but Pierce is crashing here for the summer,” Lawson replies with a smile. “However, we co-own the property we’ve taken off the market.”

“What about the place we’re currently staying, sixty-nine? Do you both own that too?” Marley asks.


“May I please use your bathroom?” The color has drained from Rian’s face, which concerns me.

I point down the hall. “There’s a powder room around the corner.”

“Thanks.” Rian grabs Marley by the wrist and hauls her away.

They both disappear inside and the door slams shut, followed by the low whir of the ceiling fan.

“So that’s your hot fuck from last night, huh?”

I’d like to slap the grin off Lawson’s face. “Keep your voice down, asshole.”

“Calm your tits. They’re not listening to us.” He motions to the closed bathroom door, which does little to muffle the high-pitched, yet hushed tones coming from the other side. “This is a very interesting turn of events.”

“It sure is.”

“Marley’s the one who hit your car, right?”


Lawson strokes his beard. “You know, we could make this work to our advantage.”

“Whatever you’re scheming, you can stop now.”

He splays his hands on the counter. “Just hear me out. We could get them to lower their commission on the other property, and if you’re sleeping with the twin, I bet we’ll get great insider information. You rock starred that shit last night, right? Or wait, did you pull a fuck and chuck? Is that why she’s freaking out? Did you bail in the middle of the night or something?”

“I didn’t pull a fuck and chuck.” I don’t tell him that she was the one who kicked me out.

“Huh, well, she seems pretty sketched out about you being here. Why’s that?”

I shrug. “I don’t know her well enough to answer that question.”

“I’m gonna go try and listen through the wall.” He moves around the island, toward the bedroom connected to the bathroom.

I follow along behind him. There’s no way I’m letting him eavesdrop, so I knock on the bathroom door. “Everything okay in there?”

Lawson gives me his what-the-fuck look to which I arch a brow. The door swings open and Marley steps out of the bathroom. Rian’s hand shoots out and she grabs me by my tie, pulling me into the small space. She throws the lock, leans against the door, and crosses her arms over her chest.

The panic is gone. In its place is wary mistrust. “You need to explain this.”

“Okay.” I lean against the vanity and mirror her pose. “What exactly would you like me to explain?”

“Did you know?”

“Know what?” I’m antagonizing her. I know exactly what she’s asking me: Did I know she was connected to our property, and that she was supposed to sell our flip?

Helena Hunting's Books