I Flipping Love You (Shacking Up #3)(22)

“Well, I guess this settles it then. I’m going to go put my stuff in a bedroom, and you two can let this sexual tension fester some more.” Marley turns around and struts back into the beach house, leaving me alone with Rian.

She’s right about the tension. It’s starting to make my boxers tight.

“You have to admit, it’s interesting the way we keep running into each other lately.”

Rian adjusts her shirt, which has slipped off her shoulder, and fiddles with the end of her hair. “And every single one of those interactions has been embarrassing for me.”

“I would say entertaining rather than embarrassing. Now, why don’t we start fresh, and this time I’ll try not to come off as a complete asshole, and we can pretend I haven’t asked you out and you haven’t said no half a dozen times, or accused me of trying to blackmail you into having sex with me.” I grin as I hold out my hand. “I’m Pierce.”

Rian bites her bottom lip, fighting her own smile. She slips her palm into mine. It’s warm and soft, but her grip is firm. “Hi, I’m Rian with an i instead of a y.”

“Hi, Rian with an i, why don’t I take you on a tour of the house?”

She chuckles and ducks her head. Her hand is still clasped in mine. Maybe my sister is right—maybe I’m not alone in my appreciation of this woman and her sassy, give-no-fucks attitude. I already know she likes what she sees, the mow her lawn comment is proof of that.

I open the door and motion her inside. “When do you expect Gel and Lauren to arrive?”

“They might not be here until tomorrow. Their dog ate something he shouldn’t have; they’re waiting for the aftermath to pass before they put him in a car.”

“Oh no, that’s no good. Will Noodles be okay?” One of the prime features of this rental is that it’s pet friendly.

She glances over her shoulder, looking a little surprised. “I think so. It’s not the first time he’s done it. It’s just unfortunate it happened right before their vacation.”

“I’d hate for them to miss the weekend, especially with the weather being what it is.” I give her a tour of the kitchen, showing her where to find everything.

“The finishes in here are gorgeous. Who did all the work?”

“I did a lot of it myself.”

Rian runs her fingertips across the countertop. “Wow. That’s … impressive.”

“I’m a handy asshole.” I give her another wink, which causes her to flush again.

“Sorry about that,” she mutters.

I lean in, getting into her personal space until she takes a cautious step back. “I’m just having fun with you. You’re wound up pretty tight, aren’t you?” Stepping around her, I motion for her to follow me. “Come on, I’ll show you where the bedrooms are.”

Her sister has commandeered the master suite, which I’m sure will only last until their friends arrive.

I open the door to the second bedroom. “You’ll probably want dibs on this.”

Her arm brushes mine as she steps inside. The room is spacious and light. The pale walls and white furniture are meant to echo the light, beachy feel of the house. “Who decorated this?” She runs her hand over the comforter and looks at the ceiling. Pushing up on the balls of her feet, she stretches to touch a crystal dangling from the chandelier. “The details are incredible.”

I shove my hands in my pockets, reveling a little at the compliment. “I did, with the help of Amalie.”

“Your sister.” Her finger trails along the footboard of the bed. “She seems like fun.”

“She used to get herself into all kinds of trouble when she was a teenager.”

“Really? But she looks so sweet.”

“That’s how she managed to get away with so much.” I follow Rian through the room. “There’s a private bath through here.”

She presses her palm against my shoulder, peeking in behind me to take a look. I tense at the unexpected contact and the shot of warmth that follows.

“Sorry.” She takes a quick step back, hitting her elbow on the edge of the dresser. “Ow!” She sucks in a breath, rubbing the spot.

“Are you always this jumpy?”

And she’s immediately on the defensive, again. “No. Sometimes. Not always. Just around people.”

“All people?”

“No, just cocky, self-assured, shirtless ones.”

I chuckle and head for the door. “Why don’t I show you how to work the hot tub and the barbeque, and then I’ll leave you to it?”

“Oh. Yeah. That’d be great.”

The barbeque is pretty straightforward, as is the hot tub. Rian gets a kick out of the rules posted on the privacy deck. “Who would eat in a hot tub?”

“You’d be surprised.” I pull the cover back over. “You wouldn’t believe the things I’ve found in there.”

“Do I want to know?”

“Probably not. Just because I post rules, it doesn’t mean people follow them. I’ve found a lot more than leftover chicken wings in there.”

Rian makes a face. “Like condoms?”

“Among other things.”

She makes a gagging sound. “Maybe I’ll skip the hot tub while I’m here.”

Helena Hunting's Books